JimCon, Lexington, KY's biggest tourney is tomorrow and Sunday and promises to be, I think, one of the biggest we have had. The following list won a small tournament last weekend and a free ticket into JimCon, please comment (yes I know I still have only 3 Terradon's, and only 3 Kroxigor's, but its what I have, and at the moment, I cannot afford to buy more, especially since GW took the independent sellers off Ebay (no, not happy with GW at ALL!!!) Anyway, been awhile since I posted, been a long summer, but everything in the list is painted, and as soon as I get new batteries for my camera I will try to get pics posted. Until then, I appreciated constructive critiques of the list, though I doubt any changes can be made at this point, any strategy hints with the list would be nice, and no, I did not forget about the Slann and Temple Guard's immunity to psychology when together this time.... Slann Dispel Scroll Cupped Hands Focused Rumination Focus of Mystery (I took Lore of Fire and it worked very well, even against Bretonnians) Skink Priest 2nd Lvl Dispel Scroll Cloak of Feathers Skink Chief Ancient Stegadon Stegadon War Spear Saurus Scar-Vet Cold One Burning Blade of Chotec Enchanted Shield (gives him a 0+ armor Save) 14 Temple Guard full Command Revered Guardian has Blade of the Hornet 18 Saurus Warriors Full Command 12 Skinks with Blowpipes and Brave 10 Ranked Skinks (I just used these off in the flanks to control table quarters, mainly kept them out of the main fight. If I do get them in the fight, it is only a 50 point loss, and perhaps they would be a good speed bump) 3 Kroxigors with Ancient (good for flanks) 5 Cold One Riders with Standard and Musician 3 Terradon Riders with Brave (these performed admirably all day long. In the small tournament last week, I played essentially three games and there were four people so we basically did a cutthroat round robin. My first game was against tomb kings and due to a poor set up on the tomb kings part I won in the first half of the first turn when I used a fiery blast and fried his Hyerophant to a crisp. The second game was against lizardmen, Slann vs. Slann, we nearly fought to a standstill, and I just barely eeked out a decisive victory by killing his priest on the Engine of the Gods, while my ancient Stegadon remained standing with Chief intact. My third and final game for the win was against Bretonnians. I lost the Saurus Warriors, the Krox and the Skinks, and eventually the Terradons (but not before they ran off his archers with some well aimed rockes) but essentially this was another game in which magic dominated. Enough str 4 hits and even Bretonnians fall. however, I had to run him out of his SIX dispel scrolls first, took me two and a half turns but I was then able to fry his 4th level Damsel on a Pegasus. So that's how I worked it so far, and I think it will do ok tomorrow, provided I remember my rules and do not play ultra stupidly. I am again taking the Lore of Fire as I fell in love with the Fiery Blast, though ya know, I only miscast one time all day in the small tourney, and out of that killed two skeleton Cavalry and put a wound on a tomb king wizard. That about wraps up this post, will let you all know how the weekend goes....til then... John in Kentucky (for those that forgot)
For what you have, and what little you need to change, the points couldn't go anywhere else. It seems pretty good, I personally would feel naked without one EoTG with my Slann, but the warspear+ancient is a tough combo. And I like more skink skirmishers, but with the terradons you might be ok. 5 chameleons wouldn't hurt, but you probably don't have the models. I guess your list is fine, it seems to suit your preference, it has alot of variety and such. If your tactically aware and play smart, it seems like it would do just fine. Good Luck.
Thanks, I did wait a bit late to post, since I had to turn in the list, and I remembered that after typing most of that post, and since I didn't want to change it, I just left it. I don't have any chameleons yet, and normally I run two units of skink skirmishers, and may eventually change it up some by removing the krox unit, putting a krox with the ranked skinks and putting in a second skirmishing unit, but truth be told I don't have much luck with skirmishers....I do much better with lots of ranked troops...... Thanks for the input, and I will try to remember to play smart, I tend to get in a hurry for some reason and rush into things, then remember later that I should have done this, or forgot that.... As long as I have fun, that's all that matters.
Looks like an agressive list, I'd consider dropping the Krox ancient and Terradon champion. At least, from my experience, those points could be better used elsewhere (perhaps an extra TG or more troops in another unit). Best of luck tomorrow.
looks hot man. ive seen alot of battles. and kroxigors are awsome flankers. another good flank unit that ive seen work exceptionally well are salamaders. thats my two cents. but krox are probably better
Ditto, champs aren't so good, even the ASF for the revered guardian seems a bit strange to me. Personally, I would consider taking the Amulet of Izl on the scar vet, I have found that item to be immensely helpful in staving off combat rez while providing nearly an extra hit point. It can also be used on cannons and stuff. I dunno if 2 dispel scrolls is enough for some of the harder lists, and I love having more trash skinks, but the list is balanced right now and you seem to do well.
Well, here is how the list did at JImCon 2009..... First off - on ALL five games I one the right to choose table sides, AND I got the +1 to go first, and went first every single game. I took the Lore of Fire with my Slann, and well, with one exception, it proved to be very valuable (game four I had like 3 miscasts, though none really hurt me too badly). Ok...here goes... Game 1 - I played another Lizardman who brought a Slann and an EoTG. His Temple Guard unit was bigger than mine as was his Saurus unit, no terradons, 4 Krox CoR.....and some Sallies. The Sallies I killed with Fire and Shooting, His EoTG got a lil too close to my Krox and got charged with the Krox in the front and the Terradons in the side.....then got overran when it tried to flee. (can I just say...I LOVE TERRADONS!!!! even just having three of them they proved to be the most incredible unit I had, MVP in several of my games. The dropping of the rocks killed something in every game, and in all but the last game practically wiped out whole units! The game ended with our TG units locked in mortal combat, his TG unit being all he had left, and it turned into a draw with me eking out a Pyrrhic victory with 140 more VPs than he had. I did have 13 tourney points to his 11 though. Game 2 saw my first bout with a Chaos Warriors List......the game was an incredibly fun guy to play a game with, but.......I trashed him. Everything in my army worked perfectly just as it was supposed to, and there were no major mistakes (17 tourney points to his 6) Game 3 saw my first defeat to a Wood Elf Dryad army from hell.....now, that being said...it was the most beautiful pumpkin themed army I had ever seen, the guy put TONS fo work into it. And I got full marks on Sportsmanship because after my turn six, and after he had started his turn six, I realized that my Saurus unit, still at full strength was within six of his treeman and holding the 300 VP objective....but, I had forgotten to take a terror check, so...being the good sport I am I of course said, "let me take that." Well what do you know I rolled 2 SIXES and FOUR!!!!!! 546 point swing giving him the victory with 17 tourney points to my 6. Game 4 Saw my second match up with a Chaos Warrior army, and this one would have been a clear cut victory had my stupid stegadon remained unbroken after the combat in his part of turn 5, and then had NOT failed to rally in my turn six....380 points to my opponent....giving him the win.......again I got 6 my opponent 17 in tourney points. Game 5 was perhaps my best game, but I could tell I was playing probably the most inexperienced player at JimCon....and once again it was Chaos Warriors, I simply could not get away from them. However, I wiped out all but one unit of warriors (mainly because they rallied on the last turn..... His biggest mistake was putting his big bad general on the Juggernaut in a unit of 5 Marauder horseman, then placing them directly in the path of an angry Stegadon with the Chief and Steg Warspear....was able to line my charge so I only hit the horseman, broken them, and by turn three was running the general off the table. The Cold One riders ran off his wizards unit of warriors, basically because in this game, we both just charged forward, and it was the fast game I played, six turns in about 45 minutes of sheer combat. even got the point where I could no longer really cast because every thing he had was in melee. The last game was also the game where the Terradons, while still performing admirably, only killed ONE marauder horseman, where as before they killed 3-4 in a five man unit. So, 2 wins, 2 losses and a draw is perfectly acceptable for 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11th game playing the Lizardmen in a tourney that had a good 48 players, most of whom ride the tourney circuit in the States year round and are all very exceptional players. Myself being a local guy, this is really the only major tourney I play in, so i considered it a success. Plus I had LOADS of fun, which is really ALL that matters. OH, and yes as soon as I get the fourth terradon I am getting rid of the brave in the terradon unit and the Krox Ancient to have four terradons, LOVE THEM! John