I got a small collection of styrafoam squares from packaging in work it was a job collecting them from the floor as I went about my day ^.^ but they will make nice stones for some structures I think
Here is another natural leaf that looked good for inspiration for colour schemes: I should have taken a better picture but I was walking for a bus at the time
Following my painting at the golden serpent competition I'd like to ask is it worth spraying my silver and grey models white? or should I get a different colour? my next break off I'm gonna gather them all up in one big spray day
I only have a grey and white primer at the moment but I want to get all my grey and metal models covered so at least they're all on the same page for my practice painting and so I can make greater strides with my army - the issue is some I buy prepainted will either have to go in their own units or i'll have to replicate colour schemes to get them working well
Nothing wrong with buying pre painted and then replicating the scheme, I do it all the time. All I do is add a colour that ties all the units together and lizardmen/seraphon are great for that.
I've decided when I get round to it I'm going to practice painting on the skink bowmen as they are the simplest sort of looking models and most of the ones I get prepainted are a mix of colours but it works effectively.
Not much to report at the moment really - my mum found a toy dragon for my nephew's birthday in a charity shop but since it was my birthday recently and I showed interest in it she offered it to me as a present before he had a chance to see it I felt and do feel guilty but it's pretty bad ass so is going to be a future project Edit: I should mention I'm not as harsh as all that I have got him a marble chess set for his birthday so I'm not all heartless he's super into chess at the moment from what I gather from the relatives Then I've been playing around with a stegadon like helmet thing that came in a model kit with my previously seen raptor model and it makes for a tribal looking improvement on the head - The reservations I have are how it looks from other angles other than head on and above - in other words the sides look crummy i'll need to convert some straps for the neck or something if its going to look anywhere near decent. It has a monkey rider that came with the model I'm toying with converting it to a skink for the horned one champion proxy for them because he has the right kinda set up for sitting in the saddle . All thoughts are welcome as always.
Wordy update for now ^.^ - I just got in the post a big auction I won of 100's of models so I haven't had time to take pictures yet took me a good while to get them all out and examine them. All I can say Is I pretty much doubled my army size in one sweep ...because yolo to my wallet. Also I have no space to put them, I'm gonna be moving some trinkets from my cupboard to make room I think, at least until I can but a tall display case for them all .
You should probably get this guy: http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/...day-tribute-santa-frog-and-tadpole-timmy.html
Wish I could say I made this but I'm lucky enough to say I have acquired this unique bit of kit - It's made of surprisingly simple materials but has a stunning effect. Behold....
It's a lot of fun - my fiancee said she wanted to make scenery like it with me and shes creative so it should insipre us to make some things
Is that a war turtle??!!! More pictures from a few different angles please! Very curious how it must have been made.