7th Ed. 3k list would like feedback

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Tenno, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. Tenno

    Tenno New Member

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    i am new 2 lizardmen and wanted to go pretty much the opposite of my last army (a magic heavy skaven army with 2 grey seers :p)

    oldblood on carnosaur with great weapon
    shield of the mirrored pool
    firefly frog
    carnosaur pendent
    glyph necklace

    skink chief
    ancient steg
    war spear

    skink priest steg eotg (mostly 2 stop my opponents nasty spells)
    lvl 2
    diadem of power

    scar vet battle standard

    saurus warriors x20 full command
    saurus warriors x20 full command

    cold one cav x10 full command
    huanchis blessed totem
    cold one cav x 6 full command
    temple guard x 20 full command
    totem of prophecy

    i have some ideas for strats i guess all i would really like is some fine tuning
  2. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    A few things I noticed right away,

    Make sure your priest on EoTG is level 2, this effectively makes him a level 3 for generating PD and Dispel Dice. I don't know how much magic you normally face, but what your running right now will only get you 6 dispel dice (with diadem). I feel like wardrums of xahutec on the engine would be better and a dispel scroll, and another priest lvl 2 with cloak of feathers and diadem would give a better kick, you'd have up to 7 Dispel Dice, a dispel scroll for that game changing spell you can't let go off, and a flying skink for marchblocking and protecting himself.

    Your scar-vet BSB can't take the skavenpelt banner its for skinks only, and is really not a great banner. In fact most LM banners aren't game changing, I perfer a blank standard and some magic items, like Burning Blade of Chotec, and maiming shield, or sword of striking and maiming shield.

    I would drop one saurus unit to 18 strong, and loose the champ. Make the other saurus unit 17, and put in the BSB, keep full command. Make sure your saurus have spears!

    Your cold one riders units should never be greater then 6 and they don't need champs, only banner and musician, but they don't need it, you could run em naked. Make sure one has the Warbanner if your going to do banners. Also I'd drop the second unit of 6 cold ones, but thats just because I dislike cold ones.

    Temple guard aren't that great without the slann, I'd drop them completely since your list has no slann.

    Things you need are a unit or two of 4 terradons, a salamander, a unit of 4 kroxigors, etc etc. Most importantly you need skinks!!! At LEAST 4 units of 10 skirmishers, they work wonders! More wouldn't hurt either, 4-6 units of 10 skirmishers and 2-4 units of 10 naked cohorts is plenty of redirecting and marchblocking. You should have the points to get them and some of the other special choices.

    Also seeing as you have 3 terror causers, some people might call your list cheesy, but since only one is an EoTG you might be good. I think its a hard list, and I haven't used a carnosaur yet, but I hope it works out for ya.

    Good Luck.
  3. Tenno

    Tenno New Member

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    whoops yeah the skink prist is ment to be lvl 2 and prob should have made sure to read the banner properly,
    im not sure the cheez thing will not be a problem coz 1 i dont care im skaven its my turn to make every one run :p and 2 every one i play against is woc demons or vc/tk, it might sound like a lame reason but i avaoided skinks coz im trying to get away from the weak little coward units, i went saurus without spears coz there main job is just to hold while the cav the oldblood and the stegs do most of the killing

    ps im aware of how uber powerful slann are but i just cant justify any magic that isent skaven i know its a lil bias but how can u play anything else after 2 d6 s5 hits XD
  4. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    Well, those are the things you need to do to make your list better, of course that's only one opinion, some people might say otherwise, but the things they will all say is;

    Spears on saurus (you can always use HW+Shield after gettin spears anyway) It's worth it so rank em 6x3 and get 12 str 5 on the charge, and 24 str 4 in remaining combats.

    and skinks are important. more important then saurus, ex: all skink armies are pretty good. Sure they need more special and rares, and probably 2-3 stegadons to pull it all together, but its much more effective then all saurus. Too slow, and too easy to pick apart.

    Skinks are weak, are only semi-cowardly (cold-blooded makes LD 6 roll like LD 8) but they are very good and very important. Skinks are one of our best units, because 50% of winning is in the movement phase. They are only weak in close combat as well, their shooting can be very potent. Lets just take a look at skinks for a moment,

    Being movement 6 and skirmishers, you have great marchblocking. If your using 10 naked cohorts, they are cheap and great at redirecting a charge, or screening. Those two alone greatly effect a game. Blowpipe shooting from skirmishers is great harassment, the poison and multiple shots gets you some pretty good killing power, knocking off enemy rank bonus, and simply weakening them as you marchblock. Now your saurus are safe(er) from hammer units, and long charge ranges because the skinks are protecting the saurus. The enemy will have trouble getting his units around with all the marchblocking, potentially keeping a dangerous unit away from your saurus until they finish up a combat, and can turn to face the threat.

    Skinks are needed, and very useful.
  5. Tenno

    Tenno New Member

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    ty for the advice ill definatly think on the skinks even tho i dont like em
  6. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    Well, here's my 2 cents (the other coloured text)

    Oh and, you do sound bias, but i'll tell you how to turn back; when you know a whole lore, and get 1 extra PD (completey free,) can become immune to everythin BUT magic attacks (oh and with cupped hands you can pass off a miscast.) That's how you turn away from Skaven magic.
  7. lustria2009

    lustria2009 New Member

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    Just a few thoughts...

    Carnosaur Pendant is redundant w/ carnosaur as the mount already has the frenzy rule and the rider will get the same ability as the mount ( pg79 BRB).

    I see the combo you're after w/ the great weapon and poison, but Str 6 isn't that much better than strenght 5. Plus if you took the Burning Blade, you'd end up with a -4 to AS rather than just -3 with Str 6. Remember a great weapon mounted is only plus one Str, not plus two. Also, the maiming shield won't help with the extra attack if you choose to use great weapon (requires two hands). By Oldblood on Carny has: Light armour, enchanted shield (total 1+AS against ranged and 0+ in CC), glyph necklace, Burning Blade and Bane Head. I have thought about dropping bane head and enchanted shield for the extra attack maiming shield grants.

    Drop Temple Gaurd, too expensive for what they do without the Slann. They are built to protect the Slann.

    No need for the Champs in the Saurus Blocks. One extra attack isn't worth the points. I'd rather spend them on spears. You lose the extra AS for hand weapon and shield, but you gain 10 to 12 more Str 4 attacks depending on the size of your front rank.

    I like the CHief w, War Spear! 2D6 Str 6 impact hits that count as magical! Good Stuff. Plus 3 WS4 Str 6 attacks from the Chief on the charge. Also counts as magical! Good unit.

    I like the Lvl 2 on EoTG w/ scroll and Diadem of Power. I run the same in my 3K Hard Boy list.

    1 unit of 8 Cold One Riders should be sufficent. I like to run them with music and banner with war banner, or the sun standard if you will be playing a shooty army. (I play Wood Elves alot). The champion is really dependant on wether or not you've got a Scar Vet in the unit or not...
    I love my COR, but one is enough.

    Your list as it stands is illegal. Remember, you need at least 4 core selections with a 3K army list.

    Terradons! Hiding in trees and drop rocks are great attributes, They are a bit squishy, but the march blocking and fienged flight rules are great. Plus if you are close enough to march block you are close enough to throw your javelins, which do not suffer the move and fire, or long range penalties because they are thrown weapons.

    Salamanders are worth thier weight in gold when they're not eating skinks, and Kroxies are a tough and nasty bunch of lizards.

    For magic defense i would for sure add a Lvl1 Scroll caddy w/ two dispel scrolls.

    My favorite application for my units of skink skirmishers is to screen my carny until it's time to eat something. The carny is not a large target!

    I only run two units of 10 blowpipes, and besides screening my carny, the onther unit hangs out in th erear and shoots the beans out of anything that trys to drop behind and march block. Skinks will eat up march blocking eagles, harpies, even terradons.

    Hope this helps to get you thinking, not trying to tell you what to do. Then you'd be playing my list not yours! I have gotten some useful tips on this site and hope you do too! Good luck!
  8. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    His Oldblood doesn't have the maiming shield.
    As for your statement about you carnie riding oldblood, he doesn't gain the parry bonus while mounted, meaning he has a 1+ save in CC.
  9. Tenno

    Tenno New Member

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    omg i cant believe i missed some of that especially the 4 core lol i feel like such a noob ><
    so anyway i read a lil more and thought about all your suggestions (ty 2 all who posted) and came up with this

    oldblood on carnosaur
    mirrored pool shield
    glyph necklace
    bane head
    burning blade of chotec (specially for my friend who plays TK XD)

    skink chief
    ancient steg
    steg war spear

    skink priest lvl 2
    ancient steg eotg
    diadem of power

    scar vet
    battle standard

    saurus warriors x18 musician and standard spears 6x3
    saurus warriors x18 musician and standard spears 6x3
    skink skirmishers x10 javlins shield
    skink skirmishers x10 javlins shield

    cold one cav x10 musician, standard
    huanchis blessed totem
    cold one cav x6
    temple guard x20 musician standard
    totem of prophecy

    ps a friend of mine who playes woc was complaining about his warriors being on the slightly bigger bases he dident really tell me y it was suposedly a bad thing, just wonding if any one could shed some light on his qq
  10. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    temple guard really aren't of any use unless you have a slann in them. You're paying 16 points for light armour (and halberd option, but always use hw+shield) over identical 11 point saurus without light armour. With a slann they get the incredible stubborn bonus, as well as being a far better pointsink and tarpit
  11. SlannOfItza

    SlannOfItza New Member

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    I feel like your list is coming together nicely, but a few more things really "need" to be done to make this list optimal. And they've actually already been mentioned, and explained decently so far, but I'll just make a note on them anyway, again.

    Drop the cold ones from a unit of 10, to a unit of 6... and I'd drop the other 4 cold ones, and use the points on Chameleon skinks, a Salamander, Unit of Terradons, Etc etc. Something else thats gunna help you out, you never really need more then two units of 6 cold ones, and thats only if you really like cavalry.

    And Drop the temple guard, without a slann your wasting them, spend those points on other things. Extra Skinks, Salamander, Kroxigors, Extra Saurus, whatever. Having alot of variety of these useful "extras" will bring balance and versatility to your list.

    Almost every Lizardmen unit is awesome, field everything you can, and read up on tactica for all of em. Having units of everything, and having the tools to deal with a plethora of problems will give you a serious edge. And having 2-3 blocks of saurus as a hard center to hold ground gives you staying power. While everything else will annoy/whittle down/disable the enemies army.
  12. KroxigorsFTW

    KroxigorsFTW New Member

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    With the above post in mind, get 3 Razordons (no more no less) with extra handlers. They'll guard a flank and scare off cahrges, even though, the stand and shoot can be horrid, they will scare teh enemy away (because they don't know 1 missfire means that the whole Razordon stop shooting, and are scard of loosing a huge portion of a unit.) But seriously, they rule.

    This next bit is just personal preferance, i'd only take skinks with blowpipes, if you want Jav+shield, go for RnF skinks. Also, a unit or Kroxigor'd fit nicely in here i think.

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