Help Starting a New Army! Looking to Buy!

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Xlanax_lot, Oct 11, 2016.

  1. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    Hi Everyone!

    After much consideration I have decided to use my GS prices to start a new army! Although it was a hard choice between armies, I am really excited about starting a SKAVEN army and I was hopping I cold find someone in here willing to give me a good deal on some models.

    Here are the models I am looking for:

    1. Island of Blood Skaven Sprues ( or any of its contents)
    2. Skaven Deathrunner
    3. Deathmaster Snitkch
    4. Queek Headtaker
    5. Grey Seer
    6. Stormfiends
    7. Thanquol and Boneriper (if you have only the Thanquol model/bits I will also be interested)
    8. Arch-Warlock
    9. Clan rats
    10. Verminlord
    11. Storm Vermin
    12. Weapon teams (the ones from island of blood or a warp-grinder)

    If you or anyone you know wants to sell any of this at a good price please let me know, also If you want, I am willing to trade the two 50 pound GW Vouchers For some minis. For those of you that don't know I am located in the USA.

    thank you all in advance!
  2. Papalugy

    Papalugy Well-Known Member

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    I have some 6th ed clanrats and storm vermin if that'll work for you. I also have stuff that wasn't on your list like Rat Ogres and Plague monks. Is a voucher the something as a gift card?

    P.S. I don't know if you care but almost all of them would be unpainted and number (of clanrats and monks) still in their sprues.
  3. neveroddoreven
    Temple Guard

    neveroddoreven Well-Known Member

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    I have Boneripper (without Thanquol) on the sprues I'm trying to get rid of. Would make a good proxy for a Hell Pit Abomination or just excellent conversion fodder. I might have something else hanging around somewhere, but I can't recall what it is.
  4. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    Hi @Papalugy and @neveroddoreven thank you very much for answering, after much searching the web I ended up buying the sprues for the Skaven in IOB so now I have a couple of models in my collection.

    I still need the following though:

    2. Skaven Deathrunner
    3. Deathmaster Snitkch
    4. Queek Headtaker
    5. Grey Seer
    6. Stormfiends
    7. Thanquol and Boneriper (if you have only the Thanquol model/bits I will also be interested)
    8. Arch-Warlock
    10. Verminlord
    11. Storm Vermin

    Thanks for the offer man but I am not too keen on Nurgle Models so plague monks are not really my cup of tea, and regarding the storm-vermin, I am not sure what the 6th edition models look like . I am mostly looking for more of the "newer stuff" but if you can attach some pictures of them here and I like the models I might be interested.

    I am not sure if it is a gift card or a Voucher honestly, is the Price from the GS competition.

    Thanks man! but the model I am really looking for is Thanquol (the grey seer only) since I really like that model, if you have anything on the list you can send me some pictures to see if we can work something out!
  5. Papalugy

    Papalugy Well-Known Member

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    As it turns out I don't have any photo's of my skaven and I'm fairly sure that uploading pics from the 6th ed Skaven codex would violate some forum rules (or just anger GW) and I couldn't find any storm vermin via google search. But they are the ones that look like they're in plate mail holding their halberds at about a sixty degree angle. Just so you know the plague priests are resin so doubt it would be to hard to file off their sores and fill in the holes with greenstuff then use them as slaves or give them shield and use them as clanrats. Come to think about it I also have a Warlock Engineer from 6th (painted) and 2 Jezzails.

    P.S. Congrats on winning something in a GW competition.
  6. Xlanax_lot

    Xlanax_lot Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the clarification, I search fot them pn google and although the models are good looking I thibk I prefer the new ones! Thanks again man!

    Thanks fot the congratulations but I didnt win any Gw contest! I won the golden Serpwnt contest here in Lustria online
  7. Papalugy

    Papalugy Well-Known Member

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    I agree the new models do look better.

    When I read GS my mind changed it to GW.

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