AoS Seraphon vs Duardin 2k pts

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by m0gstar, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    Good afternoon,

    Played a friendly game last night vs coworker and figured I would give quick rundown.

    We played 2000 points out of handbook (skipping items and battle traits).

    Lizardmen army list:

    5 x Saurus Guard (battleline)
    5 x Saurus Guard (battleline)
    10 x Saurus Guard (battleline)
    5 x chameleon skinks
    1x Stegadon w/ bow
    Skink starseer
    Astrolith Bearer
    Eternity Warden
    Bastiladon w/ space lazer
    Engine of the Gods
    Eternal Starhost

    Points - 1860 / 2000 with 140 left over to summon new eternity warden in case he died and i rolled on EotG for summoning (hopefully this gets FAQ'd to now have to potentially lose a turn with it when you don't have any summoning to do).

    Duardin list: (if i recall correctly)

    Cannon + crew
    Cannon + crew
    Organ gun + crew
    Miners + cart (forgot to place them all game)
    10 x warriors
    10 x warriors
    10 x warriors
    20 x slayers
    20 x thunderers
    10 x grumbling dwarf guys
    Dwarf Lord
    Dwarf standard bearer
    Empire general guy (generic Felix)
    Dwarf slayer hero guy (generic Gotrek) (We don't really play with unique, named models)

    Points - 1980ish / 2000

    Photo of basic set up is below to get an idea of battlefield set up (thanks MS paint).

    We played a random mission from handbook which ended up being a take and hold using heroes. Point is scored during the movement phase if hero ends within 3" of marker.

    Three circles on the image represent the capture points. the rest is terrain unless labeled.


    Turn 1 - Space lizards win initiative roll - let dwarves go first. I misscalculated and allowed his cannons and organ gun to shoot first turn - oops.

    Dwarf 1 - pretty uneventful - Banner planted. Cannon on left misses. organ gun puts damage into my skink starseer taking him down to 2 wounds. Deals a couple of wounds to engine of the gods. Runs his characters on the right up to cover. Slayers and thunderers move up into the woods. Middle block stays put.

    Seraphon 1 - Banner gets planted. Starseer generates some rerolls. Engine of the gods uses a reroll to get d6 mortal wound and kills one of the characters on the right with a roll of 6, Saurus guard advance along with Eternity Warden. Bastiladon moves up a little bit. Chameleons come out of hiding next to exposed cannon and almost kill it in shooting. Bastiladon shoots other character and does 4 woundsish. Steg on left does something that i dont remember.

    Initiative won by Seraphon after using a reroll from starseer

    Seraphon 2 - Starseer fails mystic shield spell again. generates re-rolls. EoTG rolls something useless. Units move into position on objectives. EotG start scoring victory points. Shooting finishes off the cannon on right. Bastiladon shoots the slayers to dwindle numbers kills a few. Stegadon kills a few crew for organ gun.

    Victory points:
    Seraphon : 1
    Duardin : 0

    Duardin 2 - Middle block advances. Organ gun falls back. Cannon shooting on left fails to do anything. Thunderers give 8 wounds to stegadon on left. Slayers charge into guard. Gotrek on right charges engine of the gods. Combat kills all but 1 guard on left. Gotrek ineffective vs engine. Engine clutch stomps him back and kills him off.

    Victory points:
    Seraphon : 2
    Duardin : 0

    Seraphon win initiative

    Seraphon 3 -

    Starseer generates a few rerolls. Chameleon skinks disappear. Guard are in position with eternity warden on middle objective. Things shuffle around. Mystic shield gets off on severely wounded stegadon. Stegadon shooting kills off remaining organ gun crew member. Bastiladon kills more slayers (rerolling misses because of banner is amazing, btw). Stegadon charges into slayers. Combat basically finishes off guard on the left and kills steg at the cost of most of the slayers (only a couple left i think).

    Victory points:
    Seraphon : 4
    Duardin : 0

    Duardin 3 - Left cannon misses again. Thunderers kill off the skink starseer. Charges made in the middle with warriors + runesmith + lord. center combat yields 6 dead guard. most of the warriors are destroyed after pile ins by eternity warden and bastiladon.

    Victory points:
    Seraphon : 6
    Duardin : 0

    Seraphon win initiative and we end the game there.

    Final thoughts:

    Was a lot of fun, but I wanted to try out the Eternity Starhost which is pretty broken. Crazy strong battleline units (2+ save + d3 damage) was very strong. Skink starseer was the star (re-rolls are very strong).

    *Please give me your interpretation of this* - The starseer warscroll states that you can re-roll any dice before your next hero phase. The way it reads, you are able to reroll the initiative roll between turns. Please let me know if you play this differently as it is ridiculously strong.

    Engine of the gods was wishy-washy as predicted as it failed to do anything half the time (rolled the area of effect spell and no units were close by).

    Dwarves still kick a ton of ass even with a tryhard list vs a fluff list. Opponent got very unlucky with rolls - especially on the cannons.

    Overall fun game, but its more fun when you are winning for sure. Don't think I would field this type of list again outside of a tournament environment because it is not very much fun to face during casual play.

    Hope you enjoyed and could kind of follow along!

    Attached Files:

    Ecozh and Bowser like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Good game, I play a similar scenario quite often. I interpreted the rerolls the same way, and while my opponents agreed, we decided to house rule it, as that's a pretty big advantage. Your list is pretty competitive, but he would have had a better time with Fyreslayers mixed with a bit of artillery. Though the playstyle is different from old dwarves, it will give some distinct advantages against your build. Though the guard would still mow through them pretty quickly.
  3. paxter

    paxter New Member

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    yea you played the starseer correctly he can reroll any dice including the turn dice.

    On the eternal starhost, its good but not that great vs some armies bare in mind its great now cause you have those awesome saves, but the model count is ridiculously low and in my circle of friends most carry units that can deal mortal wounds easily... They dont go head on with the guard but just burn them out with mortal wounds. Even an arcane bolt is good since a good roll on a unit of 5 guards basically renders them useless.
    m0gstar and Bowser like this.
  4. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the reply.

    You are right that the model count is ridiculously low :(
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Solid victory!
    Must be said that dwarfs are no easy to play with objectuve scenarios, they are pathetically slow, and to take some objective soon, they must rey on things like Bugman's ranger and miners. And if you forget to use the miners, it doesn't help at all... :p

    That said, yeah, dwarfs (especially a list ike this) rely heavily on cannons' fire, and if it goes wrong it's no good. with cannons and organ cannon backed up by the runesmith, it was only a matter of "who i kill first"? Stagadon probably, followed by the starseer. At that point, guards.
    Anyway, it's kinda bizarre to see a dwarfs cannon line with warmachines scattered around the battlefield and without engineer. It was almost doomed to fail.
    Bowser likes this.

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