AoS Vs khorne bloodbound

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by milman, Oct 30, 2016.

  1. milman

    milman Active Member

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    Hej all!
    I got in a campaigne and we all have start collecting boxes to start with ( the logic!!!) Any tips how i can defeat khorne bloodbound with some easy tips? :) i dont rly know how they play yet but i wonna be prepared.
    Battle tactics and tips on what units to get best after the start collecting box would be awesome :D
  2. shole

    shole Member

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    I havent play against them yet, but in general they have high saves (+3 & +4) except the bloodreavers. So u will need rend to do some wounds. I used a Bastiladon vs Stormcast once and had some great results with the -1 rend/ 2 dmg shots. As always khorne will try to engage in close combat by turn 2 if possible with his Scullcrashers. You have to try do some wounds if possible, engage them first to have the initiative in this battle( you need something strong so u can kill at least 1 or 2 during your turn) or just try to kite them 1-2 turns,you cant avoid them reach you, in order to maybe kill one or egage without other unit of bloodbound to interfere. An other solid and in my opinion cheap choice is the skink starpriest. They have high 'to hit' characteristic in every unit, so the Starlight summon may save some of your models. You cant make a list to defend against all of their strong attributes playing a 1000 pts game. In a larger battle u can have more decent shooting. For a small fight try to build a scar vet on cold one from your start collecting, as you cant field 8 knights, and maybe invest buying a starpriest or just a priest for the save reroll. Using a second knight unit and some guard or warriorscan fill the rest points. If u play large battle, imo a bastiladon and a stegadon are solid picks. Using a unit of kroxigor, or a hord of warriors can do the work. Last but not least, dont forget our Sunblood. Decent abilities and a fair cost.
    As i told starting this post, i never faced Khorn bloodbound. I give u advise from my battles vs stormcast and ironjaw (also elite armys).
    milman and Bowser like this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    You're also going to want to have something to assassinate his bloodsecrator. Once his portal is open and he isn't moving they get a ton of extra attacks and don't take battleshock. Killing this guy will save you a lot of grief and damage.
    Buldi and milman like this.
  4. milman

    milman Active Member

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    Will a unit of 10chameleon skinks do the job? He also has a crazy range canon what is his biggest threath allong with that bloodsecrator and a unit of armoured hounds with riders. So try and assassinate the ones in the back and then kite the hounds maybe? + a counter with my knight?
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Oy! Alright you will need assassins for the cannon crew as well. The chameleaons should work to do both, but you will need to kite and counter the mighty skullcrushers. keep in mind that they can withstand mortal wounds. but yeah charge with the knights, and get the carno in range to go on a rampage. What was the build you were thinking of bringing?
  6. milman

    milman Active Member

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    2options but havent figures out yet what is best becaus i only started playing verry recently. I am thinking between these 2.
    1)allrounder set-up with start collecting box+10cameleon+bastilodon+hero is don't know yet+ ripperdactyls

    2)charge team=20knights (2xunit of 5 and 1 unit of 10) + scarvet cold one+starseer+oldblood on carno+ stegodon and 10 or 20 warriors(becaus those are leftovers from my start collecting box and am allowed to use)

    Probably 1) is better but i just can't get the firelance starhoste out of my head for some reason. So what do you think and what could should i best change?
  7. Buldi

    Buldi Active Member

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    Im a KB player, i think i can say a word or two.
    This army is all about synergy. They do a ton of attack, but there is few source of mortal wounds. Guard will be a good choice.
    Skullreapers, slaughterpriest, crushers inflict mortal wounds. Crushers do this on charge, so strike first. Slaughterpriest have only 5+ save- shooting will be the best way to deal with him.
    Kill the reavers before the strike- either by shooting or attacking first. Spells are a waste of resource on them.
    Secrator is a hard target to simply assasinate- he has a 3+ save and a good Khorne general will p!ace him in cover. Inflict some mortal wounds to him (engine+slann).
    A good idea for neutralising the charge bonuses is a meatshield of skinks. They die cheap, allowing you for a counter charge in the next turn.
    Bowser likes this.

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