AoS Prepping for my first game! (1000 points)

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Kammin, Oct 29, 2016.

  1. Kammin
    Jungle Swarm

    Kammin New Member

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    So I've just signed up to a newbie tourney in our local GW! I've grabbed the starter set and from what I can gather from the book (It's like deciphering an Egyptian scroll) I'll have about 500 points to start with, which is great! I really want to go for a summoning army, using a Slann Starmaster and about 15 (?) Saurus Guard.

    I'd like it to be a little fluffy, but still able to win!

    Current Force:
    - Old Blood on Carno
    - 8 Saurus Knights
    -12 Saurus Warriors

    I haven't assembled the units yet as I have no idea if I want to do some conversions on the models or anything like that! The starter tourney starts in about two weeks so I have time to play around with my army before it all starts.
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    First of all, if you work with points as presented by the General's Handbook, keep in mind that you have limits on the number of models in the units: Saurus warriors work with blocks of 10 (so you field 10 warriors, or 20), and Saurus knights come with blocks of 5 models.
    At 1000 pts, a Slann imo is costly, but if you want to summon remember that you need to keep a reserve pool of point, taken from the total amount of the army (example w 1000 pts total: you field 840 pts in the initial set-up, so you have 160 pts in reserve to summon).

    Slann: 260 pts
    15 guards: 300
    Old carno: 320
    5 knights: 120
    10 warriors: 100

    these are already 1100 pts.

    If you can put your hands on a skink priest and on an Eternity Warden, that would be better than the Slann, and you could field something as:

    Skink priest / starpriest: 100 pts
    Eternity warden: 140
    10 guards: 200
    Old carno: 320
    5 knights: 120
    10 warriors: 100

    with possible variations (15 guards, avoiding the 10 warriors)

    Anyway, be aware that you will lack shooting, and that could pose some problems
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I would honestly sugfest doung the conversions. Make an oldblood on foot with the extra chest plate and head, and a scar-vet on cold one with the other extra saurus head in the carno kit. Then use the skink rider from the carno kit and make that your starpriest . It will give you more options.
    At 500 points with just that box this is what I see for an available build:

    Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (260)

    Saurus Guard x 5 (100)
    Saurus Knights x 5 (120)
    - Lance

    Total: 480/500

    Do you plan on buying anything else before this starts?

    Fluff wise the slann could be in the back sending out scouting parties until he gets there.
  4. Kammin
    Jungle Swarm

    Kammin New Member

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    Thank you both for you responses and ideas!

    Looking at the kit I could see how you can convert a few special characters out of the spare parts, even if I don't use them in the initial list the tournament is set to grow point wise!

    So with a Skinpriest/Eternity Warden would I be able to summon my guys to the field? (Not even sure if summoning is a viable tactic *Cries*)
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Summoning is a brilliant tactic, but down the road. a 2000-2500 point game summoning can be an absolutely terrorizing tactic. at 500 points Your looking at taking a Slann, hoping he makes it to the second round and summoning. just as easy to put it all on the table, Chameleon skinks could fill the role just as easily.

    So once you move up to larger points, even 1500 we can assist you with an effective summoning army complete with crazy tactics.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2016
  6. Kammin
    Jungle Swarm

    Kammin New Member

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    Haha sounds like a whole bunch of fun! Well I guess my next step is to buy a box of guards and maybe some skins, I guess some range wouldn't hurt
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Keep in mind that some of our best ranged units are Bastiladon, Chama skinks and Salamanders.

    Basic skinks are nice, but you cannot really count on their shooting, unless you field them in a certain number (aka build an army around them, using skink chief and steggy)...
    their strong points are that they move fast and are a battleline cheap unit (great to take objectives and as screen for more vital units)... the fact that they also shoot and so with some luck they can deliver some additional wound, is just a bonus. ;)
    Bowser likes this.
  8. Kammin
    Jungle Swarm

    Kammin New Member

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    Oh so skins are more like scouts then actual combat units? Mm well I guess I'll take a look at something with more power behind it, I really like the looks of Bastiladon so I might try and fit one of those in my army when I get to the 1000 point bracket. However after having assembled my models I'm worried I wont have enough boots on the ground, it's looking really small compared to my Eldar Warhost on the next shelf x3
    Bowser likes this.
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    the Basti is one of the best tank in AoS.
    That said, yes, skinks are more a scouting unit, but you can field an army with them as backbone.
    In this thread you can find suggestion on how to build armies based on specific troops. Take a look at it, and ask for any question you may have. ;)

    For example, in that thread i didn't covered the use of basic stegadon as heavy support unit, 'cause I was suggesting the use of the starhost. Without starhost, a stegadon with Alpha skink is IMO almost mandatory.
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  10. Kammin
    Jungle Swarm

    Kammin New Member

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    Hehe well I'm not a huge fan of Skins! Kinda got put of when I had a look at their stats, although I just painted my skin priest and he's already one of my favourites. So I think I've got a list written up, what do you think?

    Saurus Scar Veteran on Carno - 260
    Skin Star Priest - 100
    Saurus Knights x 5 - 120 (I can take eight for 192)
    Saurus Warriors x 10 - 100(I can also take 12 of these for 120)
    Saurus Warriors x 12 - 120
    Bastiladon - 300

    That brings me up to 1000 points of muscly lizard people. I'm hoping that the Basti can put out enough shots to make up for my weak shooting phase, and using my Knights mainly for capping objectives if I need to...or running down the odd archer. I'm somewhat tempted to put a unit of Shadow Warriors in from the elf list! Although I'm not sure if that's allowed (Or if I'll be beaten by other players for doing it)
  11. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    At 1000 pts you managed to have :
    Magical support
    Good move
    Solid shooting
    Strong CC

    I'd say it's a really nice list! ;)

    I would be tempted to sacrifice 120 pts of warriors for 5 chama skinks
    Bowser likes this.
  12. Kammin
    Jungle Swarm

    Kammin New Member

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    Mm I am debating it! But maybe more boots on the ground would be better? Don't want my carno getting bogged down without support from the Warriors really!
    Bowser likes this.
  13. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    It's more the opposite... ;)

    The way I see it, i imagine 2 blocks: one slow and resilient (saurus and basti) and one fast (carnosaur and knights ).
    The knights are the ones that will help your scarvet.
    Bowser likes this.
  14. Kammin
    Jungle Swarm

    Kammin New Member

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    To bring it up to 1500 later on I'll probably add three squads of five Guards and maybe some Auxillary range unit from somewhere else in the order
    Bowser likes this.
  15. Kimbie

    Kimbie Member

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    If this is for a pitched battle list, as far as I know if you wanted 12 warriors it will cost you 200 points as its 10 warriors block for 100 points, 20 warriors is 200 points etc.

    The same for the knights

  16. Kammin
    Jungle Swarm

    Kammin New Member

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    Oh I guess I missed that! Well I just take the minimum numbers ^^ Thanks for the heads up though, would've have been annoying to find that out when I showed up at the store <3
  17. Kimbie

    Kimbie Member

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    No worries glad I could help

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