AoS Firelance starhost +priest or seer?

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by milman, Nov 4, 2016.


Starpriest or starseer

  1. Starpriest

    5 vote(s)
  2. Starseer

    6 vote(s)
  1. milman

    milman Active Member

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    when going for a firelance starhoste
    What is the best hero to go with this batalion?
    For example:
    1scar vet on carno
    5knights with lance
    5knights with lance
    10knights with lance

    Is the priest with extra bite dmg and the +1 to hittroll better like i get the feeling allot of people think.
    Or the starseer with the ability to turn 5's into 6's what is good for the mortal wounds and he also gets rerolls extra to use.
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Take the Starseer for the magic, they both are great and play different roles, but with that build I would take starseer for the rerolls alone.
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  3. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    It's not a simple choice not knowing how many points your army must be!
    In general I'd say starpriest 'cause it's more versatile: it can sustain (sort of...) a round of combat in case of necessity, moves faster so can unbind better, has a larger choice of spells (damage = Arcane Bolt, buff = Mystic Shield, debuff = Starlight) and has a 100% sure ability that grants double damage to your 6+ To Wound rolls for Bites and Jaws attacks (and you've got plenty of bites and jaws! :joyful:).

    The Starseer on the contrary is more durable (but less efficient in combat), slower, has an AMAZING ability but there is 1 possibility out of 6 that your opponent steals your rerolls, and its characteristic spell is nice.

    To me the choice is based on 2 factors:
    - how many points you can spend (if your playing with points)
    - how much you trust your dices :joyful:

    I prefer the Starpriest because it feels more safe and versatile to me, and it is enough fast to be hidden behind/near your dinos in case of danger.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. milman

    milman Active Member

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    I'm in a local tournament where we all have a starting box and each month we add a different kind of unit. (First we choose a box,month later we choose one extra unit of cavalery or infantry or artilery. Next month a monster. Month after that a hero and finaly 1 or 2more units of anything)
    We do still have to look a bit at points becaus otherwise some player are gonne become overpowerd but now you know its more of a 1unit of each kind then about the points. So for hero it would be a starpriest or a starseer (or another hero maybe..?)
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    Nice! Well... Put this way I could agree a Starseer could be a better choice because all your army could benefit from its rerolls...

    Well, here's my 2 cents:
    - choose the Starseer if you're gonna field models who require fewer dice rolls but better results
    example: if you plan to use Basti with Solar Engine, Salamanders, Terradons, Stagadons with Bow, Engine of the Gods or Kroxigors your Starseer's ability can boost their potential and trigger their juicy ability;
    - choose the Starspriest if you're gonna field models who usually make you roll a lot of dices
    example: if you plan to use Basti with Ark of Sotek, Razordons, Rippers, Stagadons with Pipes or Chameleons you can use your Starpries to do what the situation requires you to do, being it buffing one of your units, weaken an enemy one or what else, not needing high rolls to trigger abilities.

    Keep in mind that, in my opinion, while the Starpriest can be used (carefully) as a single piece able to freely move on the battlefield the Starseer needs a unit dedicated to its safety (some Saurus Guards would be nice).

    Let me know if this might help you with your doubt, but take my words with a grain of salt: I'm obviously not an expert, and I see lots of players prefer the Starseer over the Starpriest...
    It may come all to personal preference, and probably the best answer would be "choose the hero you find most fun to play or beautiful to watch"! :)
    milman likes this.
  6. milman

    milman Active Member

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    Maybe best to get them both and just try em out a bit. So that by the time the official battle gets there i know what i like best :)
    Thanks for the advise!
    Bowser and Freddy25 like this.
  7. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    Of course, this is the best solution ever!
    You're welcome!
    P.S. But don't forget to let us know who will be the winner! :joyful:
    Bowser likes this.
  8. milman

    milman Active Member

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    Will surely do! Kinda changing my mind on taking extra knights and going for the firelance starhost...kinda thinking about salamanders or kroxx or chameleons now to expend my box with. Just never can make up my mind. The full frontal charge team sounds so awesome (3units knight+scarvet cold one+oldblood canro+maybe later a stegadon that also awesome )
    But i will surely let you know the outcome!
    Bowser likes this.
  9. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Usually i go for the Starseer, possibly adding the starpriest.
    That re-roll chance is just too good to pass it up... however it depends not only on your army, but also on the opponent's. If you're facing (for example) daemons with bloodletters, then "Summon Starlight" is just pure gold (reduces the to hit that triggers the decapitating blow AND deals mortal wounds)
    milman and Bowser like this.
  10. milman

    milman Active Member

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    True,i will be facing everything. Allot of chaos and a decent amount of destruction and a bit undead. I also will have to ask the tournament what is allowed. Becaus i used the leftovers from the box to make the skink from the trog. If its allowed to use those kind of models then i can have both ;) and probably start with a seer and later on add a starpriest i think. But nog sure on those rules yet :D
    Bowser likes this.

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