9th Age new to Saurian ancient 1000p

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Anatinus, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. Anatinus
    Jungle Swarm

    Anatinus New Member

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    Saurian Veteran
    Raptor, shield, lance, armour of destiny

    18 Piranha Warriors
    Full Command

    18 Piranha Warriors
    Full Command

    6 Raptor Riders
    Full Command

    Altar of the snakegod

    As title goes I'm new to Lizardmen and just recently bought my first box of saurian warriors, any advice are helpfull!
    Sincerly Anatinus
  2. Lawot

    Lawot Active Member

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    As you may have noticed, the release of the 1.2 version has made some changes, but I'll give some general feedback:
    First, all-Saurian lists (Saurian Warriors, Raptor Riders, Temple Guard) have a hard time - you'll want some small units of Skinks in there to get in your opponent's way, misleading the units you don't want to fight and setting up the ones you do. I like the Raptor Riders, but you'll find mixed reviews of them - using them right is important. They're not going to crush anything other than chaff on their own, but they can be really useful in grinding some things down, taking down key enemies (weapon teams, smaller monsters, Wizards), and as heavy chaff hunters. They do, of course, excel at taking hits for your character in order to deliver him into combat.

    18 Saurian Warriors is a bit of an in-between number. Some people are getting good results from large blocks of them, while others are doing well with several units of 10. Play around with it, nobody's really figured out an "optimized" way to do them.

    Welcome to the game!

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