Army Fluff skink army fluff

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by camo-skink, Aug 28, 2009.

  1. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    Deep in the steaming Southland jungles, on the base of the World's Edge Mountains lies a ruined temple-pyramid, pillaged by pirates, thieves, and explorers, and worn by time itself. Though it presents a rather humbling appearance, it is only a mask to hide its truly divine purpose, one that could help weaken the iron grip on the world that is Chaos, and set in motion the Old Ones' plan once again. Since this nexus of great power on the Geomantic Web conceals itself so well both physically and spiritually, few could ever hope to find.

    Many years previous to the current time, a great battle raged on led by the mighty Lord Krok-Xa, an extremely ancient slann who swore vengeance on all being influenced by chaos, and his most trusted skink priest attendant Tehequan, agianst the most vile rat men. Being there few saurus in the Southlands they found it their sacred duty to take up role as Temple Guard and protect their leader at all costs, this being their most fatal mistake. Both armies severely crippled and in dire desperation, Tehequan sensed into the future, an ability in his early years he had not been quite able to control, and knew that his masters fate was about to be realized in a most dreadful of ways. Trying desperately to warn his master of the events to occur, his realization had come to slow, and his efforts in vain. The now deceased Great Lord Krok-Xa had reached too far into the Winds of Magic in an act of desperation, thus releasing an explosion of magical energy of an astronomical proportion that nearly obliterated both sides and all the land around. When the blast had finally cleared the remaining Skaven had fled, the Lizarmen forces rallied, and the Great Lord and his Temple Guard reduced to nothing, but a bloody ash. With the Krok-Xa now dead, leaving no one but Tehequan to turn to, two other skink priests, spawned within days of each other, Chuq-Huan the older, and Xili-Huan the younger, took their wounded and now blinded leader to a mount, a mighty stegadon named Chuquetli to whom which Tehequan would later have a strong bond with, to rest and regain stength until he awakened. The army was now a shard of what it once was, and had as much if not less hope for the future that faced ahead of them, their only explanation for the horrific events, was that it was all part of the Old Ones' great plan.

    Much time past, with Tehequan's body still deep in his slumber, all the while his spirit remain restless with constant visions of his master heading east to the World's Edge Mountains, then becoming part of them, afterwards emitting a huge pillar of light. Each day he grew closer and closer, until finally he came upon a ruined temple-pyramid, though looking decimated, swallowed Tehequan spirit in an overwhelming aura of arcane energy. In the final day of his visions in slumber, he dove deep into the earth below the site, and came upon cavern with diamond walls leagues thick that encircled an object of such raw magical power, that when his spirit reached out trough an unwavering urge, words flashed before him in a blur as the key to the artifact's glistening chamber, and for the final time he heard his masters voice, from which he could since never recall upon, simply say, "Good luck." From this Tehequan jolted upright from his sleep, the glowing pillar which only he could se glowing softly in his mind's eye. His loyal attendants momentarily stunned by their leader's sudden awakening asked for their orders to which Tehequan bluntly replied, "To the mountains."

    The army soon recruited a small band of chameleon skinks to act as a guide through the unfamiliar part of the jungle, now far away from their home in Nahuontl. The area in which they traveled was plentiful in its population of terradons, which the skink hosts used to their advantage, taming many to scout ahead for their destination. Finally after five cycles of the moon had been completed since the exact time of their departure, Tehequan's mind's eye was blasted with the pillar of light that soon faded, signaling the army had at last arrived. A perimeter was set up around the temple-pyramid by three skink cohorts and their kroxigor, the rear protected by the towering peaks above. Once the outside was deemed safe, Tehequan, Chuq-Huan, and Xili-Huan cautiously entered the temple. The reached the back only to face to bare mountain face with a small white rock that seemed to have some sort of writing that pre-dated the Great Catastrophe. Puzzled, the attendants tried unsuccessfully to find a passage way, until Tehequan ordered them to stop and step back. Tehequan then put his hand on the white stone and quietly muttered the words that had been showed to him in his dreams, for a short while the noise of clicks and stone gears turning filled the temple, then followed by a gust of hot air rushing out that had been trapped in the chamber since the time of the Old Ones. A huge slab of the mountain then lifted from the floor revealing a diamond stair case to the artifact, who's power overwhelmed the three skink priests. When they reached the bottom, they saw the artifact was a diamond sphere, and on the alter on which it lay were instructions and description on the arcane item. The sphere was called the Geomantic Orb of the Old Ones, an item once used by the god-like beings, forged from pure diamond and Geomantic energy itself, to use all the power of the Geomantic Web in one gigantic burst. The three priest tried in vain to use the arcane item, but simply did not have the magical potency to use it. After further scrutinization of the site they found an inscription stating that the only other being able to use the Geomantic Orb of the Old Ones was their most loyal attendants, which all three well knew meant the slann. Though along with inscription came a prophesy stating that the ones how find it must protect it at all cost from the evil sorcerers that will try to obtain it and corrupt its powers now that its masking seal has been lifted, until a slann lord can come to the cavern of the Geomantic Orb of the Old Ones, and fulfill their destiny. To be put plainly, Tehequan and his army must now deter all enemies that they may face unit a slann powerful enough, who with which they have little connection, arrives to claim the Orb and contacts his brethren, until then Tehequan was on his own.

    To this very day, Tehequan and his loyal attendants send out terradon messengers to the nearest temple cities pleading that the slann lords come to the temple-pyramid, have the chameleon band patrol the area for the first sign of intruders, and lock the diamond vault that which only Tehequan can open, waiting for a slann to come and open it once more.

    I hope you guys enjoyed my army fluff, and sorry if was a little long. To see the army list corresponding to the story click on the following link.

    Thanks for reading! Please post your thoughts, all are appreciated!

  2. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Sick dude! I myself am making an army entirely dedicated to the serpent god (although there are still saurus)

    Have you considered joining any online campaigns
  3. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    thanks, and my sotek be with you!

    and where might said online campaigns be, could you give me a link?

  4. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    This skaven forum where I am known as UnderTheEarth, its called the underdark, and my lizardmen are currently in the faction of the Surface there are no skaven allowed! :D

    Turns happen every 2 weeks so its not that hard to keep up with
  5. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    how do you join and play battles? bythe way i already have a under empire account since i'm going to start skaven when the new edition comes out, my name is ws-sniper.
  6. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    i just posted to sing up for surface warlords if there are any slots left.
  7. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    there was exactly 1 slot left, Now I can officially say im not the ONLY lizardmen player! :D
  8. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    may the blood, guts, and gore be pure enough to sacrifice to the great serpent god sotek! GO LIZARDMEN!!!!!!!!

  9. Revered_Guardian

    Revered_Guardian New Member

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    Muahahahah! The cult of sotek is now officially a multiple person cult (in this campaign of course)

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