my first carno

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by mantakore, Sep 12, 2009.

  1. mantakore

    mantakore New Member

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    ok here is a pic of my FIRST UNFINISHED carnosaur that i started painting 5 or so years ago he was in the one box of warhammer i had from my recent house move. my other boxes with all my others and other armies is comming about 7 boxes lol. i also had some unpainted cold one as you can see in this box. i apologize for the pic my camera is bad. but yeah i totally forgot about this guy he was about the 5 model i ever painted in warhammer. well here he is i know some of wanted to see my work. i know im on a lizardman forum but the only other guy i got in this box was some orcs i have and some ogres so i will post them to. i hope thats ok. and then when my full army arrives which should be soon i will post my entire yes 8000 point army of them. like promised. my newer carnosaur is with them. caompleted i may add. yes my pride and joy that army over a year on it alone. but here we go please feel free to comment. negative or posetive. remember guys. i painted this like a week after i even heard the word warhammer.

  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Wow I can actually see it now! I had the same problem with all Baratok's photos, just figured out it is my firewall blocking the images, not sure why it selected some and not others... Maybe because you both started with img tags, which are disabled on the forum. I edited your post, use 'pic' instead of 'img' in future. :)

    It is a very blurry photo.. Did you move while taking it? That is what it looks like. From what I can see it looks pretty cool though, I like your choice of colours and it looks very shiny and wet. I do think it looks better when the old blood is a different scheme to the carnosaur, but that is personal preference.
  3. TheAncientOne
    Cold One

    TheAncientOne New Member

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    I just got mine too, and painted it, so maybe I'll get pictures up as well!

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