8th Ed. Making lists for YOU! (8th and 9th)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by airjamy, Nov 30, 2015.

  1. sotek1tepok11
    Jungle Swarm

    sotek1tepok11 New Member

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    No krox chameleon or terradons
    airjamy likes this.
  2. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Oh lol, this one slipt trough the cracks! I will get to you asap though, i hope a list for you is still relevant at this point. As you are using all the 8th terminology, i take it is for an 8th list :)
  3. Nukes4life

    Nukes4life Member

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    I would love a list for the tournament next month ;) I'd prefer the 2 taurosaur and the stygiosaur to be in and maybe the carno if it fits :)
    I own a cuatl, 1 carno, several prietst, 1 skink on palanquin, 2 taurosaur, 1 stygiosaur, 3 pteradon, 3 salamanders, 2 caimen and enough skinks, saurus and temple guard.

    I thought something like this:
    warlord: armour of destiny, duskstone, fleshrender, raptor
    warlord: heavy armour, axe of battle, taurosaur helm, jade staff, shield, talisman of greater shielding

    skink captain: ancient taurosaur with sharpened horns and giant bow, spear of the stampede, lucky shield, BSB
    skink priest: dispell scroll, lvl2 wilderniss

    33 saurian warriors FC banner of speed
    10 saurian warriors banner, jaguar totem
    12 skink braves, javelin shield

    2x 6 chameleon skinks
    7 chameleon skinks

    stygiosayr with champion
    taurosaur with giant bow
    2 salamanders
    1 salamander

    You know my experience with other armies is near nothing so would like some advice or tips :) Don't think letting you know my list has a big influence on my chances during the tournament haha
  4. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Ok, let's get up on this back catelogue! First Sotek Tepok is up, 8th editon competitive 2250 P list. I think i am months to late, but hopefully this is at least of some help to you in the future. With your models i think i can get close to the optimal LM list in the 8th edition meta.


    Slann Mage Priest. General. BSB. Soul of Stone. Harmonic Convergence. Wandering Deliberations. Becalming Cogitation. Channeling Staff. Banner of Discipline. The good old in a unit of TG Slann. Should give you ultimate control of the Magic Phase with extra PD and DC and rerolling your first missed Dispell attempt each turn. Reroallble LD 10 with 3D6 is also golden. You will often cast Wyssans and Seering Doom with this guy. Miscasts will not happen often due to the low casting values, and even if you do miscast there is the Soul of Stone to save you from that dreaded 2-4 result. If he dies, you probably have already lost the game.


    Scarvet. Cold One. GW. Armour of Destiny. Big chopper, kills monsters. Runs solo. Try to hide him from Cannons and Bolt Throwers. he does not like being hit by them.

    Scarvet. Cold One. GW. Dawnstone. Dragonhelm. Light Armour. Same recipe as the other Scarvet. The one has 1+ 4++ and this one has 1+ with rerolls and 2++ against Flaming Attacks. Use this guy against stuff with flyers or against infantry, with S4 or lower, no way that they will get trough 2+ with rerolls. The other scarvet is marginally better against monsters, but both should fare well against basically everything.


    9x10 Skink Skirmishers with Javelins and Shields. Your Skink Cloud, ready to serve. You have one unit of 10 extra to because of 70 points that were left. Use these to redirect charges, annoy your opponent, kill monsters, annoy your opponent, kill units with a bad save and annoy your opponent. One of the best units in the book if used correctly. Always start your deployment with all of your skinks and just place them in one massive screen before your forces, and then counter deploy your opponent as you see fit.


    26 TG. Banner. Musician. Banner of Swiftness. Your Slann goes here. Never buy champions, they are not worth it, buy an extra body for like 4 points more every time. Banner of Swiftness helps getting you in position with spells and the like. This is your Anvil, never let it be in positions that are to dangerous or you will lose.

    Stegadon. Nice long ranged firepower. Use this to guard the flanks of your TG, with the Stubborn special rule it always has LD 10 with the rerolls and the lulz.

    Bastiladon. Sun Arc (or whatever its called, you never take the snakes anyway). Another just strong monster with good long ranged firepower. Also has Stubborn, so combos well with the Slann. Is extremely strong against S3 troops due to the 2+. Never forget to reform this guy after one turn of combat to face its rear to its enemy to do maximal damage if you can lose the 2 points in combat res due to rear fighting to make full use of the Thunderous Bludgeon special rule.


    Salamander. Snack. Kills hordes like crazy. Must take unit imho. Deploy these after your Skinks. Always get a Snack to not be fucked by turn one misfires, as you can then never lose all your Skinks.

    Salamander. Snack

    2251 total

    This list should always do well against any list. You outdeploy your opponent due to the insane ammounts of skinks, and then you win due to your superb shooting and magic phase. Your TG, Bastiladon and Stegadon should mop up any survivors. I think this is one of the top lists the LM can build at this point level, i would be surprised if people could find any obvious improvements to this list (without tooting my own horn to much, sorry, but i do think i have 8th editon LM down pretty well :) ). It should serve you well in any way, let us now how your list performed if you ever use it!
  5. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Whats the point value for the tournament, i cant even find it right now :(. Little sense to build a list if i dont know how much points it will be. Was it 2250, 2400 or 2500?
  6. Nukes4life

    Nukes4life Member

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    2500 :) thanks, arent you coming?
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
  7. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Greetings fellow lizard strategists ( well I am by no means a strategist but I do love our lizards )
    I' be been a part of this community for 2 months or so and this is my first post. Been exploring around so far and reading what you people have to say

    So here comes my question airjamy and it's pretty different than the rest of this thread. I 'm new into collecting lizardmen although I be been loving them for a decade I ve only bought the starting box so far and here goes my question:

    Could you propose me a solid list that would be fun against chaos and destruction ( I m the only order player around my region so )? Keep in mind that I don't like playing with unpainted miniatures and I m a fairly slow painter, so if possible, I would like this list to be scaling up from 500points - so that I can start playing small battles - up to 2000. For example : "For the first 500points you need to buy these units. Then buy bla bla to reach 800 and so on"
    I know that this is no simple matter and I m not even sure it is possible, but I would really, really appreciate if you gave it a shot
    I m close into finishing the 12 Saurus Warriors of the starter pack, nothing else, so I m open to any proposing lists

    Thanks in advance ! Be well !
  8. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Hi Seraphage!

    I would certainly be open to aiding you in your way to a full army. There is just one thing, from the wording you use i think you are playing AoS? I heard trough the grapevine that AoS got a ''competitive'' mode with points and such, but there is really nothing i can tell you about that because i hate AoS with every fiber of my being :) . I know that there are other people who really enjoy playing it, but it is the one part of wargaming i am totally not into right now and where i can thus say little about. If you want an 8th edition army or a 9th age army i can help you with that, but not with AoS.

    It might surprise you a bit, but the people who have been longer in the hobby sometimes really dislike AoS because of how it replaced Fantasy. There are a lot of discussions on this forum that discussed this, so if you are interested in the whole AoS, 9th, 8th en KoW divide, be sure to read up on it here! For the rest, i would like to welcome you to this forum!
  9. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    I am not sure yet, what was the date again? I am working on your list, have not had a few hours to mill over it yet, sorry.
  10. Nukes4life

    Nukes4life Member

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    This saturday :) haha dont worry, just wondering what you'd come up with. I was planning on running this, played one game and went very well. Also fun to play. Would like tot see what you think :)

    Saurian Warlord: Alpha Carnosaur, ArmyGeneral, Divine Icon, SA - Spear of the Stampede, SA - Starfall Shard

    Skink Captain:Battle Standard Bearer,Blowpipe, Fleshrender, Lucky Shield, SA - Jade Staff, Ancient Taurosaur , Giant Bow
    Skink Captain: Alpha Pteradon, Blowpipe,Dragonfire Gem, Hardened Shield, Skull Splitter
    Skink Priest: Dispel Scroll Level 2 Path of Wilderness

    Saurian Warriors 33, FC war standard, serpenttotem
    10 jaguar warriors banner
    10 jaguar warriors banner

    5 chameleons
    5 chameleons
    6 chameleons

    stygiosaur: champion
    ancient taurosaurgreat bow
  11. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Thank you very much for your immediate answer and the very warm welcoming !

    I 've actually read about this here a lot and also seen some videos. To be honest, I'm with the veterans' side here. I respect that GW wanted to make the game less complicated - as it seems that most of the people in the hobby skipped fantasy for 40k due to some unreasonably complicated rules(unless you are a frequent player that is) - but tearing everything that was being built for 2 decades and cancelling everyone already in this game.. can't be the right way to go

    So I m guessing with all the bases and stuff is completely different, to the point that a 9th edition experienced player doesn't like he can do it. Then I m guessing I also can't get much help by reading 9th edition army lists.. I 'll go after 9th edition posts then and try to find a way to build this up.

    Thanks again, honestly appreciating it
  12. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Ah, so you have sortoff read into it a bit. It is indeed a shame they cut out so much complexity out of the game, it really killed a lot of aspects of it especially due to the fragmentation of communities that followed in it's wake. Miniature wargaming is not a hobby in which you can have ''casual'' players in if you ask me. Painting and buying models costs both a lot a time and money. It is not like videogames with which you can buy a cheap game and ''get going'' so to speak, you just need a serious investment of like at least a few hours and a few hundred quid before you are playing a game of Warhammer with your own army. GW made a judgement call if you asked me, and they are still cleaning up the mess from it with the new AoS competitive mode.

    To come back to your querry though, if you want to play 9th i can certainly help you, also if you need help buying your army. If you have a playing group that plays AoS i can really not help you though. AoS and 9th have about as much in common with eachoter as chess and checkers, on a first glance they might look similiar but they are totally different in tactics and playstyle. So, let me know where your group is into!
  13. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    Seems like a really solid list man. I am afraid i will not be able to come this saturday as i will be out camping with my student association then. There was some reason because of which i could not come, and that was it, remembered it now. Onto the list:

    Saurian Warlord: Alpha Carnosaur, ArmyGeneral, Divine Icon, SA - Spear of the Stampede, SA - Starfall Shard. Seems solid. Spear of the Stampede combo is nasty, especially if you start comboing it with Divine Attacks as you have. Glass Cannon extraordinaire, just go ham with this guy.

    Skink Captain:Battle Standard Bearer,Blowpipe, Fleshrender, Lucky Shield, SA - Jade Staff, Ancient Taurosaur , Giant Bow. Fleshrender on this guy is a good find, he does not need a shield or anything for defenses so why not make him choppy. I am wondering why you are not taking another Saurus on a baby Carno though. You still have not used things like the Duskstone in this list, so a build on a Carno could be really strong, especially if you run him in tandem with your big guy. You could just have another Skink in the backline as a BSB i guess?
    Skink Captain: Alpha Pteradon, Blowpipe,Dragonfire Gem, Hardened Shield, Skull Splitter. Not really a fan of the Skull Splitter, 2 S4 hits per turn for 40 points seem excessive to me. Must say i have not played him yet though, but from a first perspective it seems weak.
    Skink Priest: Dispel Scroll Level 2 Path of Wilderness. Nice, you need this.

    Saurian Warriors 33, FC war standard, serpenttotem. Nice, strong.
    10 jaguar warriors banner. Why run these in 2 units of 10? I would always run 2 units of 25 above this weird 33/10/10 setup. Have you tried this out, why try it like this?
    10 jaguar warriors banner

    5 chameleons. Strong, you need a lot of warmachine hunting in your list. You would maybe even want to play 5 units of these if it was legal,, to bad 3 units is the max.
    5 chameleons
    6 chameleons

    stygiosaur: champion. Solid choices all round. Enough anti infantry with the Sallies, and a lot of monsters to perform in the Monster Mash. I think playing a Monster Mash style really is the dominant army paradigm in 9th for SA, and i think you are right on the ball with this list.
    ancient taurosaurgreat bow
  14. Nukes4life

    Nukes4life Member

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    Thanks man! I would love another carno but do not have the model. You dont have one either right? The big bsb bubble is Nice though and taurosaur still is one of my favorites.

    The two small saurus are for 'fast' scoring units and are the meta on the9Age forum. One really big block does seem a little better in my mind but will consider changing.

    Dont know if they would allow my stygio as a baby carno but would leave me with a mage andere bsb short.
  15. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    I dont have one, else you could have borrowed it. Dont think they would have accepted your stygio as a a carno, i mean, te models are really different. I am not up to date enough with the 9th meta to see the use of that, do the tournament rules in our shop also have the objective rules that make 2 small units matter? It seems pretty interesting..
  16. Nukes4life

    Nukes4life Member

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    just the banners matter and the movement 5 should give the possibility to get some scores and move in later in the game for the objective, sadly did not get much out of it last saturday but was a lot of fun still :)
  17. airjamy

    airjamy Well-Known Member

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    How did you do, what was your final list? What were your problems on the day? Looking forward to hearing about how it went. No first place for you though if i hear you like this? ;)
  18. Nukes4life

    Nukes4life Member

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    first game was a 7/13 loss vs VC, second one a 7/13 win vs O&G and third one a 0/20 loss versus EoS (blonde beer).
    the list I took was the one i showed you exactly :p
    biggest problems was the magic phase, all those cheap magic missiles and not enough dice and power to stop them, opponents got +3 to cast and dispell so even my phases weren't much to write home about :p
    VC game: because of a big tower in the middle I deployed my 3 big monsters a little too far away from his big blocks, my idea was to get a charge on his blood knights, sadly he made a long charge into the saurus getting him behind my lines, carno charged his vargheist and eliminated them in one turn though. I turned the stegs towards his skeleton blocks hoping to get enough combat res with stomps and flank charges but it was not enough. They were charged in the back by the blood knights 2 turns later and eventually lost both stegs and that was the end. Terrorgheist scream vs skinks is still really strong though, he got first turn and eliminated one of the chameleons.
    O&G game: got a charge with all three big monsters into his 8man troll unit and decimated it, with those behind his lines he had to turn his 40 feral orc block to the rear and eventually had to surrender his mage on big spider for that unit. I was stupid to move up with one of the small banner units and lost the objective due to having to flee into those orcs. I really underestimated the squig hoppers though, were a nasty bunch. Salamanders were amazing this game.
    EoS game: carno lost 5 wounds turn 1 due to 2 cannon shots, after that he did murder some demigriphs with again the 3 monsters on the charge but he died to the steamtank next turn. after that my stegs were in a bad position and my saurus could not make a single armour save in like 4 turns. Also the stygio kept rolling 1's to wound. Dice were really unlucky so not much to say here. Look at the battle report of Orange Road for some pics of the tournament.

    For the list, I do like the 3 monsters a lot but might need to give one the engine of the gods for that wardsave. salamanders were amazing, skinks did a little less good but clearly worth their points. Skink chief on ptera was a little dissapointing dying to mm so soon. fleshrender did not do much on the bsb but still a fun addition, jade staff was worth it but the list needs more magic. Stygio was worth it in first 2 games though the magic did not do much. Saurus barely saw combat but do think the 3 scoring units beats just 2 banners.
  19. Athrenax

    Athrenax Member

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    Hi! I've been assembling my 8th edition army over the last few months, but I haven't gotten to play yet. Now in a few weeks there's a 9th Age noob-friendly tournament coming up, and I was thinking I'd use it as a way to get started with playing. However, I don't really know much about 9th, so I could use some help in building a list!

    As I don't actually know if I'll enjoy playing yet, I want to avoid buying more models before playing, buy I think I have enough models to be able to fill the roster. The lists are 4500 points, which I've been told equals about 2250 points in 8th. These are the models I have:

    1 Slann
    1 Character on Carnosaur (I suppose they could be fielded separately if necessary)
    1 Skunk Priest
    8 Cold One Riders (one of these could probably be a Scarvet Cowboy)
    21 Saurus Warriors with sword and board
    20 Temple Guard
    6 Saurus models that can be either TG or SW
    12 Skinks with blowpipes
    12 Skinks with jav and shield

    I hope you can help me!
  20. Luke
    Jungle Swarm

    Luke New Member

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    Hi there

    Would be amazing if you could help me write a 2500 point list for 8th edition. I know for certain I will be facing Vampire counts, Orcs and goblins and Dwarves. The models I have are

    Carnosaur model
    Scar vet on cold one
    x2 skink priests
    Old blood on foot
    1 skink chief
    60 skinks
    48 saurus warriors
    25 temple guard
    15 cold one riders
    2 salamanders
    3 ripperdactyls

    Any help would be amazing

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