AoS Chameleon Skinks and Hills

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by HazzaH, Nov 1, 2016.

  1. HazzaH
    Jungle Swarm

    HazzaH New Member

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    Good evening!

    An issue of some conflict came up the other day with regards to the wording of the Perfect Mimicry ability and the way the new FAQ defines hills since the FAQ states that Hills do not count as a piece of scenery and thus not as a cover .

    Perfect Mimicry: If all models in this unit are within or on a terrain feature, their Save characteristic is 3+ rather than 6+. This includes the bonus for being in cover

    The Perfect Mimicry ability states that the 3+ save includes any bonus the Cham Skinks would get from being in cover, but the actual bonus is activated by them being on or within a terrain feature.

    Does this mean that the Cham Skinks would get their ability triggered on a Hill, and if so would it be a 3+ or a 4+?
  2. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Just a wild guess:

    Terrain features = hills, streams, woods, fences, rock pillars, cliffs, etc.
    Scenery = building kits, portal kits, signature terrain kits, etc. (...available from GW.)

    Scenery is complex terrain that has a Warscroll; terrain is just a naturally occurring feature.
    Does that help? or confuse further?
  3. HazzaH
    Jungle Swarm

    HazzaH New Member

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    That does help tremendously thank you!

    Although the other question does still remain about whether or not the Chameleon Skinks have a 3+ save or a 4+ save on a terrain feature that does not confer a cover bonus.
  4. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    As you mentioned hills no longer count as cover. Chameleon skinks will not get the 3+ save on a hill. They must be somewhere that grants a cover save in order to benefit from the perfect mimicry ability.

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