Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Cristhian MLR, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Do you remember the old Battleforces? Those boxes with modest discounts? Well, they are BACK, go and check them NOW on Facebook.

    Almost all of this boxes have models from big releases from the last year, and of course, silly names bundle, this time all registred ™ and/or ® ! This might suggest warscroll battalions/formations included within them.

    All of this boxes will costs £100, and will be out this 3rd of December, and each Warhammer gets 4 boxes.

    Now, AoS got some interesting bundles. And I was right, no love for Death, because Sigmarines (well, even Death players saw that coming):

    - Battleforce Stormcast Eternals: Sigmar's Vengeance (19 miniatures; one Celestant Prime,2 Dracothian Guards, 5 Paladins, 10 Liberators and one Knight-Azyros), should cost £208, at £100, you are saving 52%, the biggest savings of all the eight Battleforce!
    - Battleforce Ironjawz: Thunderfist (16 miniatures; 3 Gore-gruntas, one Aleguzzler, 10 Brutes, one Megaboss and one Weirdnob Shaman), costs £184.5 individually, an appreciable 45.8% off (rounded).
    - Battleforce Sylvaneth: Darkroot Wargrove (18 miniatures; one Treelord, 6 Kurnoth Hunters, Drycha Hamadreth and 10 Revenants), cost individually £187, saving a good 46.5% (rounded).
    - Battleforce Khorne Bloodbound: Slaughterstorm (40 miniatures, literally the same 39 the Expansion used to have; 3 Skullcrushers, 10 Blood Warriors, 20 Bloodreavers, 5 Skullreapers/Wrathmongers, and Skarr Bloodwrath, plus one Aspiring Deathbringer with Goreaxe and Skullhammer. And £25 cheaper), costs £173, and is the battleforce with the less savings, with 42.15% off in total.

    I'm surprised for the 40K ones, because there are TWO Space Marine Battleforces. Fortunely, I love Space Wolves and like Deathwatch a lot, so is not a big issue for me. There is also a sweeeeeeeet Tau Battleforce, and an AdMec too:

    - Battleforce Space Wolves: Ironclaw Strike Force (28 miniatures; one Stormwolf, one Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought, 15 Space Wolves Blood Claws, 5 Wolf Guard Terminators, one Iron Priest and 5 Fenrisian Wolves), costs £173.5 individually, rounding up the same savings as the Khorne Bloodbound Battleforce, and the best offer for 40K. And they are Space Wolves with literal Space Wolves, so it is an awesome bundle!
    - Battleforce Tau Empire: Targeted Reconnaissance Cadre (26 miniatures; one XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit with two XV5 Stealth Drones, one Tau Commander with one drone, one Broadside Battlesuit and two Drones, one Tau Devilfish, 10 Tau Pathfinders with one Pulse Accelerator Drone, one Grav-inhibitor Drone and one Recon Drone, and 3 XV25 Stealth Suits with one markerlight Drone), costs £163.5 in GW stores, saving 38.83% rounding up.
    - Battleforce Adeptus Mechanicus: Eradication Cohort (17 miniatures, a mix of Cult Mechanicus and Skitarii models; two Kastelan Robots and one Cybernetica Datasmith, three Adeptus Mechanicus Battle Servitors, one Ironstrider Ballistarius/Sydonian Dragoon, 5 Adeptus Mechanicus Sicarians and 5 Adeptus Mechanicus Electro-Priests), priced individually £159.5, this guys have the "worst" savings of all these Battleforces, with 37& off, rounding down. Being a mixture of two armies who just got their release on the 7th Edition, I wouldn't say is bad at all, but they surely need some new options.
    - Battleforce Deathwatch: Watchblade Taskforce (27 miniatures; 15 Deathwatch Space Marines, 5 Deathwatch Bikers, 5 Deathwatch Terminators, one Deathwatch Transport and one Watch Master, and 3 upgrade frames included for the Terminators, Bikers and Transport), the most recent faction with a Codex during the 7th Edition to get a Battleforce, costs £171 individually, giving you 41% off, rounded down.

    Now, there is a big question: Are this bundles limited? Nobody knows, but we still have 2 and half weeks to find out.

    Battleforces used to be starter boxes with varible prices, which got standardized with the Start Collecting boxes. Now there are highlighting this boxes as great Christmas presents (and of course they are), but a multi-army (AND game) release is quite rare, and the last one was, exactly, the Start Collecting! Not only that, but they named the Battleforces and branded them (no, it wasn't just a joke :D), so that could mean that this kits could actually stay alongside the Start Collecting! kits, and given the great changes GW has been making this last year, I would say so!

    Also, the past monday was the last Webstore Blog entry, because the 16th of November there will be a new Community Page! we are not sure ye if it will have a forum, but it will have TONS of content, from guides (strategy and painting) to news and videos.

    What else could happen now? I got an hypothesis: see that Space Wolves Battleforce? right. Maybe the next month there will be one for the rumored Thousand Sons release. Just *maybe*.

    Have a great one!
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2016
    Warden, Jorgik, Bowser and 1 other person like this.
  2. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    :shifty: So no lizardmen..., no empire...
    Warden, n810 and SlanntaClause like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Only in our hearts ;)
    Warden likes this.
  4. SlanntaClause

    SlanntaClause Well-Known Member

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    I was desperately reading this hoping for some scaly love
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  5. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    To be technical, only the Slann survived, and of course the Empire got blasted away with the rest of the Old World.

    There is, a Dracothian guard set! ;)

    This week has nothing major, aside the Blood Bowl official release. But there are bits of interesting stuff here and there:

    Some Blood Bowl Painting tutorials:

    The Rumor Engine; a GW article that whows intentional leaks form GW with deceptive shoots of new products to be released, so we can speculate about them:



    What do you think?

    Our sister system will have a huge release next week, including 2 new paints (base Thousand Sons Blue and layer Ahriman Blue for Thousand Sons painting), tons of rules, and of course, since it's a Tzeentch release, there are some useful goodies for AoS:

    Tzaangor, now compatible with 40K! yes, they can use pistols and chainswords, which are not quite from AoS, but those weapons are actually from two "upgrade sprue" included in the box; they have the same weapons and shields as in Silver Tower, with additional options to include a musician and a standard bearer, and the leader of the unit can be a Twistbray (a bicephalous Tzaangor). This is an extremely cool looking and versarile set, since you can use those 40K upgrade sprues for Chaos Cultists, or deploy 40K Tzaangors and use the extra AoS stuff for Chaos Marauders, even Chaos Warriors with some extra work. The box costs £27.50, just £2 more expensive than the Bestigor box.

    Also, 40K got an update to use Blue and Brimstone Horrors from Silver Tower:

    Don't be surprised if the next year there is a Tzeentch Arcanites release, the Tzaangors seems to have been created first for AoS and then got the upgrade sprues for 40K, and the matched points chart form Silver Tower says that, while suggesting you to use the unites as proxies, if any of the units become available separately, there would be full rules to use them in matched play. And it's quite possible that there are complete Horrors sprues ready to be launched, and now let think about the second Rumor Engine leak; that clawed hand holding a staff that has an eye and a whirpool branching onto 9 tendrils? (sorry, bad english), that's way too Tzeentchian.

    What's more exciting is that the General's Handbook will get a new version next year, and GW is asking for feedback on Facebook!:

    GW will broadcast an AoS matched play event this 26th and 27th of November:

    And they will make regular streams on Twitch (sadly. The comments there are the closest thing to the Eye of Terror that exist currently):

    And finally, whatever the actual **** is this:

    This are truly the times of change.

    Happy December for everyone, and good luck, if Tzeentch is on your side...
    Warden and Freddy25 like this.
  6. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    I hate it. But I love it. But I also hate it.
    Obviously, I don't have elements to say this, but I believe the first picture may refer to something from 40K.
    I don't know anything of the lore of Warhammer 40'000 but it reminds me of this.
    Or maybe something Duardin (Steamhead?).
    Yeah, that is the exact same thing I thought... but... In my mind I have LOTS of doubts because this staff reminds me of two not-Chaos models:
    Mistweaver Saih and Tenebral Shard from Silver Tower. Particularly the second one.
    And, by the way, weren't these models supposed to be some sort of new (A)elfs?
    It certainly is the time to reveal something related... And yes, to add some new miniatures for those poor guys who loved Elfs in the World That Was!
    Happy to hear this determination to refine and support AoS, but unhappy too see the manual becomind "useless" so fast: I don't like this kind of strategy, publishing a rulebook every 1 or 2 years. I know there will be improvements, new Battleplans and so on, but I find this:
    Ahahaha! This is amazing! :joyful: They are crazy.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    I believe that it is dwarven (or whatever AoS calls dwarfs these days). You can see a dwarf symbol in the lower right corner of the picture.
    Agreed, that would annoy me as well.
  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    The new Magnus model is huge. Wonder if we will end up seeing demon-prince primarchs roaming the world of 40K in the near future. The forgeworld primarchs are pretty impressive from 30K at this point, so who knows...

    Also here is a heretical train of though:

    I wonder if @Cristhian MLR is a GW spy... :D

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    This sounds like AoS filth.. I don't recognize AoS fluff! :cool: The Lizardmen are alive and well.
    Acrocanth, Warden and pendrake like this.
  10. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    :meh: Yes, we got it, @NIGHTBRINGER , you don't like AoS: there's no need to repeat it again.
    Let's all try to be positive, respect the others' tastes and don't pretend to be the only superior kid able to play with his superior toy.

    I've written 179 messages on this site (180 with this one) while you have written 5966 of them:
    I believe that your tireless irony in regards of AoS is not helping the community of L-O.
    I would never think of coming to you referring to Warhammer Fantasy as a dead game, so I don't see the reason why you shold describe what many other users like as "filth", no?


    Now, coming back on-topic:
    I still haven't had the opportunity to see the Magnus model in person, but how big is it?
    I've read on the site he has a 100 mm round base, while for example the Verminlord Corruptor has a 120x90 mm oval one, but I haven't found any pic about it online.
    If they had similar size I would find the difference in prize a little high!

    Magnus = 80 pounds / 105 euros
    Verminlord = 55 pounds / 70 euros


    I don't know, but in any case: please keep up your spyin.. herr... writing! :p
    Warden likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    The comment was meant in jest. I would try not to glean too much offense from it as none was intended.

    That said, a forum is supposed to be an outlet for an exchange of ideas. Sometimes those ideas, beliefs or viewpoints are in opposition to one another. As per the example you provided, you could make any comment towards Fantasy and I would never take any offense from it. In fact, I would rather hear honest opinions in opposition to my own rather than someone remaining silent or disingenuously agreeing with me. Of course personal attacks are a different story altogether, but I don't feel that those have been levied by either us. My comments were a refection of what I feel about AoS and not what I feel about the people that enjoy AoS (after all... different strokes for different folks). I think that is a very important distinction.

    L-O is and should remain a "safe space" from personal attacks, but let's not try to make it a safe space from opposing ideas.

    We may have different tastes in games, but at the end of the day we are still part of the same scaly brotherhood! :)
    PhoenixTheCat and Warden like this.
  12. Freddy25

    Freddy25 Well-Known Member

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    I obviously got it, that's why I referred to it as tireless irony, but even the most funny joke if repeated thousands times becomes annoying
    we hear it since AoS release, which has been a year and a half ago if I'm not wrong
    and the fact it is in a thread which has nothing to do with preference over AoS/Warhammer doesn't help either, at least in my opinion. o_O
    This, on the contrary, could be a more suitable place to "reflect" on how we feel about AoS and to confront opposite ideas.
    Yes, and this is the exact reason why I'm trying to ask you to stop this irony:
    maybe it was not your intention, but if something (i.e. a joke, an opinion, a picture) makes me feel mocked it is in my interest to let you know it, and ask you to stop.
    Then it's your choice to decide to take into account my opinion or not, but don't take it as censorship, I'm not in the position to censor anybody.

    Now, I believe I have filled enough of this thread with my personal view of things, so I will try to come back in-topic quoting my previous post:
    Warden likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    To be fair, the amount of pro/positive AoS stuff on this forum outweighs the "negative" at least a million fold. If I had a penny for every time I heard that "AoS is great" or "AoS is the best thing to happen to Warhammer" I'd be a very rich man. Do you honestly feel that AoS is frequently bashed on this forum? Perhaps at its release a case could be made, but now at worst it is restricted to the occasional harmless quip here or there.

    I think this is the source of our differential view on things. My line of reasoning is that if you understand my comments to be made in jest and you recognize that they are not an attack directed at a specific person or specific group of people, then why would you feel mocked by it? I'm honestly asking because it has me genuinely perplexed. For instance:

    I love ice cream, it's by far my favourite food. With that said, there is nothing you could say about ice cream (call it gross, disgusting, etc) that would ever make me feel mocked. No matter what criticisms (however harsh or plentiful) are made against the subject matter (in this case ice cream) it will never result in my feeling attacked/threatened/mocked/insulted/etc. The key is in the separation of the viewpoint and person owning the viewpoint. So someone stating that "anyone who enjoys ice cream is an idiot" would be an example of a personal attack, because the primary target of such a statement is the person holding the viewpoint.

    My feelings on the subject can best summarized by:
    Either way, let me restate that the comment was not meant to cause offense to you personally or any group of people. I sincerely mean that. The comment was purely directed (and lightheartedly at that) at AoS and NOT an attack on the people that enjoy AoS.
    Crowsfoot, Warden and Freddy25 like this.
  14. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Guys, do NOT lose the focus, we are all here for the same reason: because we know that LIzardmen/Seraphon are the ultimate wargaming army ever produced, we are all from the same spawn pool here, and obviously we can have misunterstoods.

    Next time use more evident sarcasm and try to find the sarcasm; remember that this is our forum, not Reddit. Please.

    Now, let get back to the regular broadcasting.

    About the updates to GHB, I can be annoying to get an update each year, but the GHB is notoriously cheap and they can retune it with recurrent erratas or so, and I'm very pleased that they are going to make a regular tunings (always if they don't get crazy). That could also help to refine certain rules; one that bother me are the reinforcement points. Do you need to keep them for models like the Chaos Lord, who can tranform into a Daemon Prince if he kill the enemy general or become an Chaos Spawn if he dies? There are other models who could use some help; Lord Kroak is a powerful offensive hero, but the regular Slann almost always outclasses him as general because he can give reliable support to the rest of the army.

    I missed this last month, but this videos will make you buy the Hero bases kits:

    Warhammer-Community posted this Blood & Glory articles last week, really interesting:

    There is the Rumor Engine from November 30:


    Looks like an Adeptus Mechanicus arm with a keyring: one key shaped like their logo, but the keys are also a Tzeentchian symbol. It would be amazing if that is a tease for a Dark Mechanicus release, but who knows? it could be also an Tzeentchian hero.

    I mean, they also teased us with Tzaangors:

    The Tzaangors are an interesing kit, and the first non-daemon kit that can be used for both Warhammers. But I sahll not fall before the twisted forces of Chaos! [Inner struggle]

    The new Battleforces are ready to preorder too. There is still no news if this boxes will be limited or they will stay along the successful Start Collecting! boxes. And I mean succesful because this last semester GW actually managed to get up to an operating profit of £13 million, up from £6.2 the previous semester:

    I have to note that the Battleforces are quite unusual among independent retailers; they had a really low supply, many of them already sold out, and with minimal discounts, around just 10% less from the actual box. Those boxes also are not exactly helpful for them, since they are already selling the same models individually for aroun the same percent off that the Battleforces themselves.

    Hopefully the Battleforce will stay as permanent parts of the range. After all the SC! have been pretty successful, and this boxes are pretty neat on their own. This could start 2-Steps armies: get a SC! kit, then an Battleforce, then buy anything else you want. Simplifies the steps needed to build an army with discounts, which is certainly good.

    Also, they shouldn't be worried about people buying multiple boxes, at least for AoS: Sylvaneth, Stormcasts and Khorne Warriors have one named character/unique model, while the Ironjawz don't have any multi-assemble sprues. You can compare them with the 40K Battleforces: almost every major sprue has the option to be build as two (or even three with the Space Wolves) different models, so maybe you could want 2 for the army that you want. Also, they are not limiting the number of Battleforces that you can order to one, like they have been doing with certain bundles. I do expect the Battleforces to be permanent additions.

    Oh, true, The Hobbit got a new release this week, the Lake-town House!:

    That has to be one of the prettiests scenery kits ever released. You don't need to play The Hobbit to use them; they could make amazing ports in almost any game!

    For you, Blood Bowl fanatics, this week also has a new winter pitch to play on it:
    Not only that, soon (before Christmas) Forge World will make referees:

    And finally, this... ?:

    Ah, December is here! Have a great one, everyone!
    n810, Jorgik, Warden and 2 others like this.
  15. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    I am extremely happy, the AoS Battleforces were an absolute success!

    Every Battleforce except for Khorne Bloodbounds are sold out (at least everywhere outside USA, Australia an NZ); the Sylvaneth was out of stock by thursday, the Stormcasts on friday and the Ironjawz somewhere in between (Atlantic time).

    Yes, that also makes me extremely angry, because I didn't managed to get any of those three and I wished so hard to get the four. They were all limited to stock, so yeah...

    But hey, wednesday had a surprise launch: Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Spire of Dawn, an AoSed reprint of ISLAND OF BLOOD. At only £50, the same price as any Start Collecting! kit!

    It included both square and round bases, a booklet detailing how the Aelves and Skaven arrived here and rules to play it as an standalone game! Woah, 70 miniatures at the prices of a regular SC!? yeah, I'd like to try o- Sold out.


    Sold out in less than 24 hours.


    Well, nothing for me this Christmas then... but I still have hope.

    You see, this was posted just today:

    Now, what does those 40K kits whit my hope? Those boxes actually had a lmiited stock before. I don't know when exactly, but some of those transport + troop are not only returning, there are some news too. They seem to be priced at 30-40% of a SC! according to your regional coin, so good on 40K players. And that could mean that there are chances to get the Battleforces again too! we all have to start asking to GW if they could, please, re-release the Battleforces again sometime in the future. Maybe each Christmas or each major campaing, even for Made to Order some time.

    Something else? well, for me, obviously there will be a Tzeentch Arcanites release in the future, this week on Rumor Engine:


    Those eyes, those ornaments, they shout out "Tzeentch" for me. Maybe a disk, or a daemon engine or chariot. Maybe the staff from the last month rides this.

    At the moment, the Blood Bowl refs are still ready to pre-order, yet limited to stock:

    And there is a new video addressing Pile In, for those players who haven't understood how the rule work:

    Finally, the Warhammer-Community side also started to make weekly recaps of Duncan's Tips of the Day, worth to check out.

    Speaking of Duncan, and knowing that there are people interesed:

    The miniature is huge, standing eye-to-eye with an Imperial Knight. Sadly this means that he can't Count As a Tzeentchian Daemon Prince. But the painting tutorial is just full of ideas for a Tzeentchian army.

    There aren't many sights of new stuff incoming for the rest of the month, but that's good, so we all can take a rest, enjoy the vacations, and maybe go to bed and cry for not getting nothing you'd liked.

    See you soon!
  16. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yeah, this is the linky link
    It's just "Temporarily out of stock", so there's hope it will probably be released again.

    That said, there are two really interesting things.

    first: All models are supplied with optional SQUARE bases.

    second: Am i wrong or there are also some discontinued models? then who knows in a future... a Tomb Kings & Bretonnia return?
    Bowser likes this.
  17. Jorgik

    Jorgik Well-Known Member

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    The spire of dawn set is awesome. Not only love the fact that they come with square bases, but also that I get two complete armies for just 65€! I already subscribed to the availability email :joyful:.
    Bowser likes this.
  18. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Yeah it is a good deal, The island of blood set was the first thing I bought when I started back in the hobby but I sold it but I'm going to buy this.
    Bowser and Jorgik like this.
  19. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Well, that was fast...

    Even GW aknowledges it was fast...

    To be honest, I dislike the griffon quite a lot, something seems off between the original art to the model transition... but I do like those rat ogres, so I'd like to try to get one box and maybe use them as allies at some point.

    And of course, this only renews my hope to see the Battleforces again sometime in the future, that makes me happy.

    We have to help us guys: let's ask GW properly for re-release the Battleforces at some points in the future, and give them ideas too! I'd love to see a Seraphon Battleforce like everyone here: Guards, Skinks, a Bastiladon, two Terradon kits, that could be great!

    Well no, they *did* sold out in 24 hours, GW confirms too. This is a nice move to satisfy those who really wanted them and didn't had the chance.

    And only the discounted models are the Clanrats, everything else is exclusive, either only available here, or are plastic versions of resin models that GW is still selling.

    Finally, the Exalted Bloodthirster of Khorne, from FW, is returning:

    And no, this are not discontinued models per se, this are discontinued sprues, so don't expect a juicy re-release of Bret and TKs.

    And just a quickie; how to make great Blood Bowl bases:

    Well, look at this, GW strikes again, I'd like to see what other surprises they have, but I'd like to rest for two weeks...

    See you soon!
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2016
    Jorgik, Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  20. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    My ego goes first :p; Duncan showed me how to paint orange armour!

    The Greater Daemon of Khorne is back:

    Warhammer Live, Week One – A Retrospective:

    Warhammer Live has an optional sub-fee, so you can't use the live chat like many other Twitch channels. This should be bad, but Twitch's is populated with Chaos minions almost everywhere, the purity fee assure that no such corrupt abominations infest The Sacred Channel of Holy Warhammer Live.

    And... that's it. Well, there is an extra Battleforces for Ironjawz and Stormcast at this very moment, but that's it, it seems that we are all enjoying this vacations, and that's cool.

    See you later!
    Jorgik, Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.

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