AoS Make me a list that will lose me friends

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Lachlin, Dec 11, 2016.

  1. Lachlin
    Cold One

    Lachlin Well-Known Member

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    So, AoS is taking off here in town now and the meta is cheese. we play 1000 point games and most the guys are bring dead hard list to krump all of us that are learning the game. I want a mean list to use against those egg heads. 1000 points and i have access to every unit in the battletome. Help a dude out!
  2. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    To ask to "tone down" the cheese with beginners isn't an option?
    The shop owner should back up your request... unsatisfied beginners means a potential loss of new customers.

    That said, at 1000 pts, a solid list could be something like this:

    Saurus Scar Veteran on Carno - 260 (general)
    Skin Star Priest - 100
    Saurus Knights x 5 - 120
    Saurus Warriors x 10 - 100
    Chama skinks x 5 - 120
    Bastiladon - 300

    You will have a slow block (saurus and basti) but with good shooting, very threatening; a fast block (the carno and the knights), also threatening and with good command ability; the starpriest will offer magical support, a nice abilities and the possibility to dispel enemy's magic; the chama skinks will do their usual amazing work (take objectives, assassinate).

    at 1000 pts you have close combat, magic, shooting and movement.
    Comodoro, Bracnos, Seraphage and 2 others like this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    At 1000 points I think I would have trouble building you a friend losing list, but @Killer Angel has a solid list. You will definitely be competitive.
  4. Lachlin
    Cold One

    Lachlin Well-Known Member

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    Excellent! Thanks Killer Angel. Most of us are long time 40K players. I'll take my lumps from the more experienced AoS players, so I don't mind. True newbs have been warned to steer clear of a couple of the more "competitive" players.
    Bowser likes this.
  5. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    As resident purveyor of fine cheddar, I present to you a tasty little 1000 point list:

    Scar-Vet on Cold One- 100

    Empire Jade Battlemage- 100

    Saurus Warriorsx10 - 100

    Saurus Warriorsx10- 100

    Bastiladon- 300

    Bastiladon- 300

    This will give you:
    • 4D6 Rend -1 attacks that do 2 Damage each at 20" (and woe betide any demon player you run into).
    • 2 of the hardest to kill monsters in the game.
    • A wizard that can then heal those hard to kill monsters back up (and then make them even tougher for a turn).
    • A solid block of infantry that can move 10" a turn to grab objectives, not to mention ignoring rend -1.
    • A fairly fast General with a decent command ability and great tarpit-removal attacks.
    • A lack of friends.
    If you want to keep solely in Seraphon, you could drop the battlemage for a Starpriest, and then maybe replace the warriors for guard, but I really think the Jade wizard is worth its weight in gold in lower points value games. Your opponents will throw a lot of hate at your bastiladons, and if you can undo all their work with one spell cast... it can be pretty brutal.

    Just my 2 cents, and certainly not as versatile as @Killer Angel 's list, but perhaps a bit more punchy.

    Best of luck!
    Moc-Tzen, Ritual, Seraphage and 4 others like this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This does seem like a decent way to lose friends!
    Lachlin likes this.
  7. Lachlin
    Cold One

    Lachlin Well-Known Member

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    Thanks! I'll try this list as well!

  8. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Nasty! :D

    the only downside I can think of, is that (leaving aside the scarvet) the list is slow, so you can have problems in taking objectives, in some scenario from the GH.
    Bowser likes this.
  9. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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    Hmmm. Mixing the KA list with the IB list creates this 2000 point list:

    Saurus Scar Veteran on Carno - 260 (general)
    Skin Star Priest - 100
    Saurus Knights x 5 - 120
    Saurus Warriors x 10 - 100
    Chameleon Skinks x 5 - 120
    Scar-Vet on Cold One- 100
    Empire Jade Battlemage- 100
    Saurus Warriors x10 - 100
    Saurus Warriors x10- 100
    Bastiladon- 300
    Bastiladon- 300
    Bastiladon - 300

    Random musings:
    • Is that ^ a legal AoS list?
    • The Empire BattleMage could be a captive of the lizardmen... (old fluff, nvrmnd).
    • I could not build this list, I don't even have one Bastilodon.
    • I don't own a Carnosaur either.
    • I am annoyed that I need a General's Compendium (Tome, Battlebook? whatdidtheynameit?) to actually play AoS.
    • That business of "all you will need to play is models and these PDFs" is as annoying, as it has turned out to be untrue.
    Bowser likes this.
  10. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    That is purely based on the community. We were all playing just fine without before.

    It is legal with a seraphon allegiance.
    InfamousBeany likes this.
  11. Lachlin
    Cold One

    Lachlin Well-Known Member

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    Pendrake, that is indeed a legal list. it has 4 leaders, 3 battleline and 4 behemoths.
    Bowser likes this.
  12. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Not exactly.
    the first release of warscrolls is still valid, and you can download free warscrolls for each new model in GW's site.
    For free play you don't need anything else, and even to play matched battles you don't really need the General's Handbook: my games' shop keeps a "free" copy of the GH, so any player can look at it and create a list by points... I'm sure many other shops do the same thing, and anyway it's not that hard to find on internet the points value of each unit.

    Yeah, if you want MOAR (scenarios, battallions and so on) than you need to buy also the battletomes and the handbook (GW has never been a charitable institution), but the core of the game is still free.
    Bowser likes this.
  13. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    I'd be keen for a shadowstrike so:

    Starpriest - 100
    Chameleon skinks - 120
    Skinks x20 (with javelins) - 160
    Ripperdactyls - 140
    Saurus Guard - 100
    Stegadon - 260
    Shadowstrike starhost - 120

    Alternatively, depending on how chill your opponent is, you could have 1020 points and drop the chameleons and guard for another 30 skinks.

    This set up pretty much ensures you'll get first turn because you can set up the battalion all in one go, important if they have good ranged, if not, let them have the first turn. Stegadon means your skinks move d6", they also move 2d6" at the start of the game, so skinks are on average going to move 21" in their first movement phase, meaning they'll be in range to shoot someone with javelins, who you'll have decided to give rerolls on 1s for hits and wounds, nice. Cham skinks appear anywhere and shoot. Ripperdactyls descend from clouds on a behemoth and very likely destroy it with the +1 to wound rolls, rerolls on fails, 3-6 attacks with beaks, filthy, they might even survive for a second round. Your opponent panics and starts trying to kill your skinks and then your stegadon stomps in and starts destroying. I've played a similar list and it's a really fun army.
    Bowser and Arawn like this.
  14. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    @Killer Angel today I 'm playing my very first Seraphon battle, it will be 1000p and I 'm going with the list you proposed ! :D ( later on I am also going to try the 2 bastiladon ones that @Infamous Beamy proposed which seems really awesome ! )

    I 'm up against Stormcast. All I have to do now is pick my allegiance traits and although I 've read many posts on the subject, still a little bit confused like the newb I am :p
    Do I get to pick 1 command trait and 1 artifact or I can get a second one of one of these due to the "Seraphon army list" ?
    Killer Angel and Bowser like this.
  15. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    You get the order battle trait, defiant avengers. 1 Command trait, and 1 artefact. You only get extra artefacts for warscroll battalions.
    Seraphage likes this.
  16. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Thank you very much once again @Bowser !
    Bowser likes this.
  17. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Keep us informed (if you could do a BatRep with pictures that would be awesome).
    Lachlin and Bowser like this.
  18. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    @InfamousBeany may I ask you for a cheesy list of 2000p ? I know it would change due to the army opposed but what would be a solid base ( 1400/2000 for example) of a strong list ? I played only 1000p so far and I m a newb but I might go have some fun at 2000p in 15 days to see how it feels ! No model restrictions just give us your opinion !
    Bowser and InfamousBeany like this.
  19. pendrake
    Skink Priest

    pendrake Well-Known Member

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  20. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    @Seraphage I will do my best!

    I personally have an affinity with 'Death Stars'- groups of elite units that tend to stack and overlay buffs to create a beefy killing machine. These are not always the best option, and objective games can be...dicey sometimes, but the aim is generally to win through sheer overwhelming force.

    Let's take a look at tanky/shooting based list- fair warning, this is going to be lengthy and a ramble, buckle up.

    Anyone that knows me on here will not be surprised in the least when I start off talking about the Bastiladon. Oh space turtle, how I love you. Fawning aside, the Basti is an absolute powerhouse, and combines hardiness with a strong ranged weapon that will form the groundwork for our Death Star. Anything within 20" of this beast will take 2D6 / Rend -1 / 2 Damage attacks- brutal. Yes, I am aware that there is another variant of the basti, but is far inferior to what comes later in the list. We will want at least 2 in our list, as I have previously mentioned that killing one is difficult and killing two is damn near impossible.

    Next up is our battleline. My theory on battleline revolves around them either being cheap filler or something to be built around. As we are trying to be cheesy, we will choose cheap filler (that happens to synergise nicely). 3 Minimum sized skink units are what we want- a grand total of 240 points to fulfill our requirements for a 2000 point list. They do have the upside of being fast (if we need to dash for objectives) and having a ranged attack, not to mention their wary fighters rule disrupts our opponent's combat phase.

    On to our lynchpin- what will turn this list from strong to cheese? Enter our next unit of choice, the Celestial Hurricanum. This thing is an absolute powerhouse, let's take a look at what it gives us:
    • Mortal Wounds: This thing gives out mortal wounds like its chocolate at Halloween. 3 shooting attacks with a range of 18", and a spell that has inlimited range, think of this thing as Lord Kroak being pulled by horses.
    • Buffs: The Hurricanum provides two innate buffs- the first is a blanket +1 to hit to all nearby Order units. That is incredibly powerful, as it will affect everything in our army. The second is a buff to casting for Collegiate Wizards nearby- it should be noted that this does include itself as well as all flavours of empire battlemage.
    • Bulk: Unlike a lot of buffing units for other armies, the Hurricanum is fairly bulky, with a 4+ save and 11 wounds.
    But Beany, I hear you cry, what about all the deep striking threats like Stormcast and Stormfiends? Look no further than the Gryph hound. For 40 points, this is may be one of the broken units in the game. Yes, I am serious. It lets you take a free shooting attack at any unit that sets up within a certain rangeof you, with all of your units in range. Summoning? Dead. Sylvaneth redeploying? Dead. This little guy keeps your opponent at arms length for as long as you need.

    Next up is our Versatility Suite- how are we going to continue to stack our buffs for maximum benefit? First is the Starseer- he's great for tilting turn order in favour of us, and can get some mileage out of his spell by targeting the Hurricanum. The Starpriest is also an excellent choice- great for defending or neutering an enemy unit. Finally, the Skink Priest. Normally I would vouch against a unit that only does one thing, and even then only 50% of the time, but with support from the Starseer he becomes significantly better. He also gives us access to:

    The Heavenswatch Starhost. For 100 points, we get to target an enemy unit and everything re-rolls hit/wounds of 1 against them. More interestingly- our Bastiladons heal up by one wound every turn, no dice rolls needed. Tasty stuff.

    Talking of healing, our next special guest is the Jade Battlemage. Another staple of my lists, this chap lets you heal something by D3, then gives it a 6+ extra save. Excellent for our hardy units, annoying for our opponents if we use them on our skinks. He can be infuriating to go against as he undoes all our opponent's hard work with one spell cast. Potentially soul destroying.

    We will also need a command ability- so far all our Heroes are spellcasters and if we are to min/max this cheese list, we want everything. So, we take a look at our compendium warscrolls, and see how cheap the Skink Chief is (60 points!), and that he can give a skink keyword unit +1 to hit, and we put him into our list.

    Finally, we do need some sort of anti-close combat countermeasures. That is where our Razordons come in, 3 to be precise. 2D6 attacks each, and they can be part of our Starhost, and they can shoot in the combat phase. Coupled with the Gryph hound, these guys can shoot up to 3 times each battle round- that is 18D6 shots. Nice.


    So, put that all together and what do we have?

    Celestial Hurricanum 320
    Jade Battlemage 100
    Skink Chief 60

    Heavenswatch Starhost 100
    Skink Starseer 160
    Skink Starpriest 100
    Skink Priest 100
    10 Skinks 80
    10 Skinks 80
    10 Skinks 80
    Bastiladon 300
    Bastiladon 300
    Razordon x3 180

    2000 Points Total

    Battleplan, numbers and synergy map to come, stay tuned!
    Bowser, Lachlin and Seraphage like this.

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