Hi! I'm moving on from my dogs of war and empire army. I've had a couple of games with a friends lizardmen army and I really liked some of the lizardmen mechanics. Both of my previous army has been fairly defensive so a lizardmen list with a tooled out slaan might be stronger but im really looking for a list that can take the battle to the enemy. Anyway this is my list and I'd love to hear what do you think of it. Might be good to know that I normaly play in a heavily comped environment. Oldblood carnosaur The Blade of Realities, Enchanted Shield Scar-Veteran BSB, Piranha Blade, Bane head cold one Priest lvl 2 dispel scroll, diadem Chief ancient steg warlance 3 x 10 skink skirmishers 2 x 15 Skinks 12 saurus spears 4 terradon riders 5 coldone cavalry with standard of huanchi 2 salamanders 1 salamander 2247pts
Looks like a good start! Lizards are a blast, who doesn't like dinos anyway? I've never used the blade of realities, but it sounds cool. Let us know how it works. You might want to give your Oldblood light armour and a shield instead of the enchanted shield, and add the glyph necklace for the ward save. Think blade of realities back! If you get nailed with a no armour save weapon like something magical or even mundane like bolt throwers or cannon (which will happen) you'll have no defense. You have to decide wether or not 30 pts is worth a 1/3 save. Also, I like th enaked skink cohorts. For what they are useful for, 2 units of 10 to 12 are sufficient. I run 10's. They aren't good at combat, but have other applicaitons. Most simple i would say is table quarters, you're spending 50pts to deny or capture 100. Good return in my book. But tactically they can be used as cheap redirect units for nasty stuff and also bait for frenzied stuff. I like to hang mine back on the flanks of my saurus blocks and counter flank charge anything that comes straight at me spear lizards! Negates rank and picks up the flank usually = dead unit. Terries are awesome, you'll love them. A bit squishy, but very useful. I like your Scar Vet BSB in the Cold Ones! Nasty Unit. Maybe consider adding a champ if you've got the points. Never know who you'll run into. DE assassins for instance. Also if you play shooty armies consider the Sun Standard. It might get you to CC a bit stronger. I play WE's alot. Saurus block is a bit skinny. Consider at least 17 or 18 for full effectiveness. Salies are worth their weight in gold when they're not eating skinks! Chief w/ War Spear is a solid choice. 2D6+1 MAGICAL impact hits at Str 6! Plus 3 Str 6 MAGICAL attacks from the chief himself. He can get picked off up there and the unit can get stuck if flanked, so time that charge right! Like always, just sharing ideas and not looking for clones. Hope the info gets you thinking about all the possibilities. Looks like a solid start. Welcome to Lustria!
Finally a semi good reason to play with plastic dinos! All valid points and thank you for making them. About the oldblood. You are indeed correct that the wardsave is nice to have against most things and in an uncomped environment I would chose it. As it is magic is heavily restricted as is shooting so no two canons and more that two boltthrowers is rare. Wardsaves is usually not comp hit so a lot of people take them and that's were the BoR comes in. In the end I think it will be a set-up that has to be tested to see if it holds up. I'll let you know how it turns out. about the Skink cohorts. Good valid point I'll drop them down to about 12 and ad some extra handlers for the salamanders witch is a must I hear. might be hard to find the points to raise the saurus numbers. Could I be using the point better else were? I'm thinking of using them against core troops, as bait or a place for the shaman to hide in for a turn.
I agree about the skinks being in units of ten, because before they get charged they can spend half move to put all of them in the front rank and get off ten poisoned shots with no movement or over half penalty I absolutely love saurus warriors but if my army isn't built around them they seem to get left in the dust. I guess since you don't hafta worry about bolt throwers and the like as much, the EotG isn't totally key, but in my Carno-led, Steggie flanked army I have my cold ones up to a solid Ten with the scar-vet in there because that unit is pretty much the meaty core of the thunder lizard (though some would say that is alot of points to gamble on stupidity) I'm never sure which hunting pack I want to use, but the razordon does really well in just holding a flank so you can manouvere you're heavy hitters. What exactly does "comped" mean anyway?
Sorry I might have might have gotten the spelling wrong but I think that the full term in English is Composition score and were I play if you get to low you may not enter a tournament. Love the razordon model but in game I think the salamander is better. Cold riders.. 10 is a lot of point in one place but two units of 5 might work. Ill definitely think about it thanks
Hi again I've been toying with the armylist for a couple of days now going back and forth about the saurus warriors. I can't really find the points to turn the unit into another cold one unit but another option turned up instead. 16 x skink cohort with standard musician and one krox. In the role. this unit seem to be better on paper than 12 saurus with spears for the same points. Has anyone had any experience with them?
I've got three Kroxies and sometimes i run them separate and sometimes w/ skink buddies. I like the idea of the mixed unit. I like the guarantee of 12" vs. the maybe 14". The unit still causes fear and can dish out some nasty attacks. Plus the 6 skinks in the front can throw poisoned javelins and stand and shoot as well. When you get to combat 6 skinks at WS2 Str3. Plus the 3 Str6 WS3 attacks from the Kroxie. Personally i like th eCold One Riders better, but not a bad choice for the points.
I've had very little success with mixed skink and kroxigor. losing manouverability hurts and I'd only use them if I needed another core unit with a little punch and speed. I like kroxigor by themselves alot. only really used em against ogres, high elves and skaven, and despite my love for them, performed mediocre at best (except for the skaven which they tore apart)