7th Ed. Tournament of New Friends and Foes

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Dalkarius, Sep 20, 2008.

  1. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    Hey everyone! I've got great news. My and my High Elf pal recently discovered a gaming group within our school that uses every army except for High Elves! So this past Sunday I was able to test my metal against the new Vampire Counts and clashed swords with the Empire. We have more games this upcoming Sunday, which is starting to look like a weekly game day.

    Sadly, I was so busy I never had the time to record a strong report, but I will post me and my opponents' lists on here hopefully later this week. My High Elf friend and I are currently leading, 2-0 though his amount of point victories over mine are downright startling.

    Let's put it this way, I had two very fun battles against two rather skilled players. Against my Vampire friend was a game of disgusting destruction. I won the game by ONE point, much to my surprise. The Undead wretch brought with his a massive unit of 51 skeletons with a Vampire Lord and Necro leading them, giving them regeneration and WS 6. Though I was amused that a combo of JSOD and Steed of Shadows destroyed the Black Coach on the first turn! :bored: So expect an inaccurate report of that battle either Sunday or Monday.

    As for my Empire foe, he was unforcanately (as they all were) used to a Lizardmen player who knows what he's doing. They're player I've heard rather disappointing things about, not much of a fun guy, quits if he starts to lose so I'm hoping he doesn't attend with bad spirits. Anyways, the poor guy had a massive army compared to mine, but it didn't matter much when some Chameleons sent one unit Panicing through ALL of his units Turn 1...which destroyed half of of his fighters, the living being trapped in a confusing jumble on one side of the board, and the war machines layed exposed. Though he did enjoy showing me the particularly nasty Hellblaster Volley Gun, which spent an awful long time obliterating my units until the JSoD crushed its crew. I won by around 400 points. Both great games!

    As for my HE buddy, neither his Orc or Dwarf opponent quite realized how powerful of a Dragon they were up against. I'll give credit to the Dwarf, he nearly killed the beast with Thunderers. Though my opponent toppled both of them with sheer force and won by a staggering 2000 points easily, almost 3000 points againt the dwarf and we were playing 2250! (table corners, banners, etc.) So I've alot of catching up to do.

    However, I'm curious how the Dragon will fair due to the new members showing up this week. Wood Elves, Skaven, Tomb Kings, Ogres, Dogs of War, you name it, they're coming. The Skaven player in paritcular concerns me due to his cackling whenever the Dragon is mentioned. Our ratman fellow seems to be bringing Jezzals....a battle I'll look most forward to seeing against my friend.

    Anyways, expect much more detailed reports about my battles! Cheers!

  2. Sammy the Squib

    Sammy the Squib Member

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    Sounds like you've found a good place to get experience fighting all different types of armies, good stuff! :)
  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    I must say, I am definately jealous. Ever since I went back to university there has been a definitive lack of opponents :shamefullyembarrased: . I would love to hear your insights once you've been able to compare all of the new armies against one another.
  4. Pinkus

    Pinkus New Member

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    Guess I didnt know how lucky I am. We regularly get 6-12 people a week at my local store. But somehow we don't have any regular daemons or vamp players and our high elf player never brings a dragon(but strangely enough our DoW guy does). Even though the last time I face a dragon by some twist of fate my orc boar chariot got a flank charge in on him and after 4 rounds of combat actually killed him. He's now been given the name, Dragon Slaya.

    My friend who plays skaven at any tournament tells me the last time he fought a star dragon, the guy didn't seem too threatened by the warp lightning cannon. Well his first shot against the dragon rolled a 10 and a 6 for wounds. I bet that kid will never underestimate the skaven any more.

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