7th Ed. 3000 Hard Core List (want feedback)

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by mantanza, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. mantanza
    Jungle Swarm

    mantanza New Member

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    460 Slann
    Cupped Hands of the Old Ones
    Dispel Scroll
    Bane Head
    Focus of Mystery
    The Focused Rumination
    Becalming Cogitation

    365 Slann
    Dispel Scroll
    Plaque of Tepok
    The Focused Rumination
    Becalming Cogitation

    390 Skink Priest
    Level 2
    Ancient Stegadon with Engine of the Gods

    390 Skink Priest
    Level 2
    Ancient Stegadon with Engine of the Gods

    118 Scar Veteran
    Light Armour
    Great Weapon
    Jaguar Charm

    169 Scar Veteran
    Hand Weapon
    Great Weapon
    Hide of the Cold Ones

    70 10 Skink Skirmishers
    70 10 Skink Skirmishers
    70 10 Skink Skirmishers

    180 15 Saurus Warriors

    238 14 Temple Guard
    Standard Bearer

    238 14 Temple Guard
    Standard Bearer

    120 4 Terradon Riders

    120 4 Terradon Riders

    Looking for feedback. I know it is character heavy, however I am trying to capitalize on the great stats of the Scar Vet, and still run solid magic. Not having miscast protection on the second slann worries me, but I really like the make up of the list. So let me know what you think.
  2. lustria2009

    lustria2009 New Member

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    Are you looking for a list for the Ard Boyz tourney? If so i think the Jaguar charm will have a hard time getting off when and where you need it. I also am not running miscast protection on my second Slann.

    I would really recommend putting the BSB on a Slann and not the Scar Vet. The Temple Gaurd become damn near immpossible to break with the BSB. Also in a hard list enviornment i would reccomend more dispel scrolls. Also, give one of the EoTG priests Diadem of power. For 25pts you get to take two PD and turn them into Dispel dice. That would give you 12 DD along with the negate 6's is crazy!

    Offense is good, but i am concerned about defense as well considering the hard lists DE's and VC's can muster.

    Just my simple $0.02
  3. mantanza
    Jungle Swarm

    mantanza New Member

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    Yea I typically do much of what you suggest...diadem, BSB on Slann etc. I was trying to get another decent block in there with the saurus, with the scar vet causing fear and in one of the scenarios he makes them stubborn!!

    You are prob right though and I should drop both scar vets, and try and work in some salamanders and better magic defense.

  4. lustria2009

    lustria2009 New Member

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    My combat list has a Skink Chief on Ancient Steg w/ War Spear and BSB. My Magic list has two Slanns one w/ BSB. Either way the units they are w/ are already stubborn! Go figure. I played in a local tourney where anyone within 12" on center became frenzied and hatred unitl beaten in CC. Kinda negated th eadvantage of Hatred that DE's have. But then, that's th efun of mixing scenarios at a tourney!

    Even though the unit would be stubborn in the one game consider the others too. I don't think it would be good for us to focus on one and then ba at a diadvantage for the other two.

    I like the terries. I can only field 1 unit of 3 or 4. Not sure Sallies would be essential. I only have one in my list w/ extra handler. More skirmishers or maybe a naked ranked skink cohort or two. (10 5x2)

    More dispel scrolls too!!!
  5. lustria2009

    lustria2009 New Member

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    And speaking of my 1 sally...

    For 80 skink eating points i'm thinking of dropping it for another unit of 11 skirmishers or maybe some magic items on the Slanns like Bane head and Spite Statue, Rod of Storms, etc...

    Of course it is an open list. Which might make them hesitate w/ their dispel dice and scrolls. It's so hard not to think too much!
  6. mantanza
    Jungle Swarm

    mantanza New Member

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    I have had pretty mixed results on the salis but when they hit WOW they hit. However being as this is not going to be a "friendly" compitition they will prob not serve much of a purpose Vs Demons, Vamp Counts, HE and DE so you are probobly right in dropping them.

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