AoS Focus of different armies

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Canas, Jan 13, 2017.

  1. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Can anyone describe to me in a few sentences what every race/faction focusses on and how their varying armies can be build alongside what their fluff is? I can't find anything that isn't horrendously outdated, or far too verbose to go through just to figure out what other armies I might enjoy playing.

    E.g. is a race ranged focused, or magic focused? Does it field a few powerfull units or lots of weak ones? Fast moving, or slow? What is their fluff in a few sentences?
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  2. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    I'll give you undead!

    New subfactions seem to highlight this, but undead have always been very character focused.

    Undead: Dead, but not-so-much, because when you kill them they come back 50 times with abilities and spells. Characters are what keep the whole army going, kill characters and the synergies and regenerative abilities fall off fast. Armies are usually built in typical 8th edition style with "tarpit" and "anvil" type units, but Age of Sigmar decided to let even the tarpit units roll some face so they are very deadly especially with characters around. Armies are typically middle of the road for speed, though some battalions allow for board edge set ups, making them dangerously fast. Typically very lackluster with ranged attacks, they rely on getting large blocks of duders in on you, never letting those units die from regeneration and killing you through attrition or getting some mondo units (im looking at you crypt horrors) to come ruin some face. Courtier units hold individual units together, while large characters (like abhorrent ghoul king) take care of synergies.

    Brutal stuff.
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  3. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    And Dwarves (at least Dispossessed)!!

    Dwarves (dispossessed) - Slow and defensive, rely a lot of killing things through use of unit abilities (grumble grumble grumble). They are tough to move with rerollable shield wall saves, but it comes with a price. Because the abilities activate when they do not move, they have a hard time in "get to the objective" missions, but if they get there, hold very effectively. Have some really cool heroes that are very killy, but sometimes kinda glass cannon. They have a great mix of melee and ranged, and armies will need to be built with both in mind. Engineers and artillery are where they really shine (though cannons etc are Ironweld Arsenal iirc.). They have the ability to really reduce large monsters to small finely ground powder if dice rolls go somewhat decently.

    Strengths: Strong units when you can use them. KIlly and survivable
    Cons: Overly reliant on a few strong shooters (bad rolls = bad game), Slow (re-roll saves relies on standing still, low base move), need to dedicate a lot of resources to protect valuable models
  4. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Thanks, keep em coming ^^
    Seraphage likes this.

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