Army Fluff Shogun of the Dragon Isles- Samurai Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Warden, Jan 13, 2017.

  1. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    So I have to start this thread with an amazing quote from Lord @Slanputin from another fantastic thread on the Dragon Isles. This quote got me thinking about what really happened when Lizardmen society fell apart across the Old Ones empire when they disappeared. Odds are it was a gradual process, sped up by varying degrees of slann intervention and daemon invasions. It also got me thinking about the piece I did on pirates, and how it would be fun if I made up an altered warhammer timeline with the Dragon Isles based on Sengoku-period Japan!

    This was back in june… so far I have a decent amount of backstory done, and I recently entered another test short story about one of the major characters. Hope you enjoy the lore!


    Lizardmen Version of the Lore of the Flies- concerning the lore of the Dragon Isles

    Never Lie to a Samurai- my short story based on the saurus-samurai

    Pirates of the Dragon isles- my earlier short-story entry on the contest thread, also on the Dragon isles. Not necessarily related to this continuity just yet, but I am trying to figure out a way to make it work.

    History of the Dragon Isles

    quick quote, pulled off Warhammer Lexicanum

    The Dragon Isles are a group of islands located in the Sea of Dread, east of the Southlands and south of the Mountains of Mourn. The Dragon Isles are inhabited by Lizardmen Saurus and Skinks, although never by Slann. Contact with their masters was cut off many centuries ago, and the Lizardmen on the islands have reverted to animalistic barbarism without the guidance of the Mage-Priests. It is unknown whether the Slann of Lustria have attempted to establish communications or left the Dragon Isles to their fate. However, as all attempts by explorers to establish colonies on the isles has failed, the fate of the Lizardmen living there has been accepted as part of the Old Ones Great Plan.

    Early History

    Eons prior to the Great Catastrophe, the skink priests had presided over their Lizardmen brethren through edicts from far Lustria, transmitted by the slann directly to the main communication node at the temple-city of Koa. These High Priest controlled the denizens of Koa and the outlying cities and territories of the Dragon Isles, as well as ancient (and now lost) minor temples and shrines as far away as Ind and Cathay.

    Around -5600 IC (Imperial Calendar), the polar gates of the Old Ones collapsed. At the time, no Slann were present in the Dragon Isles, for the island was only ever inhabited by saurus, skinks, and kroxigors. With the loss of contact with the Old Ones and the Slann came incursions of orcs, goblins, ogres, beastmen, and chaos-daemons flooding over the dragon isles from the mainland.

    Immediately following the Catastrophe, the skinks priests were able to maintain control over their fellow skinks and the powerful saurus legions thanks to the threat of a common enemy: vast hordes of enemies on their doorstep ready to tear down their temples and wipe them from existence. The saurus and skink legions of the Dragon Isles stood strong against the threat of extinction, and eventually triumphed and fought the hordes back across the ocean, or into the depths of the deepest and remotest jungles of the Isles.

    After the Fall

    When the revolts began, the Emperor’s shogun was unable to keep the armies together. The saurmurai commanders and the regional military powers had fragmented, and the Isles were plunged in even greater despair. Newly spawned saurus cohorts, lost to the world, reverted to their animal instincts and decimated the countryside and skink populations. Brigands ran rampant; the saurus daimyo governors were only able to maintain order by use of force in their isolated provinces. Skink fought skink; saurus fought saurus as the Old Ones were increasingly forgotten in the wake of the growing power of the warrior caste.

    - Ake Zuhuanchi- excerpt from “Never Lie to a Samurai."

    In the centuries following the Catastrophe, the memory of the Old Ones and a Slann were but a distant memory to the surviving inhabitants.

    The High Priest of the skinks was still the undisputed ruler of the Dragon Isles, but had grown distant from the Lizardmen populace. The High Priest was given the title Emperor, to distinguish him over all other priests, later given the appellation Slann-Emperor, (or more formally, the Tzlan-Emperor) by his fellow priests. Considered on a higher plane than other skinks and saurus, for he is the one who communicates directly with the Old Ones on their behalf. The Slann-Emperor and his spawn-children are all considered direct descendants of the Slann and the Old Ones.

    The skinks priests as a whole became increasingly fanatical and religious, ordering the construction of great temples and mountain shrines, in memory of the lost Slann and Old Ones. Many sacrifices were sent to the heavens wreathed in flames and incense, but no prayers were ever answered. Some skinks turned to the worship of the embalmed remains of past High Priests, enshrined in the Holy Temple at Koa. Still others turned to the worship of the ancient communications apparatus and engine portals where the ancient instructions used to come from.

    Many worship wooden and golden idols made in the image of the Old Ones and the Slann. One of the most popular deities is the Fat Slann, golden idol of an immensely fat Slann, meant to be a representation of plenty, and an aspect of the Slann Emperor.

    With the growing religious fervor of the skink populace and degeneration of their ancient and efficient bureaucracy, the skink priests unable to maintain order amongst the Saurus veterans, who begin to assert themselves for dominance.

    Growth of the Saurus Class

    Dragon Isles Map Spawn-Clans.png

    Many small Lizardmen tribes on the outskirts of the Dragon Isles, cut off from the constant reminders of civilization, began to fall to barbarism. They rejected the rule of the skink temples and began to fight amongst each other in crazed bloodlust, and in some cases saurus and skinks were rumored to turn on each other in cannibalism.

    The saurus legions themselves become disenchanted with the non-rule of the Slann-Emperor and the religious excesses of the skink priests.

    The enclaves of saurus legions and veterans break into clans and tribes with various hunting grounds, doing little more than stealing what they need to survive. Some hunt for sport, others gather gold and riches. Few motivated by ideals other than personal freedom, and the time-honored tradition of the warrior class: might makes right.

    Clans spring up along power lines formed from control of spawning pools, headed by the most powerful Oldbloods of each spawn-clan known as daimyo. No single clan held sway over the entire Isles, which led to competiton amongst the saurus clans. Fortresses and cities were built around the spawning-pools, becoming the focuses of the saurus power struggles. The saurus orchestrated constant moving patrols to hunt down trespassers in their lands, and fought skirmishes and eventual wars of conquests against their neighbors to gain more power to their realms.

    A warrior code is developed amoungst the saurus clans, to stand as a replacement to the blind obedience of the past and the anarchy of the barbaric saurus clans. Loyalty and honor are most important in an age where self-interest and backstabbing are common.

    The Slann-Emperor and the Shogun

    “The Old Ones are departed. The Emperor Tenno-Jimmu slumbers, the rest of the tzlan are dead and gone. The priests lie to us and cast us aside. The shogun and his Temple Guard are weak and refuse to act as the Isles disintegrate in war.”

    - Ake Zuhuanchi- excerpt from “Never Lie to a Samurai.”

    The Temple Guard are a specific caste of the saurus who fanatically serve the Slann-Emperor and the skink priests as a whole. They are the personal body guards of the skink priests, elite and heavily armored saurus warriors whose devotion to the skinks are total.

    In the centuries following the Great Catastrophe, the Slann-Emperor and the skink priests at large became distrustful of the saurus caste. As a response they appointed the head of his Temple Guard as a new title, the shogun, to bear the powers of not just the lead protector of the person of the Slann-Emperor but also supreme commander of all his armies, giving him supremacy over all the saurus legions. This worked for a time, but with the increasing religious focus of the skinks the Temple Guard too became aloof from the problems that plagued everyday Lizardmen society across the Isles as a whole. The shogun, like the Slann-Emperor himself, became a figurehead of failed government power, but at the same time became a coveted position by all the saurus caste, who longed to gain for themselves the powers of the shogun, and thereby unite the Dragon Isles under a strong ruler, and bring order to their trouble lands.

    Also during this period of loss of central guidance causes some skinks to strike out on their own. Some skink merchants trade with cathayans and ind to the east for the goods coveted by the saurus warrior caste, or else with the ogres and chaos dwarves to the north for slaves.

    Dragon Isles Caste Structure

    dragon isles caste structure.png
    Slann-Emperor- the High Skink Priest of all the Dragon Isles. He and his spawn-children are considered the holiest living creatures on the entire Isles, and the rightful rulers of the Lizardmen. Despite this, the person of the Slann-Emperor has become increasingly distant and aloof from the problems of the Dragon Isles. The Slann-Emperor is always secluded away by the priest-caste and the shogun in the Capitol City at Koa.

    Shogun- the shogun is the military representation of the Slann-Emperor, and is therefore the second most important figure in all of the Dragon Isles. Though a saurus, the shogun is higher than any skink priest.

    Priests- Including the skink priests and the great monastery-temples that are spread throughout the Dragon Isles. They maintain a host of private skink and saurus monk armies, known respectively as skinkhei and saurhei, but the monk-warriors themselves are of course considered inferior to the skink priests, the only users of magic on the Isles.

    Saurus- consisting of the saurmurai. At the head of this caste are the daimyo, followed by the daikan deputies of the daimyo, and all saurus retainers. All saurus are considered superior to skinks, with the only exception being the skink priests. Note that the Temple Guard are in some cases considered more important than a regular saurus, but the daimyo would in most cases dispute or ignore this. At the bottom of the saurus caste are the sauronin, saurus warriors who have no liege lord either due to war, treachery, or exile. The sauronin have only grown in number as the warfare on the Dragon Isles continues, often roaming the countryside as nothing more than bandits and brigands, though some find employ in the households of desperate spawn-clans.

    Skinks- the bulk of the population of the Dragon Isles, consisting of both the askinkagu footsoldiers of the spawn-clan armies, and the skink peasants. Also includes the skink merchants who trade amongst the spawn-clan strongholds and beyond the Isles themselves, but as a rule merchants are looked upon as lower than soldiers and artisans in the eyes of the saurus. Interestingly, most saurus would consider outsiders to the Dragon Isles, such as humans, dwarfs, or elves, on the same level or lower than skinks, but higher than kroxigors.

    Kroxigors- while higher than slaves, the kroxigors are considered nothing more than beasts of burden to most of the saurus and skink populace of the Dragon Isles. This is due to no fault of their own, for they were in ancient times genetically engineered to have simple minds by the lost Old Ones and the Slann. There are some kroxigors who do manage to make something more of themselves and rise through the ranks of Lizardmen society, but these are rare and hard to find exemptions, the greatest example being Hoka Tepokatzu, the kroxigor ancient, powerful warrior, and loyal vassal in the employ of the Cocomara Clan.

    - The slave trade, while technically outlawed by the edicts of the Slann-Emperor and the shogun, is alive and healthy across the Dragon Isles. Slaves are the lowest caste of Dragon Isles society, this class can be made up of the unfortunate soul of any species, whether saurus, skink, or non-Lizardmen. Slaves are used in all facets of Lizardmen society, rarely on the battlefield except to row the great wooden-and-stone ships of the spawn-clan fleets, and to work other unpleasant work such as the rice-fields or deep in the clan mines. Some become slaves because of debt, most became slaves due to capture in war or by pirates plying the coastlines.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2017
  2. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Terms Dictionary

    Names and Titles

    askinkagu: skink footsoldiers of the daimyo armies, used for their sheer numbers to bolster the size of the daimyo armies, and augment the battle-lines of less numerous saurmurai. Often used as missile troops, for missile weapons are considered beneath the use of a saurmurai. Increasingly some daimyo have used their numbers and ranged capabilities to good use, especially since the introduction of gunpowder weapons by Tilean and Imperial traders from the Old World. Similar to the skink cohorts used by the Lizardmen armies of Lustria.

    daikan: saurus warriors of the saurmurai caste, deputies of the daimyo. Usually also serve as the daimyo’s generals in times of war, and can be either members of the same spawn-clan of the daimyo or belong to vassal clans. In comparison, a daikan is of similar stature to a saurus scar-veteran of Lustrian armies.

    daimyo: the saurus warrior of the saurmurai caste who lead a spawn-clan. Rule vast stretches of territory, nominally loyal to the Slann-Emperor but in truth are functionally and militarily independent. Often quarrel and scheme against other daimyo to increase power, many with the ultimate goal of determining which daimyo should come to rule the entirety of the Dragon Isles as the new shogun. In comparison, a daimyo is of similar stature to a saurus oldblood of Lustrian armies.

    hatamoto- a bannerman, who carriers the standard of a saurmurai into battle. Also known as a gokenin. Also known as the army battle-standard bearer.

    mon: also mondokoro or kamon, a mon is the emblem used to identify a spawn-clan. Each clan has its own mon symbol used to identify its daimyo, warriors, and soldiers in battle and in all other aspects of life, including clothing, banners, and buildings. A mon could be as simple as the red square-circle used to identify the Aki-aka shogun of the Home Province, or as complicated as the double-headed winged coatl emblem of the Usuji clan.

    saurhei: saurus warrior monks, usually in the employ of the skink priests and the temples across the Dragon Isles. Usually fanatically loyal to their priest employer. Identified by their monk robes, normally yellow-orange/saffron in color, and often wear white scarves or hoods over their heads. Usually fight with naginata war-halberds

    saurmurai: saurus warriors of the Dragon Isles. Usually equipped with the standard macana, the club-katanas of the saurmurai class, but are known to use and be experienced in nearly all forms of weaponry. Rich saurmurai are known to wear highly decorated and expensive armor, with the clan mon proudly displayed, often wearing headdresses with horns and spikes to intimidate their foes.

    sauronin: saurus warriors, formerly saurmurai, who have no liege lord, whether this is due to their master having been killed, died, or been released from service. Looked down upon by other saurmurai. Often employed as mercenaries, or otherwise roam the countryside as vagabonds, bandits, brigands, or worse.

    seppuku- name for the ritual suicide commited by the saurmurai class in times of great dishonor to the saurmurai, such as a grievous loss in battle that led to the loss of a lord, or the forced suicide due to a failure. Was committed by self-use of the macua, or short club, by making a thrust through the stomach, disemboweling the saurmurai. A second saurmurai would often be present in the ritual to behead the dying saurmurai as a sign of respect, and to quicken the passing, also to ensure the death of the perpetrator.

    shogun- military ruler of the Dragon Isles. Since centuries past, the shogun has served both as the military protector of the Slann-Emperor and the priest caste, as well as the supreme general of the Slann-Emperor’s armies. The Temple Guard of the Azi-aka clan held the title of shogun for thousands of years following the Great Catastrophe.

    skinkhei: skink warrior monks, in the employ of the skink priest caste. Often they are fanatically loyal to both their priest and patron Old One deity. The skinkhei monks are usually easily identified by their monk robes, normally yellow-orange/saffron in color, and often wear white scarves or hoods over their heads. Usually fight with war-bows.

    Tzlan-Emperor: formal title for the Slann-Emperor, using the original ‘lizard’ pronunciation of Slann, similar to that used by the Lizardmen of Lustria. The Slann-Emperor is actually the High Skink Priest of the Dragon Isles, who has taken the appellation “Slann” due to its holy implications. Prior to the Great Catastrophe, the High Priest was the speaker for the Slann, who communicated the orders of the Slann to the armies of workers and soldiers of the Dragon isles. In the current day, the Slann-Emperor resides aloof in the Holy City of Koa, where he has been reduced to little more than a figurehead by the shogun and the rampant warfare that plagues the Isles.

    Weapons and Equipment

    macana- club-katana used by the saurmurai class, also known as the long club. Always paired with the macua, was a symbol of the saurmurai status. Both weapons are made of a super-hardened wooden base, with spikes/blades of obsidian or bronze inserted on the sides to make razor-sharp cutting edges. Smaller versions are sometimes used by skinks, but it usually takes the great strength of a saurus to make these weapons effective.

    macua- smaller-club katana used by the saurmurai class, also known as the short club. Always paired with the macana, was a symbol of the saurmurai status. This was also the device used by saurmurai to commit seppuku by a quick thrust through the stomach.

    macuahuitl- oversized, two-handed great club-katana used by the saurmurai class. In some cases the great-weapon is named “hungry wood” for its ability to attack large foes, or multiple enemies at once.

    naginata- large bladed halberds and pole weapons, used by skinks, or larger versions used by saurus. They are the preferred close-combat weapons of saurhei and skinkhei monks. Effective against both infantry and cavalry, but also slower to use, and usually require both hands to use.

    nobori- more traditionally known as a hata-jirushi, these banners were larger versions of the sashimono worn by invididual saurmurai and soldiers on the battlefield, used to identify and differentiate between different regiments or sections of the army.

    puwjul- also tangeshima, or “fire-sticks,” these are the primitive gunpowder matchlock weapons used by askinkagu foot soldiers of the saurmurai armies. Introduced to the Dragon Isles by Tilean and Imperial traders, as well as trade with the Chaos Dwarfs to the north. Also constructed in pistol form.

    sashimono- small banners worn during battle, affixed to be back scales/armor of a warrior. Usually contain an image of the clan’s mon.

    tlaximal- great weapon, usually in the form of a axe with a very large, double-sided blade made of bronze. Rare weapons, reserved for the use of a daimyo or the greatest of warriors. Famous example is the ancient tlaximal used by Tlaxeda Zhigen during his campaigns.

    uma-jirushi- these banners were similar to the individual sashimono banners of individual warriors or nobori battle standards of regiments, but specifically used to identify the location of the daimyo, general, or other important figure on the battlefield. While they could be large flag banners, many daimyo or generals would have personalized standards made up of kites, winsocks, gongs, bells, umbrellas, or streamers, or occasionally in the form of fantastic beasts, creatures, or other designs. The carrier of the uma-jirushi, normally the hatamoto, therefore held a very crucial but dangerous position, being both at the nucleus of organization, moral, and action during battle, as well the primary target for all enemy forces.

    yari- spears and pole weapons, used by both saurmurai and askinkagu footsoldiers. Usually employed as a defensive weapon, especially against cavalry charges but only when the infantry doesn’t run. Also very effective when used from the back of a cold-one because the greater weapons reach of the rider.

    yumi- war bows used by askingaku troops.

    ashigaru- foot soldiers of feudal Japanese armies, usually of humble origins, employed by the samurai class to bolster their numbers.

    samurai- noble warrior class in feudal japan

    sohei- Japanese Buddhist warrior monks of feudal Japan

    The weapon names are from a rough mix of Japanese and Aztec inspired sources:

    The macana and macua are roughly analogous to the katana and tanto, the combination of samurai swords known as the daisho. The macana is the name for the Mesoamerican-inspired war-clubs used by the Lizardmen

    The macuahuitl literally means hungry-wood in Nahuatl (Aztec language), and is a larger version of the macana. In this literary universe it is the stand in for the Japanese no-dachi, or really big katana.

    The tlaximal is a shortened name for tlaximaltepoztli, meaning carpentry-metal-ax in Nahuatl.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2017
  3. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    The Great Spawn-Clans

    Note on Names: The Lizardmen of the Dragon Isles place great importance on the name of their Spawn-Clan, hence the often precede their personal name with their clan name, i.e. Sonaka Zangami (Clan-Personal), instead of Zangami Sonaka (Personal-Clan). In conversation, personal names or abbreviations of personal names are usually used between friends, while clan-names are used in more formal settings.

    Quick notes on the specialty of the great Lizardmen Spawn-Clan

    Azi-aka Clan
    - clan that held power over most of the dragon isles through religious supremacy; acknowledged overlords due to location of temple city and ruins. Run by skink priests with a Saurus protector class that holds the real power

    Chotekasabe Clan
    - brave and accurate skink archers

    Cocomara Clan- vassals of the Imazi and later the Oka, known for their networks of chameleon skink ninjas

    Dzi Clan- known for fast-charging regiments of macuahuitl-wielding saurmurai infantry

    Ho-ko Clan
    - ancient clan, masters of siege works, known for their grand and impregnable fortress capitol

    Imazi Clan
    - extinct liege lords of the Cocomara, known for disciplined saurmurai infantry

    Moki Clan
    - strong naval force, trade with chaos-dwarfs of the Dark Lands, allies with the Oka

    Oka Clan
    - known for well-trained skink cohorts, some trade with nations of the Old World for blackpowder weapons.

    Tlaxeda Clan- known for large number of raptor (cold-one) riders

    Usuji Clan- religious warrior monks, as well as a strong trade economy with Ind

    Xiumazu Clan- experienced macana-wielding saurmurai infantry, very loyal generals

    Chotekasabe Clan

    The Chotekasabe clan is known for their brave and experienced askinkagu archers, and is one of the few Spawn-Clans that is led by a skink instead of a saurus. The clan is known for a strong preference for hit-and-run tactics, whether it is mounted on terradons or through skirmish tactics melting through the jungles at the edges of their territory. The clan also maintains an extensive naval presence, kept in check only by the Moki clan. While not an expansionist clan, they hold a stranglehold on all trade that flows through their territory thanks to their fleet castle-stronghold.

    Daimyo: Chotekasabe Moto (nicknamed the Pirate King of Yaxum); One of the few independent skinks ever to reach the title of daimyo, the warlord of the Chotekasabe clan is renowned as the deadliest archer in the Dragon Isles.

    Home Province: Kotzi province on Yaxum Island.

    Mon: the Jade Mask, usually on black or white. The clan colors are alternating patterns of black and white, punctuated by jade. Many skinks wear masks during combat.

    Clan 1- Chotekasabe.png

    Cocomara Clan

    First vassals of the Imaka clan and now the Oka clan, the Cocomara are known for employing experienced chameleon skink ninjas, both on and off the battlefield. They are masters of subterfuge, but thanks to a string of campaigns are also battle-hardened warriors.

    Daimyo: Cocomara Igayasu (the master of Totozi province); wields a macana in battle. Originally the Cocomara were minor vassals of the Imazi Clan of southern Honzamul, who were known for their disciplined ranks of saurmurai warriors. After the Imazi clan was soundly defeated by Oka Noburaka during the failed invasion of Okari province, Cocomara Igayasu saw his chance for power. Turning on his previous masters, Igayasu swore an oath of allegiance to Oka Noburaka, becoming his vassal in exchange for his former master’s lands. Now commands a cohort of experienced veteran saurmurai warriors as Oka Noburaka’s most powerful vassal.

    Home Province: Totozi province in southern Honzamul, formerly belonging to the Imaka clan.

    Mon: cold-one head, stylized as the symbol of the hidden-Old One Huanchi, colored black, on a field of yellow. Clan colors of the Cocomara are red, along with yellow and white.

    Clan 2- Cocomara.png

    Important Vassals/Servants:

    Hoka Tepokatzu- kroxigor daikan, vassal, general, and powerful warrior of the Cocomara clan. Is a kroxigor warrior of huge stature, and is legendary for hardly ever taking a wound in battle. Wears signature deer-antler helm in battle, and carries a giant yari-spear named Tonbo-giri, the dragonfly cutter. The symbol of the Hoka Clan is a three-headed snake.

    Li’ Zaordosa- saurus daikan, vassal and general of the Cocomara clan. Nicknamed the Red Devil for his mockery and rivalry with Yamaka Mosak, vassal of the Tlaxeda clan. In battle wears ornate, red-painted lamellar armor with huge stegadon horns mounted on his helmet. Symbol of the Li’ Clan is a white “hashtag” on red.

    Yag Mun- servant of the Cocomara clan, chief chameleon ninja, and head of the Cocomara secret police. Commands a host of some of the best ninjas of the Dragon Isles, including the Four Ninjas of Koga of the Igauhni Castle: Mizaru the scout, Kikazaru the spy, Iwazaru the informant, and Shizaru the assassin.

    Dzi Clan

    A relative newcomer to the grander conflict of the Dragon Isles, the Dzi Clan hail from the farthest northern-reaches of Honzamul Island. There for centuries they have fought bitter, grueling wars against their barbaric neighbors, until in the present day only they reign supreme. Proud, fierce, and unforgiving, the Dzi Clan are led by their fiery daimyo in a swift invasion of the territory of other clans in order to make their bid to seize the power of the shogun. In battle the saurmurai of the Dzi Clan are known to gladly throw themselves into any melee conflict, wielding giant macuahuitl war-clubs to deadly effect.

    Daimyo: Dzi Mangan (nicknamed the One-Eyed Coatl); A younger saurmurai than most of his daimyo peers, is known as an outstanding tactician made all the more iconic for his missing eye, lost in an earlier conflict, which earned him the nickname the “One-Eyed Coatl.” In battle, Dzi Mangan is known for his fierce fighting spirit and legendary prowess with a macana, but is also known to sometimes take to the field armed with a set of dueling war-gloves mounted with razor-sharp carnosaur claws.

    Home Province: Muzu Province, in northern Honzamul Island.

    Mon: the Coatl of the North, originally the ancient symbol for the old one Tepok. The colors of the Dzi Clan are dark blue with gold details.

    Clan 3- Dzi.png

    Important Vassals/Servants:

    Koju Kanmo- Saurus daikan, general and second-in-command of Dzi forces, as well as friend and personal bodyguard of Dzi Mangan.

    Sauk Zikota- Skink warrior and former skinkhei monk of the Iz-ziko sect, ousted during the destruction of the stronghold at Oraka Castle by the Ake Clan. In battle wields a puwjal arquebus, and commands a similarly equipped askinkagu mercenary unit in the Dzi Clan army.

    Ho-ko Clan

    At one point in their history, the ancient Ho-ko Clan claimed the title of shogun and ruled as the military dictators of all of the Dragon Isles until they were usurped by the Azi-aka Clan. In the present day the Ho-ko still maintain a vast army of powerful saurmurai warriors, but are a mere shadow of their former glory. Their current power base is a string of heavily fortified castles on southern Honzamul Island, so strongly garrisoned that they could only be threatened by the most steadfast and determined opponents. Historically, the Ho-ko Clan ruled the entirety of Honzamul Island, but in recent years their preeminent position has been overshadowed by the rise of the Tlaxeda and Usuji clans to the north.

    Daimyo: Ho-ko Ojomul (nicknamed the Old Castle Lizard); an ancient Ho-ko saurmurai warrior, Ho-ko Ojomul rules the territories of the Ho-ko clan from his castle stronghold of O-kawara. In battle wears ornate heavy armor, and is considered a master of all facets of siege warfare.

    Home Province: O-kowara Province, on southern Honzamul Island.

    Mon: the Three Dragonscales, symbolized by the Lizardmen “D” glyph. The colors of the Ho-ko clan are blue and white.

    Clan 4- Ho-ko.png

    Moki Clan

    Seafarers without equal, the Moki Clan maintains an extensive fleet of war vessels, junks, and pliodons to control much of the sea lanes of the Dragon Isles. They are bitter enemies of the Chotekasabe clan, and engage their raiding fleets whenever possible in their struggle for supremacy of the waterways. They often raid the territory of other clans for slaves, in order to trade with their chaos-dwarf trading partners to the north at the mouth of the Black River. In recent times the Moki clan have become the vassals of the powerful Oka Clan, to help crush the Iz-ziko rebellions that have sprung up across their territories on Koatan, and intend to serve as the Oka Clan as their naval and transport fleet in their quest to conquer the rest of the Dragon Isles.

    Daimyo: Moki Zansa (nicknamed the Master of the Waves); the ancient saurus daimyo of the Moki Clan, known for conquering the minor islands surrounding greater Koatan Isle, and expanding his grip on the northwestern part of the Island. Now as a vassal of the Oka Clan, he serves as the Admiral of the Oka Navy. In battle wields a macana as well as collection of dragon-headed puwjul pistols of chaos-dwarf construction.

    Home Province: Chukugo and Miyao Islands, west of greater Koatan Island

    Mon: three white human skulls under a white snake, on a field of red. Clan colors of the Cocomara are red and white, with a preference for snake, shell, and sea motifs.

    Clan 5- Moki.png

    Important Vassals:

    Moki Terugaba- Saurus daikan, spawn-heir to the Moki clan.

    Oka Clan

    Powerful clan with a large domain on Koatan Island directly adjacent to the Home Provinces. The clan gained fame when Oka Noburaka defeated a large invading of the Imazi Clan of Honzamul island. Since then the Oka clan has only grown in influence, ascending to power greater than almost every other spawn-clan in the Isles, and is in a dominant position on Koatan Island. The Oka clan is known for employing large armies made up of well-trained askingaku cohorts employing the latest puwjul blackpowder weaponry, in addition to strong saurmurai contingents provided by numerous subservient and vassal clans.

    Daimyo: Oka Noburaka (nicknamed the Demon-King of Koatan); wielding a macana in battle and occasionally mounted on a rare carnosaur steed, Oka Noburaka is known for being a ruthless and merciless warrior and ruler of his domain. Ascended to power in his clan upon the death of his spawn-father Oka Nodukilde and the murder of his spawn-brother Oka Nodurak. Since then he has grown in power, carving out for himself the largest daimyo domain in the Dragon Isles. Oka Noburaka gained his nickname the “Demon King” for mercilessly slaughtering his way through numerous temples controlled by his skink-priest enemies and rivals on his way to the throne, and is almost universally reviled by the skink-priest caste.

    Home Province:
    Okari province along southern Koatan Island, but maintain a strong presence in all the Home Provinces on Koatan.

    : cold-one head, yellow or white on black.

    Clan 6- Oka.png

    Important Vassals/Servants:

    Axiu Pokah- saurus daikan, daimyo of the Axiu Clan, and serves as a vassal and general of the Oka clan. Symbol of the Axiu clan is three red orbs on a field of white.

    Ake Zuhuanchi- saurus daikan, vassal and general of the Oka clan. Wields a pair of deadly war-scythes in battle to great effect, and is known as a deadly warrior. Also has gained a sinister reputation due to rumors that he killed his spawn-brother in cold blood, but it is unknown if it was under Oka Noburaka’s orders or not.

    Moki Ramar- heir of the Moki clan, but serves under Oka Noburaka as a hostage to keep the loyalty of Moki Zansa, one of his most powerful allies.

    Togamo Hideyoza- skink chief and daikan, daimyo of the Togamo Clan, and serves as a vassal and general of the Oka Clan. Originally a rank-and-file askingaku warrior in the employ of the Oka clan, he is one of the few skink chiefs in recent history who has rose fought his way to the top levels of saurmurai society. Distinguished himself as a great skink warrior of huge stature (for a skink) and is perhaps the most gifted and ruthless tactician in Oka Noburaka’s employ. The symbol of the Togamo Clan is a saurian footprint, either black or red on a field of white.

    Tlaxeda Clan

    Powerful centrally situated spawn-clan, known for its large numbers of swift and battle-hardened cavalry troops, comprised of cold-one raptor riders. The clan has a reputation for honor and military expertise, resulted in a string of recent victories in the struggle for the the Dragon Isles.

    Daimyo: Tlaxeda Zhingen (nicknamed the Jaguar of Khog); wields a giant tlaximal (great ax) in battle that is even larger than he is. One of the most powerful daimyo of the Dragon Isles, has a longstanding feud and respect for Usuji Kenzin, his chief rival. Tlaxeda Zhingen gained great fame during the Kawan campaign against the Usuji clan, which resulted in a legendary duel between the two rivals, but ultimately ended in a stalemate over control of central Honzamul. Tlaxeda Zhingen is widely favored to become the next shogun due to his vast military experience and mastery of strategy.

    Home Province: Khog Province, situated on the western coast of Honzamul Island.

    Mon: double-headed snake, square shaped (symbol for Tlaxcotl), usually black on red.

    Clan 7- Tlaxeda.png

    Important Vassals/Servants:

    Axiyama Nobutomo- Saurus daikan, general and second-in-command of all Tlaxeda forces.

    Baka Nobuhaka- Saurus daikan, a favored general and vassal of the Tlaxeda clan; is also an adept cavalry warrior.

    Sonaka Zangami- Saurus warchief, promoted to favored daikan following his stunning victory against the Moki and Ho-ko naval fleets. Known as one of the best saurmurai of the Dragon Isles, and is a loyal vassal of the Tlaxeda clan.

    Tlaxeda Kanzuyori- Saurus daikan, spawn-heir to Tlaxeda clan

    Yamaka Mosak- Saurus daikan, (the Red General), one of the oldest saurus of the Dragon Isles who is not a daimyo himself, is intensely loyal to his liege-lord Tlaxeda Zhingen and has served with him as his vassal for many centuries.

    Zaru Tasuke- Chameleon ninja in the service of the Tlaxeda, known as the Eyes of Zhingen.

    Usuji Clan

    An Eastern Spawn-Clan with strong ties to the trade with Ind. The clan also has a reputation for entertaining strong alliances with the powerful temples of Honzamul Island. In battle the clan employs a large number of saurhei and skinkhei warrior monks within their ranks.

    Daimyo: Usuji Kenzin (nicknamed the Crocodile of Zigo); known as one of the oldest and greatest close-combat fighters on the Dragon Isles, so much so he is often considered an avatar of the Old One of war Tlazcotl himself. Wields an ancient macana in battle with unmatched speed, grace, and ferocity.

    Home Province: Zigo Province, situated in the east of Honzamul Island.

    Mon: double-headed winged coatl in a circle, usually red. Clan colors of the Usuji are purple and white. As a visual act of piety to the Old Ones, the warriors of the Usuji Clan often wear white headbands or head-crest coverings during battle, marked with holy glyphs or the symbol of the clan.

    Clan 8- Usuji.png

    Important Vassals/Servants:

    Kansuka- Chameleon ninja in the service of Usuji Clan

    Usuji Nagao- Saurus daikan and spawn-heir of the Usuji clan. Known as “the Vulture,” for he is rumored to have killed a fellow spawn-brother and taken his place.

    Xiumazu Clan

    To the Xiumazu Clan, loyalty is everything. In their Spawn-Clan’s history there is no Xiumazu general who has ever forsaken the sacred oaths between a daimyo and his vassals for personal profit, unlike the fickle political struggles of the other great clans. The Xiumazu hail from isolated Xiutzuma province, and thanks to the well organized and strong leadership of their long-reigning daimyo they boast some of the most well-trained saurmurai warriors known throughout the Dragon Isles.

    Daimyo: Xiumazu Yoza (nicknamed Old Whitescale); ancient saurmurai warrior marked for greatness, is known far and wide as Old Whitescale due to his age, albino scales, and flaming red eyes. Xiumazu Yoza wields an ornate macana in battle, and is surrounded by a host of loyal retainers who have fought by his side for centuries in many defensive wars of the Xiumazu home province.

    Home Province: Xiutzuma Province, situated on the western tip of Yaxum Island.

    Mon: the Great Tree of Creation, simplified and symbolized in glyph form to appear as a cross within a rounded square. The colors of the Xiumazu clan are green, with white details in honor of their daimyo.

    Clan 9- Xiumazu.png

    Important Vassals:

    Xiumazu Yozhi- Saurus daikan, spawn-heir of the Xiumazu clan

    Other Factions

    Iz’ziko- skink rebel militia with disowned sauronin warriors with no more spawning brothers; religious outcasts rebelling against the saurus elite

    Wako Pirates- fringe of society, often employed as mercenaries to raid shipping or other clans

    Bandits- saurus and skink outcasts who have turned to robbery, banditry, even cannibalism. Live without semblance of society or order in most cases. Many spawned from forgotten spawning pools, enter the world without any guides or leadership and quickly turned to barbarism. Also some small tribes of orcs that they constantly fight turf wars for in the mountainous regions.


    The names of the Samurai Lizardmen come from several different sources, mostly Japanese of course, but with sprinklings of Aztec/Maya flavor and Lizardmen fluff.

    Most of the names I picked to use for the Samurai Lizardmen are just plays on the spelling of the real world Japanese warlords/samurai. I also tried to add some Mayan/Aztec names or words into the mix (such as Xiu or Cocom, Mayan family names, Usuji: Mayan word for "vulture") or Lizardmen names (Tlaxeda- city of Tlax; Chotekasabe, Zuhuanchi- names of Old Ones).

    For those of you who are interested in Japanese Feudal Japan, I recommend doing research on the Sengoku period (the era where the inspiration for these clans are based). Or for a shorter version, play Shogun Total War 2! I love the art in that game.

    List of Lizard Clans (paired with the real-world Japanese Clans of Sengoku-period Japan)

    Ake- Akechi
    Axiu- Asai
    Chotekasabe- Chosokabe
    Cocomara- Tokogawa
    Dzi- Date
    Hoka- Honda
    Ho-ko- Hojo
    Moki- Mori
    Oka- Oda
    Tlaxeda- Takeda
    Togamo- Toyotomi
    Usuji- Uesugi
    Xiumazu- Shimazu

    List of Lizardmen Saurmurai Names (along with the names of the real-world samurai of feudal Japan who inspired them)

    Cocomara Igayasu- Tokugawa Ieyasu
    Hoka Tepokatzu- Honda Tadakatsu
    Li' Zaordosa- Ii Naomasa

    Dzi Mangan- Date Masamune
    Koju Kanmo- Katakura Kagetsuna
    Sauk Ziko- Suzuki Magoichi/Saika Magoichi

    Moki Zansa- Mori Motonari
    Moki Terugaba- Mōri Terumoto

    Ho-ko Ojomul- Hojo Ujimasa

    Oka Noburaka- Oda Nobunaga
    Axiu Pokah- Asai Nagamasa
    Ake Zuhuanchi- Akechi Mitsuhide
    Moki Ramar- Mori Ranmar
    Togamo Hideyoza- Toyotomi Hideyoshi

    Tlaxeda Zhingen- Takeda Shingen
    Sonaka Zangami- Sanada Yukimura
    Yamaka Mosak- Yamagata Masakage
    Axiyama Nobutomo- Aziyama Nobutomo
    Baka Nobuhaka- Baba Nobuharu
    Tlaxeda Kanzuyori- Takeda Katsuyori
    Zaru Tasuke- Sarutobi Sasuke

    Usuji Kenzin- Uesugi Kenshin
    Usuji Nagao- Uesugi Kagekatsu
    Kansuka- Kasuga

    Xiumazu Yoza- Shimazu Yoshihiro
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2017
  4. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    Amazing ? I'll put that quote in my tindr profile ;)

    All jokes aside, it's really nice to see cross-pollination of interests and inspiration. I remember when I started writing "[...] Crimson Crosses" how little the fluff community had tackled the Dragon Isles, and then suddenly we had a influx. I'd take credit but I was hardly explicit in my story ;p

    I remember someone in the last contest didn't like your puns @Warden , but I adored them. More please.
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  5. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Definitely can see why; the names tend to be a bit of a mouthful. I still tend to pause whenever I read "saurmurai" in a sentence, and half the time I spell it wrong. Spellcheck is NOT your friend. I can definitely understand why people don't like the punny names, but considering the army lore used to have a character named "teeny-weeny"... my apologies for continuing the trend of poorly-written names! Further suggestions or alterations are welcome of course. :D

    Also added some more terms and names to the second post dictionary; added a list of weapons and equipment.
  6. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    *shocked* I beg your pardon! His name was Itzi-Bitzi and he had a proud and dignified career alongside Mage Priest Xiliquncani (remember x's are "ch"), skink priest Anqipanqi, skink captain Wochuluquinat and of course the famous master of skies, Tiktaq'to.

  7. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    I knew it was Itzi-Bitzi, as I always thought he had a Pokah-Dot Bikkini

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2017
  8. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I am loving this, it is a brilliant resource, I want even more!
    Warden likes this.
  9. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    "Teenie weenie" was what they used to call the prophet of sotek long ago... o_O;)

    And more please!
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  10. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    *double checks* ah yes it was Tenehuini. Didn't twig that one but I don't think it's one of the finest. To me it reads Teh-neh-who-eenee.
  11. tom ndege

    tom ndege Well-Known Member

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    The "joke" about it was, that on a double page in the lizardmen book there was itzi bitzi on the left an tehenhauin (or tenehuini)... not as funny as the author thought, I guess... ;)

    @Warden: More!!! ;) :p
    ChapterAquila92, Warden and Bowser like this.
  12. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    I knew I wasn't crazy! I was thinking of this guy at the time, but that's true "Tenehuini" was the original name before it was changed to make it sound less silly...
    ChapterAquila92, Bowser and tom ndege like this.
  13. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Dragon Isles Map

    Made a map in my sketch book a while ago, showing the three main islands of the Dragon Isles (Koatan, Honzamul, and Yaxum), plus the major and minor saurus spawn-clans fighting for supremacy.

    dragon isles map with key.png

    Same map, without the key

    dragon isles map.png
    Also a blank map in case anyone wants to use it for future projects! I just took the previous sketch and edited out the clan markings; it can be taken a step further and have the rest of the place names blanked out (like the island names) if you want.
    dragon isles map blank.png

    And here are the reference maps used to make this one.


    Link to this map
  14. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    My cartophile side gives this a massive thumbs up. I like how you kept aesthetic consistency with classic GW maps. I didn't think of an exact location for Crimson Crosses, now I'm ruminating....
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  15. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Added and updated some significant lore concerning the four preeminent Great Spawn Clans on post #3 (clans Cocomara, Oka, Tlaxeda, and Usuji).

    I will finish posting the other Great Clans later!
    Bowser likes this.
  16. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Made another large update to the Great Spawn Clans, added the last few that I am going to flesh out.

    Also added pictures of the clan Mon emblems (heraldry), full examples of the rest of the clans below! These designs would be proudly displayed on the sashimono (small back banners) or the larger nobori (hand carried standards) used during battle.

    Spawn Clans 1.png

    Spawn Clans 2.png

    Spawn Clans 3.png

    Spawn Clans 4.png

    Spawn Clans 5.png

    I tried to keep the spirit of the Spawn Clan symbols similar to the real-world samurai equivalents (added a long list to the post as well in case you are interested).

    Also added a picture of the Saurmurai-Dragon Isles caste structure to the first post
    dragon isles caste structure.png
  17. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Been having a lot of fun making images on powerpoint recently.

    Newest addition: Dragon Isles Map, clearly showing the territories of the most powerful daimyo of the Spawn-Clans.

    Dragon Isles Map Spawn-Clans.png
  18. Wolfwerty33
    Cold One

    Wolfwerty33 Active Member

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    Which clans/locations are the most important/focused on and would there be any objections to me writing an addition to this world?
    Crowsfoot, Warden and Bowser like this.
  19. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    @Warden I've totally missed this until now, love it all.

    Can you do armour heraldry/colour schemes for each clan next, maybe use the interactive saurus?
    Warden and Bowser like this.
  20. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    I think that's a great idea lets hope @Warden thinks the same.
    Bowser and Warden like this.

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