AoS Narrow loss to Khorne - 1st game with AoS

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by MerciaBear, Jan 19, 2017.

  1. MerciaBear
    Cold One

    MerciaBear Active Member

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    Hello all!

    My first battle report, C&C on my tactics in particular would be greatly appreciated! Sorry its light on pictures :/ Got carried away with enjoying the game!

    The forces:

    Khorne starter set:
    Slaughter priest x1, 8 x Blood warriors, 3x Blood crushers
    Battalion warscroll: Allows a re roll of wounds to one unit on a roll of 3+

    Seraphon starter set:
    8x Saurus Knights, 1x Scar vet on Carnosaur, 12 x Saurus Warriors

    Set up:

    We didnt use any objectives or any new terrain rules (in hindsight I think I would have benefited from objectives).

    He won the dice roll so finished setting up first and made me go first.


    Turn 1:
    I declare Saurian savagery on the knights, shuffle both them and the carno forward 5" towards his blood warriors and slaughter priest. The warrors strike out towards the bloodcrushers.

    *I did low movement assuming he might get a double turn, so keeping me out of his charge range but setting myself up for a turn 2 charge. The warriors i wanted to use to keep the blood crushers out of the fight while i dealt with his priest and warriors.

    He shuffles forward, not being too ambitious. Spots that the carno may be gunning for his warriors but not much he can do. Moves bloodcrushers forward.

    Turn 2:

    He seizes the initiative and fires off a prayer at my carno which doesnt do anything. He stays still with everything (im still outside of maximum movement plus charge range). Puts a spell on his blood warriors allowing them to re roll wounds til next hero phase.

    My turn 2. I use the Reform Ranks ability from the starter set warscroll battalion to jump both the Knights and Warriors forward 5" then reform around their new lynchpin. I then move everything forward max distance. The knights are 3" away from the blood warriors and the carno is 5" away from the other end of warrior group. The Saurus Warriors are 8" away from the Bloodcrushers.

    Charge phase - pay attention..... :(

    The Saurus Knights roll a double 1 on their charge, the only roll that they could possible fail the charge on. So they sit there. The carno then also fails his charge (by 1"). The Saurus Warriors make theirs (8"). My opponent breathes an audible sigh of relief, I gnash my teeth!

    Turn 3

    He seizes the iniative, charges his blood warriors and slaughter priest into the knights. He goes first with them, re rolling wounds and kills 4. Not too bad considering. His bloodcrushers do a wound to my warriors and they do a wound back (hurrah!). Tar pitted.

    I charge with my carnosaur and go first with it, doing 8 unsaved wounds. He loses 4 guys, looks upset. I jig the knights out of combat with the Reform Ranks battalion skill and charge them in. They do another two wounds, he is down to 3 warriors and the slaughterpriest. He attacks the carnosaur with everything, and does quite well putting 5 unsaved wounds on it, mainly with his slaughterpriest. The warriors and bloodcrushers plink each other more.

    Turn 4

    I seize, attack with the knights and carnosaur, finishing off the warriors but they get a mortal wound thing that hurts me when he dies, plus the slaughterpriest the carno gets 4 wounds in return and the knights are down to two. The warrios v the bloodcrushers finally succumb but the crushers have lost 7 wounds total so charge with both remaining models into the rear of the carno, killing it.

    The knights narrowly avoid killing his slaughterpriest then succumb to further attacks.


    Well. What a different game that would have been if I had made my (very easy) charges in turn 2. I suspect I would have wiped the warriors and punished the priest and been able to leap over to finish the bloodcrushers.

    As it was, it turned into an extended combat which favoured his armour saves. With some objectives, I would have jumped the knights out of combat and zoomed them off to seize a location or whatever.

    Im fairly happy with my approach. I think in hindsight I should have put the carno and knights against the blood crushers as they are only 15 wounds in total so marginally easier to kill than the blood warriors and not as many attacks back.
    Seraphage and Bowser like this.
  2. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    All for a reroll of those snake eyes and a mystic shield :D, bulk your knight to 10 then have 2 units of 5 that way only one unit would have failed the roll, put them one behind the other charge then retreat then charge with the second unit.

    Did you like the way the knights play? they are one of my favorite units.

    Good first battle and main thing did you enjoy it?
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I think you nailed it, great tactics and use of the reform. I think you're right, that forst charge qould have made a hige difference.
    Crowsfoot likes this.
  4. MerciaBear
    Cold One

    MerciaBear Active Member

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    Excellent cheers lads.

    I do like the Knights, they hit hard. I especially like them with the starter set Reform, which I think I might use again. It only applies to that exact arrangement above though.

    Im facing the Ironjawz starter set on Friday morning, which is this:

    1x Warchanter
    10x Ard Boyz
    3x Gore Gruntaz

    Looks VERY similar to the Khorne list. I think im going to go smash the gore gruntaz first as they potentially get big bonuses on the charge. Leave the ard boyz and war chanter to slowly trudge towards the warriors which are in the way....

    Any tips?
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Use the carny to take out the warchanter, Knights into the gruntaz try to stop them getting a charge, warriors into the boyz.

    Carny should easily take out the Warchanter then use him to help with the Gruntaz.

    Not played for ages so hopefully @Bowser will have better tactics
    Bowser and MerciaBear like this.
  6. MerciaBear
    Cold One

    MerciaBear Active Member

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    Cheers mate, that sounds solid. The Gruntaz are the biggest threat, so I want them gone. I am considering sending both the knights and carno at them and holding up the ard boyz with the warriors. I suspect he will keep his chanter behind his boyz so I can tie up potentially 2/3rds of his army with 1/3 of mine.

    Ive noticed that serpahon need to focus down a unit.
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    The chanter is a great target for the carno. Kill him, get run and charge ability and finish of the gruntas. Warriors won't hold the ardboyz for long so make use of your abilities, and don't be afraid to run away to draw them closer to your knights or carno.
    Crowsfoot likes this.

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