AoS Sylvaneth Are Slaughtering Me

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by scubrat, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    Here's my friend's 1000pt list:

    Tree Lord Ancient x1
    Branchwych x1
    Drycha Hamadreth (with flitterfuries) x1
    Tree Revenants x 5
    Tree Revenants x 5

    I can't beat it no matter what I do. I can never get the first turn because he sets this up all in one go as a battalion (forget which one), and they're all hiding in the forests. He sets up three wyldwoods at the start of the game really screwing me over.

    The real trouble is that he always casts mystic shield on the drycha and if he doesn't, then she goes into cover, she's got a 2+ save in cover. He also keeps her close to the treelord ancient who has the command ability "Heed the Spirit-song" that lets units reroll save rolls of 1 within 10" of him. So she's got a 2+ save rerolling 1s, with 10 wounds, that's better than a bastilladon! Now, the solution you'd think would be rend or mortals. So, what are the options:

    Saurus Guard, devoured by the mortal wounds of the Sylvaneth army.
    Salamanders, destroyed by the Drycha's 18" flitterfury attack before they even get to shoot.
    Stegadon, too slow, gets weakened by all the magic and mortal wounds flying about.
    Magic, costs quite a few points, 18" range leaves it vulnerable to flitterfuries, only gets to cast arcane bolt once, doesn't always hit, generally vulnerable units.

    Racking my brain for other options and can't come up with any so I thought I'd come to you. Need a 1000pt list to take out the drycha, because if I don't take her out, she does nasty things.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2016
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  2. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    Thinking about Lord Kroak, but he is a lot of points in a 1000pt game, also quite vulnerable.
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    I don't know how really the new Sylvaneth work, but if your opponent places first, you can place your army in a relatively safe position in the first turn.
    Here's a sort of idea:
    As "core" of the idea, you need the following 640 pts (this will leave you with 360 pts for battlelines and other things)

    Skink Starseer

    summon reserve points

    in your turn, the Slann will summon three sallies and handlers to burst Drycha (or the Tree Lord); The Slann need only to be out of their 18" unbind, and your sallies will only need to be within 12" from Drycha. Buff the sallies with the Starseer's curse of fate.
    Then, if this is not sufficient, tnx to Starseer's re-rolls, you shoud start first in the second turn. Blast again.
    Buldi and Bowser like this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Killer angel has a good point, you may need to play with summoning in order to kill the Drycha. With the 360 points left over you can put in 2 units of skinks and a Troglodon, The trog will increase your summoning range if needed, unbind spells, and generally wreak a bit of havoc. Or 2 units of skinks, some rippers and a skink chief as your general.
  5. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    Right, let's bake a cake.

    You need cheap, expendable battleline instead of costly elites- Skinks

    You need to bring the thunder, the pain- Bastiladon

    You need to teach these Sylvaneth that trees are for firewood- Another Bastiladon

    You need to teach them the futility of trying to damage your space turtles- Jade Battlemage

    You need to realise that Bastiladons have the Skink keyword- Skink Chief

    Put it all together and you have:

    Skink Chief 60
    Jade Battlemage 100
    Skinks 80
    Skinks 80
    Skinks 80
    Bastiladon 300
    Bastiladon 300

    What's the gameplan? Huddle in a corner, make them come to you. Their infantry is elite but frail, bury them in a hail of boltspitters from your skinks. Buff one of your bastiladons and fire up the bass cannon, let loose on either Drycha or the Ancient with concentrated fire from both. Any time one of your bastiladons take damage, heal them up with your Jade battlemage and make them even hardier in the next turn. You quickly stop caring about mortal wounds- just steer clear of those forests.

    Fair warning- they might stop playing with you forever if you take this.

    One little addendum/question to anyone that knows- I thought I saw an FAQ somewhere that stopped monsters getting a bonus to their save when in cover, can anyone confirm/deny?
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    It is right in the General's handbook under Matched play
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  7. crab

    crab New Member

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    Phrophet of sotek
    Atrolith bearer
    Skink star preist
    Spinks will blow pipes and shields x10
    Skinks " " x10
    Skinks " " x10
    Salamanders x2

    Everything getting rerolls to hit
    The prophet of sotek will get alot of mortal wounds of this hopefully and the star priest will find it alot easier to get arcane bolt off.
    Bastiladon with rerols and salamands are going to be taking units and heroes off the board very fast.skinks can just tie every think up and be an annoyance.
    Bowser likes this.
  8. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    Jungle swarms might be a fun way to troll them 5 wounds each doing mortal wounds that heal d3 while in their forests and the Slanns comand ability rerolling saves in shooting might help as well.
    Bowser and scubrat like this.
  9. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    That seems a very good idea, I've never used jungle swarms because they're an old model but I have some from the knights I have so I might have to paint those up! It's almost a good thing they don't have any save as that nulls any rend that the enemy might have.
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  10. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    I have some bloodbound cultists I use against my friends slyventh they also don't have a save so I'm just like who cares if you kill them you cant charge my better stuff haha. I would keep one single model units though bc the wording is d3 wounds per model. I haven't tried it yet either so let me know of you beat me to it haha! Gl!
    scubrat and Bowser like this.
  11. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    I'm in two minds about this. On the one hand, yeah, I get more d3 heals, but because of the drycha's flitterfuries he gets to roll 10 dice for each unit within 18" and do a mortal wound for every 6. That would deal out a lot more damage than if they were just one unit. Also, if I engaged in combat and I got the charge, I could do all my attacks before he gets to go whereas he could easily kill some of my jungle swarms before they get an attack.
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  12. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    Thats very true too! Its a tough call for sure. Maybe add some Chameleon skinks? They might be a good distraction or the swarms might be a good distraction for the Chameleons. The one good thing is the swarms dont have a save anyway so its almost a waste of mortal wounds and they'd have to roll 5 6s to kill one in the shooting phase.
  13. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    Chameleons are too expensive, they'd be wiped out very quickly by the flitterfuries.
  14. Wazz

    Wazz Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I forget they are 120 points, I'd say you just have to play test it a few different ways, our local Slyventh player hasn't been around lately so I haven't been able to test any theories out lol.
    scubrat likes this.
  15. Dwarfslaan
    Jungle Swarm

    Dwarfslaan New Member

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    Are they setting them up after you have deployed? Because they should be setup after scenery but before players roll for deployment.

    Also make sure they are setting the 3 citadel woods up so that each piece is within 1" of both of the other pieces its the only legal way to deploy them.
    Ecozh, scubrat, Wazz and 1 other person like this.
  16. Padre

    Padre Well-Known Member

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    A couple thoughts. First, you might want to try using a Scar Vet or Oldblood on a Carnosaur. They might have the damage output to take her out or at least severely weaken her. Add one of the weapon buffs (damage or save) to him along with the added attack. Also, are you playing missions or just killing each other? His army seems too small to be good at claiming objectives.
    Bowser and Wazz like this.
  17. Spesstaco
    Jungle Swarm

    Spesstaco New Member

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    Sylvaneth "main" and seraphon player here for some pointers

    Drycha- Flitterflies DAMAGE HER, yes it is official (age of sigmar official page and community guide) that drycha damages herself...and perhaps even friendly units near her....yeah each unit so she attacks allies as well. Remind him of these rules. Also if he does keep her away from his allies, flitterflies are not actually as effective as you think as they only mortal wound on 6's and you can only roll 10 this case if you know he will take them, bring swarms of units with a high model count.

    if drycha brings squirmlings DONT BRING A LOT OF MODELS, flood them with elite single model units...however squirmlings dont damage allies...hence why i always go with this choice. She only has 10 wounds and is actually not as effective in close combat as you think.

    Tree revenants- VERY WEAK IN COMBAT, 5+ regular save with a low bravery and only 5 per unit with almost no synergy with any other models....skinks could probably mop the floor with them...they are good objective takers as they can disappear and reappear almost anywhere in the movement phase, but that is it.

    Branchwych- 5 wounds 5+ save VERY EASY TO KILL, she also is actually terrible in close combat unless you wound her and she survives, then for that turn she is ok at best. HOWEVER HER UNLEASH SPITES SPELL IS DEADLY, it is basically drychas shooting attack but it doesnt damage allies AND she gets to roll as much dice as her total number she rolled to cast the spell. Regrowth on her can keep drycha and the treelord ancient alive. However she is very easy to kill so if you can, snipe her early on.

    Treeman ancient- very good general, 12 wounds, 3 up save, this guy is tricky. HOWEVER at max wounds he has a total of 4 attacks, 3 sweeping blows (deadly) and the instakilling impaling talon (only a danger when you are at 5 wounds and below)....maybe just get a carnosaur to go in and wipe him out. HE DOES HAVE A STOP THAT MAY SUBTRACT 1 TO HIT FROM ANY UNITS WITHIN 3 INCHES OF HIM. He also has one deadly shooting attack which is very easy to hit with. Wound him to lower his stats and then get into close combat with him.

    his entire list is very weak in close combat (the ancient is the most competent model)

    now a trick to the woods is after successfuly charging ONE model in your unit or very few into the woods, dont move the others during the charge, PILE IN ONTO THE WOODS DURING THE COMBAT PHASE. Piling in does not make you have to roll to see if your units die when they enter. He only has 2 shooty units and maybe arcane bolt with the branchwych, you can probably outshoot him out of the woods

    now about deploying a lot of woods

    MAKE SURE TO SET UP SCENERY AS RECOMMENDED IN THE GENERALS HANDBOOK, each player takes turn roling dice for sections of the table which decide how many scenery pieces go in each section. Then they take turns either placing scenery, or choosing not to and lowering the number of each dice until it runs out. This is important as woods cannot be placed 3 inches of other scenery and have to be placed within 1 inch of eachother (i think also each wood piece now has to be within 1 inch of eachother and you cannot make a line....not sure). He gets 3 free bases for one wood before deployment, then with the ancient he needs to roll a 4 or more for another, or choose the woods spell as his lore, or choose the acorn as his artifact...there is no other way.
  18. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I recently read that the drycha does wounds to all sylvaneth around as well including herself which is a massive game changer. I've also thought about the treelord because he gives it two perks that mean he has a 2+ save and ignores rend of -1, the other day I tried a carnosaur against him and did about one wound. But now I'm going to take that order artefact that gives us extra rend on one of our attacks so hopefully that will make a difference.
    Bowser and Wazz like this.
  19. Spesstaco
    Jungle Swarm

    Spesstaco New Member

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    You get one artifact autimatically and one more per each battalion you pay for. Also a command trait. Hill everyone else but the treelord first Doubt he can win a matched play scenario with just an ancient
    Bowser and Wazz like this.
  20. scubrat
    Temple Guard

    scubrat Well-Known Member

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    Treelord needs killing fairly early because of his ability to give units around him a reroll to their save!
    Bowser and Wazz like this.

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