AoS Age of Sigmar tactics: Getting the most out of the charge

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Matthijs Mentink, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. Matthijs Mentink

    Matthijs Mentink Member

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    Hi All!

    I already posted this in another part of the forum, but Killer Angel suggested I also post it here, so here we go!

    I'm new to this forum and start off with promoting my own stuff! Shameless :D
    I recently started a blog on Age of Sigmar tactics because I was missing sources on tactics.
    You can find the website here:

    Last week's post was about how to get the most out of the charge.
    I discuss how you can:
    • Decide on a charge plan in the hero phase so you can use abilities and moves accordingly
    • Choose a unit and target that can get you the biggest advantage out of the alpha strike
    • Roll your decision-making charges first
    • Make room for your other units on the charge
    • Prevent accidental enemy pile-ins
    • Minimise the damage on the units you will activate later by:
      • Preventing enemy pile-ins
      • Buffing and debuffing to optimise damage and minimise damage taken
      • Strategically removing slain models
      • Creating an odd number of activations
      • Killing enemy models that have yet to activate
    I would love your feedback on the post and input on the subjects you would like to read about!
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Really great read, any new players should definitely start reading this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    A really good write-up, with some solid advice. I really like it, any improvement to our tactic section is welcome! And I know what I'm talking about. ;)

    I would like to add something on the concept "Sandwiching one enemy unit with two of yours".
    You are right saying that units must always keep unit cohesion. No model can move further than 1″ from another model from the unit, even when piling in.
    The FAQ specify that you can inflict wounds on a unit in such a way that the removal of casualties will cause the unit to be split into 2 groups, but it must reform the next time it makes a MOVE.
    It is important to note that "move" is not "what you do in the movement phase": indeed, the same FAQ tell also that a unit must finish ANY move as a single group, including pile-in.

    It is important to know this, to avoid that your opponent can trick you with "faq say that i can split my unit", because that's only a part of the truth.
  4. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Nothing close to shame. Thank you so much for making it and sharing it !

    Definitely a really useful site for all of us. Please keep working on it and spread some wisdom !
    Matthijs Mentink and Bowser like this.
  5. Matthijs Mentink

    Matthijs Mentink Member

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    Good point! I will add this to the article! Thanks for all the nice words and input :D
    Bowser likes this.

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