7th Ed. 2250 Lizards, Monster List

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Justen, Sep 20, 2009.

  1. Justen
    Jungle Swarm

    Justen New Member

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    OldBlood - Glymph Necklace, LA, Shield, Halberd, Carnosaur
    Skink Chief - Ancient Steg, Steg Warspear.
    Skink Priest - EotG, Diadem of Power, Dispel Scroll, Lv 2

    18 Saurus - Spears, Standard
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers

    6 Saurus Cav - Standard
    4 Terradons
    5 Chameleon Skinks
    5 Chameleon Skinks

    1 Razordon - Extra Handler
    1 Razordon - Extra Handler

    What do you think?
  2. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Looks really solid, combo charges with those beasts and cold ones will be devastating. I'd drop the saurus for 3 units of 10 ranked skinks (for flanking and redirecting - saurus are slo0Ow compared to everything else in your army), and swap a unit of chameleons for 3 terradons (not really vital, but I would - 4 would be nice for symmetry but the changes I'm about to suggest are much more important so spend points there first). Give your oldblood venom of the firefly frog or even better burning blade of chotec (in which case drop halberd) so that he can kill ethereals and physical-immune things and is cheaply a bit better at killing things (chotec > hydras and other regen things too, so that woould be my choice). Make your skink chief BSB, it will help if anything fluffs a charge or gets charged. You'll have a few points then left over, maybe just expand the command of the cavalry (musician over champ imo) or just get one or two more skinks.
  3. Justen
    Jungle Swarm

    Justen New Member

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    The skink chief BsB was something I was trying to find the points for myself.

    I kind of hesitant about dropping the saurus for skinks however, as it stands now they are the only unit I can reliable charge into a unit from the front with no support and expect it to go well.

    Definately open to the idea about chameleons however. The terradons have been doing great.

    Thank you for your comments, and ill try and swap some stuff around then playtest it a few times.

    Please keep the comments coming
  4. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Yeah but the point is that one unit of saurus can take one charge (then more charges subsequent turns), while three units of skinks can take (flee) from three charges, each one allowing for nasty countercharges from your super-heavy hitters. If a skink unit dies - so what - it's 50 points and he died taking out what is almost inevitably a more expensive or tactically valuable unit. If the fleeing skinks survive then great - go flank, go take a table quarter, go harass or marchblock something or set up another countercharge. In short, the skinks provide flexibility while the saurus do not, no matter how solid and reliable they are.

    You seem to have a misconception, the saurus are not good chargers imo, certainly not unsupported. They only have one rank fighting on charge, and I think are best used to receive charges from all but the heaviest of foes. Not to mention that their slow speed limits their use offensively. The carno or the warspear can solocharge most things, and any combination of your 4 sets of beasts should be able to break the nastiest of anvils with mass impacts, carno/oldblood mass attacks, 12s5+6s4 saurus cav attacks or impacts+burning alignment all factored in(provided the chief/priest doesn't die, reducing the respective steg's use by about 1/3). Anything remaining probably lost combat and probably is outnumbered by fear/terror-causers if not VC/TK or Daemons.

    The point of this list as it seems to me is rolling everything forward with the skinks ensuring you control combat while the terradons and chameleons hunt war machines, marchblock and take out enemy movement control (light cav etc).

    Best of luck, really. I would take the skinks over saurus, but maybe that's just because I'm a big fan of movement dominance.
  5. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    I would keep the saurus, if you want points for more skinks drop five chameleons or a razordon and shave down to five cold ones.
  6. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    just thinking, to make the list more 'monstery' you might add kroxigors in there somewhere

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