AoS Escalation league, first battle.

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Drofnum, Jan 30, 2017.

  1. Drofnum
    Cold One

    Drofnum Well-Known Member

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    I played my first battle of our escalation league last week. The league is starting at 500 pts and raising 500 every month until we hit 2500.

    My list:
    Saurus Sunblood

    5 x Saurus Knights
    5 x Saurus Knights
    5 x Chameleon Skinks

    Opponent list:
    Orruk Warchanter

    10 x Orruk Ardboys
    3 x Orruk Gore Gruntas

    We played the battleplan The Beasts Lair(?) Both armies start in the corners of the map and there is a monster in the middle, goal is to kill the monster. I wasnt really a fan of the battleplan as it basically meant me and my opponent didnt fight each other at all, mostly due to him winning all the rolls to control the monster in the middle. We ended up playing 2 games as this was his first time play and the first game was over in the first round.

    So first battle! The Beast in this game was a demon prince. I lost the roll to go first and the roll to control the demon. He used rampaging destroyer to move all his guys about 5" towards the middle of the board then moved the demon as far towards me as possible. There was no shooting so he charged the demon in to my knights. The demon hit and dealt a small amount of damage to one unit of knights and my sunblood, their attacks back dropped him to 1 wound left and we called the game there. I still had my turn and basically had everything in range to attack the demon prince.

    Second battle we used a slightly weakened glottkin as the beast, starting him at 15 wounds instead of 18. I won the priority roll, but lost control of the demon. I let my opponent go first, his first round proceeded pretty similarly, moved his units up in the hero and movement phases towards the glottkin and moved the glottkin away from himself and close enough to me to take some pot shots at me but they were all missed/saved by me. On my turn I moved all my units closer to the glottkin and brought my Chama skinks in in range of his warchanter. The chama skinks shot, dealing no damage at all(seems to be a trend with them for me) and I attempted charges. I only got 1 unit of knights in to combat with the glottkin, they did 4 wounds to him and promptly got wiped off the table as he returned the attacks.

    Round 2: I won the priority roll, opponent won demon control. Seeing my unit of knights get wiped off the table and my opponent having control of the glottkin I decided to move away from the demon and hoped he would engage it so i could hit him or the glottkin when they were occupied with each other. Skinks tried to shoot the warchanter again, doing 1 wound this time and that was my turn. The Ironjawz moved up in hero and movement phases again towards the glottkin and rather than pursuing my units he moved the glottkin towards his army. He then charged all of his units in except the warchanter who failed his roll. Through the combat phase his ardboys and gruntas knocked the glottkin down to 5 wounds while only taking 3 wounds to the gore gruntas.

    Round 3. I lost the priority and glottkin control rolls. The ironjawz simply attacked the glottkin in their turn. He attacked first with his ardboys, so i used the glottkin to knock out all but 1 gore grunta. I dont recall what units did what damage but his turn ended with the glottkin on 1 wound. On my turn I moved everything in to charge range then shot at the glottkin with the skinks dealing the 1 wound i needed and killing the beast which won me the game.

    The battleplan to me was pretty annoying, mostly cause i never once had control of the beast until after it was already attacked by the ironjawz and at that point i could only attack back or retreat. There also wasnt really any combat between me and the ironjawz other than my skinks taking potshots at the warchanter and failing to do anything useful until the 1 killing wound. I'm happy with the victory but not especially satisfied with the game, hopefully my 1000 point game will be more engaging!
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    It's tough when the dice don't go your way, but you proved that good tactics beat good dice!
    m0gstar likes this.
  3. MerciaBear
    Cold One

    MerciaBear Active Member

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    I find the matched play scenarios at the back of the Generals Handbook are really good. Have played a few of them now and they are great. They are good for your mobile force too, lots of victory locations etc for the Chama skinks.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Drofnum
    Cold One

    Drofnum Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I enjoy those ones more. I didn't get to choose the battleplan for this game unfortunately, the dice chose for me.
    Bowser and MerciaBear like this.

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