Fiction The Slaves Name

Discussion in 'Fluff and Stories' started by Bowser, Feb 4, 2017.

  1. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    The Slave's Name

    The mighty saurus hit the table with a clatter. The laughing captors still poking and prodding her as another strapped her to the upright table. The chains were bound tight around the great lizard.

    “Which binds-holds you better? The silver or the cold iron?” The robed one jabbed a needle into the saurus’ arm.

    “You haven’t disappeared-vanished yet. That’s strange-intriguing, but don’t you fret-worry, I have a backup plan-thing.” The horned creature took a large carving knife from the table.

    “Did your frog-master forget about you? Well you have a new master-boss now. How would you like to be my slave-thing?” The greyseer smirked. The great saurus growled.

    "A slave is a slave, no matter who the master-thing. Did your master give you the ability to speak? Did the frog-beast even give you a name?”

    The sunblood thrashed about and roared. She tried desperately to remember her name. She knew that she was a memory, that the units she led were memories. She tried to think of their names, but the names she knew them by, she had assigned.

    “That’s how they keep-detain you, they take away your name, your personality. You must be very unimportant though. Normally you reptile-things disappear before reaching my lab.” The skaven cut into the sunblood’s arm and caught the seeping starlight in a jar. The horned rat then put some sort of tube in the wound before it closed up.

    The powerful saurus continued to jerk and thrash about in her bindings. Furiously trying to remember life before. The jungles, the patrol routes, the warriors who fought alongside her. The memories were foggy, murky. Trying desperately to find her name. What few memories she did possess were slow to come, it was like trying to march through a swamp. She remembered that the warriors she currently led were not her spawn kin.

    A lot of chirping and squeaking came from the vents. They weren’t words, at least not as far as she could understand.

    “We haven’t got long now. Do you hear how excited-scared they are? You need not worry-fret. I always have a backup plan-scheme.” The saurus roared and continued to struggle against her restraints. Whatever was being pumped into her arm was painful and heavy.

    “You don’t talk anyway, so let my assistants’ muzzle-bind your snout.” Two rats came with an oversized muzzle to keep their arms out of jaw reach. They strapped it behind the saurus’ head and turned a key to tighten it. The smirking rat made another incision from the neck to the shoulder. The two rats pulled on a chain attached to the muzzle, keeping the saurus’ snout away from the incision. The horned greyseer carefully inserted something into the opening and began to suture it closed.

    “Soon little slave-creature you will talk-squeak.” The robed rat began eating a little green stone. His eyes were glowing and he was chanting something unintelligible. A bolt of green lightning hurled toward the restrained sunblood. A jolt went up her spine and something wholly unpleasant started squeaking beside her. The rats dropped the muzzle chain, and she looked over, horrified to see a rat head attached to her shoulder.

    “I have installed a translator-squeaker for you. Do you like it?”

    The saurus roared with fury. The translator shrieked with her.

    “I would say the operation was a success. Now slave, tell me, do you have a name?”

    The saurus grunted. “I don’t know my name.” The translator chirped.

    “Poor slave-beast, I can give you a new-new name. Since some of my portals to the realms have been closed-shut, you must tell me, can you feel how close your frog-master is?”

    The saurus glared hard at the little horned one.

    “A good slave-monster, always loyal to the end. That’s alright, I feel-sense it. Cut the chains-binds.”

    The two rats started removing the chains when the wall exploded into the room. Debris flying inward the skaven scattered. The sunblood stood there, stone and dust crashing into her scales.

    “Now-Now” Shrieked the greyseer.

    Saurus guard started shuffling into the room followed by a floating palanquin. The ground began rumbling under the guard. The troop of saurus tried to scatter, but some fell through the floor as it collapsed. Another found itself impaled and spinning on a massive drill. The six armored rats emerged from the floor and began shooting. The slann raised its hands, lightning began to form around it. One of the giant storm vermin ducked back under ground, the rest were skeletons in the blink of an eye. The remaining hulking vermin jumped back up to the floor and peppered any standing saurus with his rattling gun. The Slann raised his hands again and the monstrous rat was nothing more than a pink mist.

    “Welcome to my lab frog-toad thing. Have you come to serve me?” The greyseer laughed and popped some warpstone into his mouth.

    The slann began casting some spell, the greyseer furiously trying to unbind the magic forming in the room. Five half formed cold ones and their riders died limply on the floor.

    “Well slave-thing, this is your chance at freedom. Do you dare to free yourself from the master-toad?”

    The sunblood roared. “Freedom.” The translator shouted.

    The slann looked at the traitorous saurus and blinked. The sunblood did not disappear. The slann’s eyes opened wide as the shadows around it came alive. Two cloaked skaven plunged their poison tipped blades into the mighty slann. The sunblood picked up a piece of the destroyed stone wall and jumped up on to the palanquin. She bashed the rock into the head of the slann, caving in its skull.

    “Now you are truly free. If you choose-decide, you can be a great warlord of one of our many clans. You can be the master-thing.”

    “What is my name?” The translator chirped as the saurus grunted.

    “Warlord Skullcrusher.” The greyseer laughed its shrill laugh. Its last laugh. The newly appointed warlord had clamped her jaws around the horned rats head. The translator squeaked. "I am my own master." As the jaws tightened, the greyseer"s skull was crushed.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This ine was written at 4:00 in the morning, as I was a bit early for work. I changed the ending a bit here as there was not a lot of build up toward the original ending. So hopefully the addition makes some sense.
  3. thedarkfourth

    thedarkfourth Well-Known Member

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    I like the new ending. You can never have too many crushed skulls in a story, that's what I always say.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Nice. That did not end the way I expected. Glad the scientist-rat met a grisly end.

    Seriously though, this brings up an interesting point about the new lizzies. As memories, they are a "slave" to the imagination of the Slann who thought them up. They are limited by the purpose, motivation, and direction that their Slann has created them for, nothing more.

    Obviously the rat has figured out a way to give the saurus a bit more "substance" and free-thought, and the result was not only a DEAD SLANN, but also his Frankenstein monster backfiring on his creator.

    Nice little story, do you have any plans to continue this? I don't know if the Council of Thirteen exists in AOS, but it would be interesting to see what this saurus did next. Maybe gain control of his own skaven clan? Or just butcher his way through the rat-ways between the realms, becoming the best non-aligned and independent skaven killer/mercenary the realms have ever seen?
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I may continue this, having her go for the council of 13 by destroying the masterclan from the ground up. A freak by all standards could pose some major challenges for the character and could be interesting to explore.
    Warden likes this.
  6. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    Question: she has a skaven head literally attached to her shoulder??

    I had to re-read that part, but that is how I am reading it.
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    That is correct.
  8. Warden

    Warden Tenth Spawning

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    :walkingdead: freaky!

    Very interesting choice, would be an interesting illustration to do... if I can think of something suitable I will try and produce something
    Bowser likes this.
  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    That would be amazing! I was thinking of trying to mod one for this thread, and might still!
  10. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    I admire the risk taking you did, but I prefer the original ending. It had more lingering horror on it.
    Bowser likes this.
  11. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    It was a quick fix, probably could have tried fixing the motivation instead of the ending. Frankensaurus will require more fixing!
  12. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    I still can't get myself to accept that my favourite race in that world is only memories. I keep skipping that part mentally and substitute it with "many are just memories but some are real, and the Slann now created new spawning pools on their new home world, so more and more Seraphon are real".
    Still it is very cool how you played with that idea, that conflict of a Seraphon being nobody at all, feeling empty and as a slave. Living a lie and knowing it.
    Warden and Bowser like this.

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