AoS 2,000 pt Tournament List - First Time Posting Looking for Advice

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Drcrabs, Feb 4, 2017.

  1. Drcrabs

    Drcrabs New Member

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    Hello everyone. I haven't played a game of warhammer since 8th Edition and I only played High Elves. I decided to join the ranks of the Lizards with my return to the hobby. I have been studying the rules and watching friends who have complete armies playing games and also watching battle report videos on youtube and based on my play style I have come up with the following list. Please let me know what you think and what you think could make the list better. The general core I would like to keep intact is the warden, the guard, and the bastiladon's while the others can be put on the chopping block.

    Eternal Warden
    - General
    - Master of Defence
    - Artefact: Phoenix Stone

    Astrolith Bearer
    - Artefact: Talisman of Blinding Light

    Skink Priest
    - Priestly Trappings

    Skink Priest
    - Priestly Trappings


    10 x Saurus Guard
    10 x Saurus Guard
    10 x Saurus Guard

    1 x Salamanders
    1 x Salamanders
    1 x Salamanders
    3 x Skink Handlers


    1 x Bastiladon
    1 x Bastiladon

    Eternal Starhost
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2017
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I like this, but here are a few things I would change. I would drop the astrolith for a skink starseer. Then I would drop one priest for a starpriest, and maybe the other for a jade battlemage to heal your bastiladons. But that's just my initial thoughts, so let me know the thought process behind this list. I get most of it, but am wondering about the two priests and the astrolith. And Welcome aboard!
    Drcrabs likes this.
  3. Drcrabs

    Drcrabs New Member

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    Thank you very much for the quick response, Bowser!

    My thinking for the two skink priests is to greatly increase my chance for that 2+ re-rollable save on the Guard and having re-roll saves on other things is also a plus. For the Astrolith Bearer, and I know half of his abilities are wasted on my current list as I have no spell casting, I really like the re-roll on missed hits which I think he really gets his worth of this ability with the two bastiladons and the 3 salamanders and of course the guard getting that doesn't hurt either. My initial list did have one skink starpriest but I felt, and this maybe my old High Elf thinking, that if I wanted to go magic I should go magic heavy and the one little guy didn't seem like he could be effective. I don't know too much on the Jade battlemage but would including him in the list disqualify the guard as being battleline or am I reading that FAQ incorrectly?

    Also, thank you for the welcome! I'm glad to be here with the Seraphon and I've enjoyed reading all the delicious content here on these forums!
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I think a little magic goes a long way, so I would take one Starpriest, even for mystic shield for a 2+ rerollable in some situations. I still think a starseer would give you more bang for your buck over the astrolith, curse of fates is a brilliabt spell, and the rerolls generated can be game changing. The priest is a good choice, but only a 50% chance of the prayer going off.
    Drcrabs likes this.
  5. Drcrabs

    Drcrabs New Member

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    I think they're might be some confusion with my two skink priests, they both have the priestly trappings and I'll edit my original list for that so I apologize for that one. I think my intention is to buy a majority of the Seraphon Army so I think I'll give your suggestion and my original list some tries once I get it all put together. Here is a list with your suggestion in mind. Thank you again for your insight!

    Eternal Warden
    - General
    - Master of Defence
    - Artefact: Phoenix Stone

    Skink Starseer

    Skink Starpriest

    Skink Priest
    - Priestly Trappings


    10 x Saurus Guard
    10 x Saurus Guard
    10 x Saurus Guard

    1 x Salamanders
    1 x Salamanders
    1 x Salamanders
    3 x Skink Handlers


    1 x Bastiladon
    1 x Bastiladon

    Eternal Starhost
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Yeah, sorry I assumed it was priestly trappings, celestial rites needs a 4+ to work, so 50% chance of going off. That beimg said it can't be unbound, so there are some advantages there.
    Drcrabs likes this.
  7. Drcrabs

    Drcrabs New Member

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    I basically figured if I had two of those little guys the chances of the celestial rites going off increases which significantly improves the survivability of the army as a whole. Kinda sucks that I would have to use 200 points just for that buff but I feel as though it will be worth it. But I shall definitely give your adjustments to my main list a try along with my original list! Thank you again!
    Bowser likes this.
  8. LordRibbit
    Temple Guard

    LordRibbit Well-Known Member

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    I recently took a similar list to the UK grand tournament and did well with it, the starseer should give you re rolls which will increase your chance of getting your celestial rites. I agree with bowzer that you don't need two priests though. Personally I think you'll be very hard to kill but not very fast or massively flexible with your list, remember it's about playing the mission and not so much the army you're up against
    Seraphage and Bowser like this.

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