Hi all I have finally begun collecting Lizardmen warhammer army. I have alwasy loved the feel of the cold blooded army and the look of it arrayed on the table. The large dinosaurs (such as terradons, stegadon, cold ones and carnosaurs) but I love the imagery and feel of the slann and the background of the army as a whole. Also I suck at leadership tests (Lol) and cold blooded helps out lots! I have been enjoying playing warhammer as I haven't played since the days of "flying high" with your flyers and it has been great to get back inot the fantasy side of the game. I mostly play against Orc and goblins and VC ; but I also play against a few other friends in our gaming group on occassion against High elves, dark elves, Ogre Kingdoms, bretonnians, Daemons, Dwarves, Wood elves and Empire. So I have a bit of experince using the Lizardmen against these armies. Well that's me anyways so look forward to adding my ten cents here and there and asking for and sharing advise from others that share the hobby an more importantly the greatest army created in the warhammer world (hey were created by the old ones themselves!)
In a technical sense if you think about their blood. I'm more of a fan of the bigger creatures though. A whole army of skinks with leather jackets and aviators...... Mmmmmm.
I have to agree skinks are cool (and so is their blood) but I wouldn't take a whole army of just skinks. They have their role on the battlefield, mostly ambushes and tracking, lets face it the Old Ones never created them for battle- that's where the Saurus come in. But I just love how they look, with their crests and all. I could never bring myself to field an army without skinks in it....