AoS Dealing with the mortal wound dealing nature of this game

Discussion in 'Seraphon Tactics' started by Lachlin, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. Lachlin
    Cold One

    Lachlin Well-Known Member

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    A good point was brought up on another post i have on here. How do we deal with other armies abilites to dish out mortal wounds? Be it deep striking stormfiends or triple tusk claw raiders or triple lightning cannons or mortal wound spells. It seems we are on the back foot right from the start.
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  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    This is the problem with being the first army to receive a battletome, we did not recieve the new models and power creeps that the Orks or the Ogres got. So we suffer more and more from power creep, but that being said, it may be time to switch to a more order generalized army instead of pure Seraphon. Celestial huricanum, jade battlemage and a Thunderquake with two bastiladons is pretty effective at dealing and taking mortal wounds. Throwing some stormcast stuff into the mix gives you a few more mortal wounds to send back their way.
    Specialization leads to extinction. This is a constantly evolving game system. Think through the problem, find models that are great Order support, like battlemage, or sisters of the thorn, or even cannons and other warmachines and figure out how to integrate them into your system.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2017
  3. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    On the notion of us being the first to recieve a battletome, how long would you expect it to be before we'd get some form of update? Are we doomed to mix Order armies until at the very least a complete new edition of AoS comes out, or is there a point at which even GW thinks its enough power creep and steps in to correct?
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  4. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    I'm afraid it won't be fast as there are too many armies without a codex at all, plus they keep evolving the stormcast army all the time unfortunately :D
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  5. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    expected as much... though they could at least update certain things to fix certain aspects. E.g make stardrake shields provide a save against mortal wounds could be a fairly straightforward change that doesn't require an entire new codex, though blanket changes like that are liable to result in making Seraphon the flavor of the month in turn..

    Another potential "easy" fix would be changes to the magic system, spells could easily fill the niches of dealing and preventing mortal wounds. Just look at the people taking a jade wizard for example. Make it so that our own wizards get something usefull in this aspect and fix the issues that the rule of one creates with respect to having multiple wizards in an army so a magic based army actually functions. Given the fluff of the seraphon an army headed by a slann with several skink priests supporting his magic makes complete sense, but thanks to the limitations of the rule of one and the general lack of usefull spells rather ruin that.

    O for clarity, yes our special spells are by no means bad. But in between there usually being only 1 special spell, and us "only" having what 3 wizards? so 3 special spells, & the lackluser base spells magic is just severly underpowered to the point where fielding multiple wizards rapidly becomes kind of pointless.

    Anyway, how likely would a relativly "small" change like that be in between codexes?
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
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  6. Lachlin
    Cold One

    Lachlin Well-Known Member

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    I think it would involve a GW staffer actually playing seraphon for them to notice. I'm convinced they don't playtest their own rules.
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  7. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Wouldn't be surprised :p though to be honest virtually every game seems to suffer from that issue.
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