AoS Dread Saurian rises, Skanks steal the show!

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Zheddikus, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. Zheddikus
    Chameleon Skink

    Zheddikus Well-Known Member

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    Okay so, today I ended a six month losing streak against my friend. It was also my first time playing with my Dread Saurian. 1500 points, and we played the Gift from Above scenario.

    The lists,
    Skink Priest (100)
    - Priestly Trappings
    Skink Starpriest (100)
    Saurus Eternity Warden (140)
    5 x Saurus Guard (100)
    5 x Saurus Guard (100)
    10 x Skinks (80)
    1 x Razordons (60)
    1 x Salamanders (60)
    3 x Skink Handlers (40)
    Dread Saurian (400)
    - General
    - Trait: Master of Defense
    Bastiladon (300)


    Knight Azyros (100)
    Knight Venator (120)
    Lord Relictor (80)
    Lord Castellant (100)
    Lord Celestant On Dracoth (220)
    Lord Veritant (120)
    5 x Liberators (100)
    5 x Liberators (100)
    5 x Liberators (100)
    5 x Paladin Retributors (220)
    3 x Prosecutors with Celestial Hammers (100)
    2 x Fulminators (240)
    Thunderhead Brotherhood (80)

    1680 (math mistakes were made that were not caught until I started this)

    Deployment: He deployed all in the Azyr besides the Azyros, Veritant, and Fulminators in the middle. Venator to my left. Finally 5x Liberators to my right on his side.
    I deployed with my skinks to my left. Then I deployed my Gaurds to bubble wrap around my Warden, Star Priest, and Priest. To the left of them I deployed my Dread and to the left of him my Bastiladon. Finally the Razordon, Salamander, and Handlers to my right.

    TURN 1
    He starts and keeps all of his units out of range of everything, but his Venator shot and killed 2 skinks.
    My turn. I move everything hoping for the swing.

    TURN 2
    I get the swing!
    My meteor falls on my right. Priest gets his prayer off on my core, and the Starpriest summons starlight on the Dread. I move one unit of Gaurds over to secure the objective. Nothing really happened in the shooting phase which kinda sucked. Charges happened and I mistakenly only got the salamander into combat alone against his Liberators. But the Dread got into combat with the Fulminators, and Veritant. His jaws devour the Fulminators and claws rip the Veritant to shreds.

    His turn
    His meteor fall to my left on his side where his Venator is. He moves his Azyros in between my Dread and Bastiladon. He drops the 2 Liberators and Relictor on my Bastiladon. He then dropped Retributors on my Dread. Finally he dropped the Celestant On my Gaurds and with the charge gets his Prosecutors into CC with the priest and Starpriest. His Liberators on my right charge my Razordon and Handlers. With the starlight I negate the Retributors stupid number of mortal wounds. Long story short the Dread and Bastiladon take a few wounds. I lose a few more Skanks. And I lose the Gaurds against the Celestant, but not my I objective also die. The Prosecutors also kill the priest. The Liberators kill the Razordon and Handlers. Bastiladon kills a liberator. And the Dread devours the Retributors.

    TURN 3 I maintain momentum!

    Hero phase knowing that the Liberators on my right are coming for my objective. I cast Arcane Bolt and kill one and and put a point on another. In the shooting phase my Bastiladon kills the Celestant! The Dread can't seem to kill the Azyros or the Castellant... And the Bastiladon kills another Liberator. Skanks chill out a little.

    His turn he charges my objective Gaurds with his Liberators and Prosecutors. Combat ensues. Bastiladon continues to tank and the Dread finally kills the Azyros. The Gaurds tank the two units and kill the Prosecutors to the man.

    Turn 4 Yup it's still my momentum

    A lot of fisticuffs. I kill his Liberators on my objective.

    His turn more fisticuffs I lose my Bastiladon. :( I belive that it is over because I didn't think I could do anything and he has killed more points. He says to play it out.

    Turn 5 loss of momentum but not the war!

    He sends his 3 man Liberator squad after the Skanks and the full squad to the Dread. He wants it dead so much. He sinks everything into it. He finally dies. My hope is crushed. But then I smiled and grinned. My 2 remaining Skanks are now in combat. They retreat and contest his objective which only has his Venator! He doesn't get his points and guess whose turn is next!!!

    My turn, I take a knee. GG. He could not believe that I just snuck that game out from under him!!! I still can't believe it.
    m0gstar, Qupakoco, Bracnos and 4 others like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Haha! Awesome game! Great battle rep!
    Seraphage likes this.
  3. zaheen47
    Jungle Swarm

    zaheen47 New Member

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    Can a dread saurian be the general?
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Any model can be the general, it automatically gets general's inspiring presence as command ability.
  5. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Go Patriots ..? :bag:
    Zheddikus likes this.
  6. zaheen47
    Jungle Swarm

    zaheen47 New Member

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    Hmmm interesting..doesn't really make sense though as it's just a giant dumb dino with no real strategic skill. Still..if the rules allow it..
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    The way it is worded you could literally pick a skink out of a unit as your general.
    Once you have finished setting up all of
    your units, nominate one of the models you set up as your general."
    Qupakoco likes this.
  8. Zheddikus
    Chameleon Skink

    Zheddikus Well-Known Member

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    I think the idea was not to restrict it to only heroes so new people can play with only a box of something. The down side to making a non-Hero a general is they don't get an artefact. To be fair, I only made him my general to give him master of defence, because the mortal wounds potential from Sigmarines is to damn high!
    Bowser likes this.
  9. Zheddikus
    Chameleon Skink

    Zheddikus Well-Known Member

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    I mean... from what I heard Lady Gaga stole the show there so it fits. :p
  10. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    There was also the last minute overtime victory...
    Zheddikus likes this.
  11. Zheddikus
    Chameleon Skink

    Zheddikus Well-Known Member

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    Duh that is right! I don't really follow football, which is weird being from WI where most people have Packer Fandom hardwired into their DNA :p.

    Edit: I also take it that you are a Falcons fan. I wanted them to win so my best friend wouldn't brag about Tom Brady all the time.
    n810 likes this.
  12. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Nope, none of the teams I like made it. :(

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