8th Ed. Saurus Cowboys

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Lizardmen!!, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. Lizardmen!!

    Lizardmen!! New Member

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    Hi guys! I am just wondering how you guys equip your Cowboys and if you put them in a unit of Cold one riders or not. If so how many Cold One riders in the unit. Thanks!
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Nobody has jumped on this? It really is a sign of the times, isn't it :/

    @Lizardmen!! The Cowboy is the glory of the Lizard army. Even a poorly kitted one will perform well thanks to their awesome statline.

    The first question I would ask is, are you playing 8th or 9th?

    For 8th, my favorite was Armor of Destiny and a Great Weapon. Simple, yet devastating.
    Warden likes this.
  3. Lizardmen!!

    Lizardmen!! New Member

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    Hi Qupakoco! Thanks for responding. I play 8th and I am wondering what the best way to use these cowboys is. If you could help me out that would be awesome.
  4. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Certainly! You should read this thread: A Cowboy for All. It will be the most help. Feel free to ask any further questions there or here!

    As to how you use them, there are really three different categories you can build for. Just keep in mind that the Cowboy is extremely versatile and can easily switch roles throughout the game. When you read through the article I've linked to, you'll see that most the builds revolve around these types, more or less.

    Horde Muncher: This build would focus on having lots of attacks and a decent save. He'll be ideal for getting into any infantry blocks, probably even some cavalry. The halberd is better than a great weapon in this case.

    Monster Hunter: This build would focus on having a high strength and a good ward save. He needs to be survivable and strong. Send him after anything and he'll usually do well. Great weapon for sure.

    Swiss Army Knife: This build would be focused on nothing in particular, except at least a strength increase and a good armor save. Mix and match however you like, he'll probably still be awesome!
    Lizardmen!!, n810 and NIGHTBRINGER like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Great points by @Qupakoco and very useful link.

    The Cowboy is definitely the superstar of our army. I always focus on maximum defense through magic items and leave the offense to mundane weaponry (halberd or GW, though 9 times out of 10 I opt for the GW). The Scar-vet cowboy is extremely cheap and you can easily fit a couple of them into just about any list. If you build an Oldblood cowboy, then I'd suggest following the same principle as for its scar-vet counterpart but with the addition of the Crown of Command (stubborn) + anything that catches your fancy with the left over points.

    As for placement in a Saurus Cav unit, that really comes down to personal taste and the likely opposition you will face. I usually like to place them in a unit of 6-8 Cav (though bear in mind that I play @3000 points, so I have a few more points to play with). If you're not playing against significant artillery, then the stubborn Oldblood cowboy can very easily run solo. Also remember, that even you place them in a unit, it is often advantageous to charge them out on their own when the right opportunity presents itself.
    Warden, Lizardmen!! and Qupakoco like this.

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