7th Ed. Slann Magic

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by FrozenLizards, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. FrozenLizards

    FrozenLizards New Member

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    I wanted to get some advice/tips for Slann magic school picks I've been pouring over the magic section and I know you can pick any schools for a Slann, but which ones are best?

    I think the 2 schools that look the best so far are Life & Death. Life looks good for me b/c it has very easy casting and you can heath ur self. Death is great b/c you can get life steal and great fear effects. Now this is just me reading the book I have yet to field a Slann or a 2000pt army. What does everyone else think?
  2. Ninjaskink
    Cold One

    Ninjaskink New Member

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    IMO Slann magic is best because it's versitile. Because you can choose from all eight lores, you can find out what your opponent is fielding, then choose your lores/ spells to fit what your facing. For example, Death would be good against low leadership or horde armies, but against something like grail knights you might want to opt for Metal. He's using tons of cavalry? Use some Lore of Beasts. Demons you say? Lore of Light has it! It's all in figuring out what's going to work best and then making your opponent deal with it.
  3. SohCahToa

    SohCahToa New Member

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    Ninja-Skink has it straight on.

    That said, I just wanted to develop upon a point that your raised. You had mentioned that you were leaning towards death and life because of the ability to heal yourself. From my experience, and others may correct me if i'm wrong, but opponents generally do not try to kill your slann with conventional missiles or melee. He will normally assume that your slann has a 2+ save or not want to bother trying to work his way through 6 wounds and will try to kill the slann unconventionally (breaking the unit, or things such as pit of shades or a brass orb).
  4. Willyum77

    Willyum77 New Member

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    I'd have to agree with sohcahtoa- give the slann the divine plaque of protection and temple guard to hide in or even normal saurus so he'll never be in combat anyway, and noones going to take him out, especially with 2nd gen- 8 wounds :D . like the others said, choose the law which plays against your enemy's weaknesses, but also the one you feel most comfortable playing with. Personally, I'd never opt for a mixture of lores- with the plaque of tepok, 5 spells from a lore generally gives you all the different spell types you'll need for a versatile caster in a game.
  5. Dalkarius

    Dalkarius New Member

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    I play a HE player quite often who loves fielding 4 bolt throwers and a Star Dragon and I can tell you he RARELY wastes his time on my slann and I don't even give it a better ward save. Usually, I simply hide in in or behind some terrain and by the time someone gets close enough to the Slann, it wipes them off the planet if your spells worked out. Really my slann has died twice in my history of playing, both times were due to the wretched pheonix guard. One time they broke me cause although TG are decent (not really...) they aren't immune to fear and broke then caught, which led to a definate LOSS! But the other time I just rolled bad on my break test cause that ridiculous ward save allowed them to get across the board due to my stupidity and they managed to break it and run it off the table. But, on that note, I wasn't able to hide and made some dumb moves, if used correctly, it takes one serious player to kill a Slann and with the right spells that tide can easily be turned.

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