These are not the lizards you are looking for. 1500 Pts - Lizardmen Army All-comers list. 1 Skink Priest @ 405 Pts Magic Level 2; Lore of Heaven Plaque of Tepok Ancient Stegadon with Engine of the Gods Skink Crew @ [0] Pts Javelin 1 Skink Priest @ 125 Pts Magic Level 2; Lore of Heaven Diadem of Power 1 * Saurus Scar-Veteran @ 163 Pts General;Light Armour; Shield Piranha Blade Bane Head Cold One 20 Saurus Warriors @ 258 Pts Spear; Shield; Standard; Musician 20 Saurus Warriors @ 270 Pts Spear; Shield; Standard; Musician and Champion 5 Cold One Cavalry @ 215 Pts Spear; Shield; Standard; Champion 5 Cold Ones 12 Skinks @ 60 Pts Javelin; Shield Casting Pool: 7 Dispel Pool: 5 Total Army Cost: 1496 Criticism and praise are desired! And before i get asked the same thing here, my group does not run alot of shootymachines, practically none actually.
O for the love of sotek please make the javelin skinks blowpipers, I find the range and multiple shots soooo much better....but thats my opinion and I think plaque of tepok should be replaced by a scroll
Eh. I think it's an actually okay list. It should do pretty good in combat and magic, but you're lacking a little something in shooting. I usually take 2-6 units of skinks, as ranked and skirmishers(usually in squads of 10ish).
Ill strip the points to turn them into 10 skirmishers, but im not too fond of shooting really, i run a shooty marine list as my main army and i feel i want a list that has strong close combat and magic. Reason shooting isnt too important too me is that my gaming group is not a very "shooty" group. It basically comes down to that. Also im not too fond of skinks. Edit: And i feel that with the diadem i can get the dispells in i need, so ill stick with my plaque.
-Drop skink cohorts --Take skink skirmishers (minimum 2 units, but 4 would not be stupid) ---Give the priest on foot cloak of feathers, swap Diadem of Power for it. If your worried about magic (which you shouldn't really be, as you have 5 dispel dice in a 1500 point army) then take a single dispel scroll. ----Make the saurus warriors 18 strong, ranked 6x3, give them full command and spears -----Put your general on foot with the charm of the jaguar warrior, a great weapon and whatever (or nothing) else. He can be deployed in the saurus or solo. He can still join the charge with the cavalry if you keep them, but he is not stupid. Additional - Saurus cav are kinda fail, cos they are subject to stupidity. This makes them unpredictable. This is bad. You could change your army for the better by dropping them and changing them for mabye a unit of 3 terradons, some skirmishers and/or a razordon. Terradons are still good even when you don't have war machines to fight against. They have a good chance in combat against soft skirmish units, and they fly, so they can march block whole armies as well as "crossfire" units that flee from your badass saurus.
1 Skink Priest @ 125 Pts Magic Level 2; Lore of Heaven Cloak of Feathers 1 Skink Priest @ 405 Pts Magic Level 2; Lore of Heaven Plaque of Tepok 1 Ancient Stegadon with Engine of the Gods 4 Skink Crew Javelin 1 * Saurus Scar-Veteran @ 167 Pts General; 2ndWeapon; Light Armour; Shield Piranha Blade Bane Head 1 Cold One 18 Saurus Warriors @ 246 Pts Spear; Shield; Standard; Musician; Champion 18 Saurus Warriors @ 246 Pts Spear; Shield; Standard; Musician; Champion 5 Cold One Cavalry @ 225 Pts Spear; Shield; Standard; Musician; Champion 5 Cold Ones 12 Skink Skirmishers @ 84 Pts Blowpipe Casting Pool: 7 Dispel Pool: 5 Models in Army: 57 Total Army Cost: 1498
Much leeter list, though if it were me i'd have the scar-vet on foot with Charm of the Jaguar warrior and a great weapon. If he goes in the cold one unit he can still get crapped on by the unit failing stupidity. Not only is this guy much more badass, he is also cheaper. If you dropped the skirmishers unit down to 10 from 12, and mabye tweaked something else (look to dropping standard (1st) musician (2nd) and champion (last) from the saurus cav to free up a few points, Banners give opponent victory points) You may free up enough points for a chameleon skink unit (5 of them for 60 points) or even another unit of skirmishers if you change him. Otherwise, tight list.
I agree with the cham-skink idea. They have better BS, have scout, at least -2 to hit... and they aren't too much compared to normal skink skirmishers with pipes
I found that the problem with the flying GW scar-vet is that i dont have enough squishy warmachines (or just general squishies) in my group to make use of him. I play a lot of WoC/DoC/VC with some brets and orcs thrown in for good measure. Also i just dont own any more skinksXD + i love the standard for the CoC! And another skink skirmish unit is next on my "to buy", right above the terradons.
The scar-vet with the charm is also real good at killing skirmishers and knights and fast cavalry. These units are often worth above average victory points.
I have now tried him out with.... no sucess so far, he just ends up dispelled and there goes the surprise. (And yes i cast with my priest 1st, ofc.)
He becomes increasingly useful when you get a Slann. Its still good to have him, even if it means that the opponent is forced to keep one dispel dice for him.
good list, lose the champs. not worth it. you are paying a full sarurs for +1 attack. it will save you some points for a War banner for your CoK. this adds a much needed combat res.
This is basically it. Get full command for all Sarus Units. It really is that simple. No champions in block units (and std bearers, musician) = Epic Fail. They are really really important.
Yup, full command and spears in a unit of (hopefully) b/w 15 and 18 is good. That's how i play it unless i don't have enough models or points. On a *somewhat* realated topic, can a skink chief go in a unit of saurus?