Hi This is my idea for a lizard tourny list. The restrictions are: you may use no more than 10 PD a turn You may use no more than 10 DD a turn you may not repeat any rare choice You may not have more than 2 of the same special choice You may not have more than 3 of the same core choice that is not inf. you must have 2 inf. models for every model with movement 7+ and a 2+ or better AS. you may not have more than 2 of the same hero choice. inf. is a model on a 20, 25, 40mm base that is not skirmish, doesn't have scout and doesnt have a ranged weapon. on to the list. Slaan mage-priest - unfathomable presence - the focused rumination - diadem of power - divine plaque of protection - BSB The idea with this guy is that against magic heavy armies i will save 2PD and use them as DD(giving me a total of 9DD) and against not so magic heavy armies i will just use them as normal PD. Then i have given him unfathomable presence for more magic defence. Skink priest - LV. 2 - cube of darkness More magic defence and offence, and ofcourse end magic phase scroll Skink priest - scroll - cloak of feathers same as above, just more offence and defence. I just gave him the cloak for fun, and it might be usefull for getting him in position for the slaan to channel magic missiles 10 skink skirmishers 10 skink skirmishers 15 saurus warriors - spears 15 saurus warriors - spears 4 terradons 16 temple guard - champ/standard/musician - warbanner stegadon ancient stegadon 2 razordon hunting packs. = 2250 what do you think? - Thomas
Slaan mage-priest - unfathomable presence (DROP--change to Focus of Mystery) - the Focused rumination - diadem of power (DROP, points waste) - divine plaque of protection (DROP, points waste) - BSB (ADD - Cupped Hands of the Old Ones) Skink priest - LV. 2 (DROP, overkill, points waste, you need more units) - cube of darkness (DROP, points waste, give scroll instead) (GIVE-ADD -Engine of the Gods) Skink priest (DROP, overkill, points waste, you need more units) - scroll - cloak of feathers 10 skink skirmishers 10 skink skirmishers 15 saurus warriors (MAKE unit of 18, ranked 6x3. Give FULL COMMAND) - spears 15 saurus warriors (MAKE unit of 18, ranked 6x3. Give FULL COMMAND) - spears 4 terradons (MAKE unit of three) 16 temple guard - champ/standard/musician - warbanner stegadon (DROP - You have an EOTG now) ancient stegadon (DROP - More than one stegadon is cheesy and lame, and too points expensive) 2 razordon hunting packs. (Good choice. Razordons own.) = 2250 IF you made the above changes you have just improved your army, and freed up some points. WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH THE FREE POINTs? 2-3 more units of skink skirmishers 1 unit of 5 chameleon skinks. For explanations and reasoning, please visit other 2250 points lists on this website. I post a lot, or at least have in the past.