AoS 1000 Pts: Seraphon (new to AoS) vs Slaves to Darkness

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Trepus, Feb 15, 2017.

  1. Trepus
    Jungle Swarm

    Trepus New Member

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    Hello everyone!

    I´m quite new to Age of Sigmar (just played my first game). But I played a long time Warhammer Fantasy. Now some friends want to get into AoS and I blew the dust off my Lizardmen...

    We want to start at 1000 Points, so there are not many points to buy all the fancy stuff I´d like to put in my army. So I started with this list:

    Oldblood on Carnosaur
    - General
    - Trait: Tenacious
    - Artefact: Phoenix Stone

    Skink Starpriest
    20x Saurus Warriors

    - Alpha Talon, Pennant Bearer, Wardrum
    - Celestite Spear

    10x Skinks
    - Alpha
    - Blowpipe & Moonstone Club

    1x Salamander
    1x Salamander
    3x Skink Handeler
    3x Ripperdaktyl Riders

    The first game ever in AoS brought to me this enemy:

    Chaos Lord On Daemonic Mount
    - General
    - Trait: Great Destroyer
    - Artefact: Crown of Conquest

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord
    - Mount: Steed
    - Runestaff

    Chaos Sorcerer Lord
    - Runestaff
    5 x Chaos Knights
    - Chaos Glaives
    5 x Chaos Knights
    - Chaos Glaives
    10 x Chaos Warriors
    - Hand Weapon & Shield

    We played Borderwar with quite much terrain (mostly woods). I had the first turn:

    Set up - Seraphon

    I set up the Saurus Warriors around the objective in my territory with the Starpriest right behind them. On the right flank were the Ripperdaktyl Riders and the Oldblood and on the left flank were the Skinks and the Salamanders in cover.
    Set up - Slaves to Darkness
    His Sorcers and one unit Knights secured his objective whilst the Warriors were on my left flank and the second unit Knights together with the Chaos general were on my right flank.

    1. Turn - Seraphon

    I secured the objective on the right with the Rippers, moved with the Saurus towards one unit of knights and both of the sorcerers. The skinks and the Salamanders moved towards the Warrior unit and managed to secure the left objective.
    1. Turn - Slaves to Darkness
    He managed to overrun my Rippers with one unit Knights and secure the objective former held by the rippers. The other unit Knights and the Sorcerer on steed move forward. The Sorcerer on foot secures his objective. The Chaos Warriors move towards the objective on my left flank.

    2. Turn - Slaves to Darkness

    The Knights on the right flank and the general try to charge the Oldblood but fail. The Chaos Warriors move further towards the objective on my left flank and secure it. The second unit Knights stay where they are because he thought that he won´t make the charge.
    2. Turn - Seraphon
    The Skinks and Salamanders shot on the warriors and killed 1 of them and then the Salamanders charged the Warriors and killed no one but in return I got one wound one the Salamanders. The Saurus Warriors charged the first unit Knights and the Sorcerer on foot and manage to get one wound on the Sorcerer. In addition they can secure the objective in his territory. The second unit Knights got charged by the Oldblood, who killed one Knight.

    3. Turn - Slaves to Darkness

    The Sorcerer on steed is moves around the combat between the Saurus Warriors and the Chaos Knights towards my objective but can´t reach it for now. In close combat I can see my Oldblood slowly diing to the attacks of the Chaos general and the Chaos Knights but in return he manages to kill two knights. The Saurus Warriors can´t stand the fight with the Knights, but because of the basic generals ability they don´t have to take the battleshock test. At the end of the turn there are only 10 alive.
    3. Turn - Seraphon
    The Skinks move back a little bit towards the objective in my territory and then shoot into the combat of the Salamanders and can kill one Chaos Warrior. The Oldblood survives against all odds this turn with one wound left and kills one Chaos Knight. The Salamanders can kill an additional Chaos Warrior but there is just one Salli left with two wounds. The Saurus Warriors cause one wound on the Knights and one on the Sorcerer in return 3 Saurus are killed.

    4. Turn - Seraphon
    The Skinks move on my objective and kill the Sorcerer on steed with their blowpipes. In close combat there occures a miracle: The Old loses one wound but because he could heal one in the herophase, he´s not yet killed. In return he can´t do anything. The last Salamander is killed and there are just 3 Saurus Warriors left.
    4. Turn - Slaves to Darkness
    No detail needs to be the end of his turn there are just 10 Skinks and the Starpriest left and I didn´t see any reason to go on and had to surrender...

    I definitely made some stupid tactical mistakes. The loss of the Rippers was not necessary. I managed to trade them for 2 victory points, not a fair deal. The Attack from the Salamanders wasn´t so clever either. But most important...I forgot to use the shooting attacks of the Sallis and the Oldblood while they were in close combat. I think that´s an old habit from Warhammer Fantasy. Furthermore I forgot some special abilities of my army.
    And after all that I think my armylist could be changed, so that there is a bit more synergy between my units.

    Bowser likes this.
  2. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Leaving the result aside, great battle report ! Keep em coming !
    I 'd suggest you to buy a Bastiladon - well I d suggest to buy 2 in all honesty but anyway !
    Salamanders are a really interesting unit but can't really be utilized at 1000p in my opinion as they only attack once, in small range and you have no means of reroll !
    That's the 2 most important changes that you need to do in my opinion
    Better luck next time !
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Trepus
    Jungle Swarm

    Trepus New Member

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    Thank you! I´ll try my best!

    I already have one, but I think it might have the wrong weapon on its back.... a full list of my models can you find in this thread.
    Bowser and Seraphage like this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    The weapon you have is great if the opponent is running hordes, it will take out a lot of chaff. A second bastiladon with the solar engine is a good idea. Look into some of the collegiate arcane and eldritch council for some extra help. Celestial huricanum is prime for most order armies.
  5. Trepus
    Jungle Swarm

    Trepus New Member

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    At the moment I´ll try not to invest into new AoS models if it´s not absolutely necessary.

    About the hordes: Another friend just startet Flesh-Eater Courts with lots of Crypt Ghouls and an Abhorrant Ghoul King on Terrorgheist. After my first game I watched this army wipe out the Slaves to Darkness with ease.

    So, maybe I´ll give it a try next time.
    Bowser likes this.

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