7th Ed. EotG, how do you guys use it?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by SiegeCommander, Sep 14, 2009.

  1. ColdBlood666
    Chameleon Skink

    ColdBlood666 New Member

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    Can I come off the cross now?

    Ok guys. Im glad to see so many people finally saying what they feel. Id be bummed if you didnt.

    I was angry at dumbledores constant attempts to be rude and single out my posts. Im not a victim and I refuse to be treated like im some warhammer noob who never has a good opinion or anything to offer to the discussion. I felt like he was targeting me every chance he got. He is not nice and I tend to treat people how they treat me. I also felt others were jumping on his bandwagon. Like fleas on his coat tails.

    However despite the controversy of my presence on this forum I tend to look at things in a third perspective. Now just look at all the discussion that has happened now? dont we all feel better? everyone has found a reason and a excuse to write controversy of thier own because of me.

    Its easy to gang up on the black sheep for his strangeness. But what fun would it be without him? :bored:

    Dont worry Baratok I actually did not know you played WoW.
  2. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    I honestly didn't even notice it was you when I posted ColdBlood. It was meant as a joke to be fair, a reducto ad absurdum poke at an argument that you (it turns out) made which could be iterated. Other points which I would or could make have already been stated, no point adding redundancies.
  3. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    my comment was meant to be a joke as well sorry if it was seen as offensive
  4. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    @ Luprecal
    I knew it was a joke when I read it, fear not. I thought it would provide some entertainment to provide a reference to the original thread.

    @ ColdBlooded666
    I've never seen Dumbledore make a rude comment on the site before. I've seen him make his points succintly on many occasions, and for some reason people have a tendancy to misinterpret that. I'd strongly encourage you to take a look at a few other posts before you claim he is singling you out. Thats my 3rd person/objective view on the situation. I don't see anyone treating you like a warhammer noob. The only person that I see victimizing you, is you yourself. If you don't react defensively to someone who holds a different view or opinion (like myself or Dumbledore), you'll find that no one here is intentionally out to get you.

    I would also encourage you to continue to post on the forums, provided you can state your points without dragging anything else into it. I feel that everyone holds their own unique view of the hobby because different parts of the hobby hold higher values for everyone (some value painting, some value gaming, some value terrain, etc). Your viewpoints, at least the ones that I've seen, put a refreshing spin on the hobby as a whole, and strengthen the website's discussion levels and open readers minds to new concepts and ideas. In this way, everyone's experience in the hobby is strengthened and more enjoyable.

    If that all sounds too opulent or idealistic, the just know that your opinion adds another dimension to the discussions and that it is valuable to the site in that it broadens everyone's view of the hobby! Keep posting and offering your views as they are beneficial to LO!

    *edit* Spelling/Grammar/Wording
  5. ColdBlood666
    Chameleon Skink

    ColdBlood666 New Member

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    Thank you all for helping in making this forum a more productive exchange of opinions/ideas. Once all the gray smudges have been erased, its easier to read between the lines.

    While we are on the topic of interpretation I would like to reiterate a comment I made earlier. I dont beleive that painting is the only aspect of this hobby. Sure its a main part because the entire system is revolved around little toys that we must assemble and attempt to paint. Perhaps I was expressing my disdain for several gamers that I have encountered lately who are rule lawyers and extreme competitors but at the same time are gluing together models in thier army while im trying to do my movement phase. Or spraying so much zip kicker around that I want to just pack up and leave. These people are undeserving of a good natured opponent who has a beautiful army (excuse me sir did you just spray zip on my forge world daemon prince?).

    But please except my apology for making a hasty connection between the people that enjoy the extreme gaming aspect of the hobby and the disrespectful "army neglectors". Its ok if ones army is not to eavy metal standards. What I mean is its not ok to come to a tournament with units that you just spray painted outside 5 minutes before, or a 60 strong zombie regiment made up of plastic bases. Or ridiculous proxies (yea this black spray painted drinking cup is my drop pod).

    The game is a competition. Dont mean to get all philosophical on you all but could human beings continue to exist without competition? But one thing that some have forgotten is honor. Honor for your opponent and honor for yourself. Sorry Baratok I tried not to drag other things into this topic. But maybe somebody reading this will know exactly what I mean. Or maybe someone will read this and realize they are a "army neglector" and a disrespectful opponent.

    Hope I incurred even the slightest change in maybe one persons perspective on this glorious hobby of ours.
  6. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah I'd be out of there if my opponent was spraying zip kicker around. That stuff should be used extremely sparingly and outside only given how toxic and carcinogenic it is. They even think it can cause birth defects, and it basically does the same as what a light spray of water will do.

    Anyway, I think this topic has derailed quite far enough. It is meant to be about how the EOTG is used, so lets get back to that topic. If you have nothing more to add on the topic but still want to discuss the different types of gamers, strange chemicals, how much you hate everyone or whatever then the new thread button is right next to the post reply button and takes absolutely no more effort to do.
  7. wappellious
    Temple Guard

    wappellious New Member

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    While I have learned that (the hard way) that the 3rd power of the Engine is not a good thing to use (usually getting the priest killed by shooting or charges), there is also a huge element of controversy in my gaming group.

    Of course, they are trying to make the 3rd power even more useless than it already is. I have heard some very strange explanations of how it is supposed to work.

    It would have been nice if it was explained in the darn rule book, but that is a wee bit too much to ask for these days :mad:

    I have been told various things... such as "He only gets to choose one alternate lore on turn one and that's what he is stuck with the rest of the game", or that you have to roll for spells before the game starts for all 8 lores. It gets stranger, if you can believe that. I think they are just trying to muddy up the waters so much that I never use it.

    Since I am the only full time lizard player, and the only one that uses Engines on a regular basis, I expected something like this.

    It's ironic, since I have only ever tried that power 2 or 3 times in all the games I have played. It is almost pointless to use it. They sure do latch onto it, though! Thank goodness the 2 good abilities do not have the same incomplete rules!
  8. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Wow that is amazing.. Surely your opponents are doing it merely to be painful not due to lack of understanding? It seemed clear enough to me and I have never heard it questioned; when you use an ability you choose a lore and boost it. If it were the case that you only got 1 lore for the whole battle, I would think it'd be a passive ability that worked as well as one of the others not instead. And rolling for spells on the 8 lores?? Thats just silly, why the hell would you roll up and record a list of 32 or so values when you are only going to have a maximum of 2 lores in your army anyway?

    Oh well, as you say I guess it is good they have latched onto the least useful ability. I could never really see myself using it unless I had 2 engines, but that would be a bit over the top IMO.
  9. wappellious
    Temple Guard

    wappellious New Member

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    Thanks for the words of understanding :)

    The two engines are used in my all skink/kroxigor army with a skink chief as my general. Yes, nothing over LD 7, no BSB, and 90 points of magic items, such as a dispel scroll, etc. ;)

    I guess they are so afraid of all the pesky little skinks, they don't want to let the Engines have any abilities either :chicken:

    I am still viewed as a rookie player in some ways, so they try to use specific quotes from the BRB and such to refute whatever I say. They are nice folks, but sometimes I think they are attempting to re-write the game.

    I also play a lot of heavy duty 3000+ point games against hopped up Demon armies and WoC, such as the fight I have tomorrow. Lots of greater demons, named characters, etc. The engines still get wiped out all the time, but Babo is still there to lay down the hurt on the panzy demons :droid:

    Anyway, sorry for the venting.
  10. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    I always enjoy 3000 point games, though there is a strong case for 2999 point games as well. This basically keeps the restrictions of 2k, but gives you an extra thousand points, the game becomes a lot less character focused and a lot more unit based. From the sounds of things, I don't think you would have any trouble with this type of game, you look like you go character light anyway. Named characters... Well, I'm not a fan but everyone plays and enjoys the game differently I guess.

    When I said 2 engines is over the top, that was for my style of army btw. I like saurus and either a carnosaur or a slann, an all skink army with two engines isn't bad at all really... 6 levels of magic is about right for a magic strong army, and even a bit weak especially if you have few items and such.
  11. wappellious
    Temple Guard

    wappellious New Member

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    In the days of the old book, I used to do the carnosaur with loads of skinks and terradons. I had a lot of fun creating the general and his winged mount! My only magic was a few priests with dispell scrolls.

    That sure changed with the new book! I have enjoyed sculpting all new stuff, such as the engines and more terradons.

    As far as special characters, I will be posting pictures of the Chakax conversion I made with one of my many unused plastic saurus.

    I have tossed in a few special characters here and there for some themed games, even if they are no good. A future project involves sculpting a Kroak figure from the 4th edition Lizard book. Again, just something for fun. I was given a bunch of the old temple guard from that era, so it will be some sort of special scenario built around him and the unit.

    PS... I will mention your idea of the 2999 point game. That sounds like fun!
  12. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    I think 2999 is a great idea but just has one weakness. One or two armies might be severely weakened by it, the only example I can think of are OnG. At 2000 they've used up all of their special/rare slots anyway, anything above that just gets filled with poor core (ie their power does not scale up at the same rate from 2k to 2.999k as other armies would)

    As long as all the armies are fine with it I must say 2999 sounds great!
  13. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Eh, orcs are pretty good or you can max out on gobbos with fanatics. Plus there are a few pretty expensive lord choices, orc on wyvern for example.

    I think the most hard done by army with 2999 is Tomb Kings. They absolutely need as much magic as they can get, they are pretty terrible in games of 500/1500/2500 etc. because there is more points for opponent defence but no more slots for characters. Even in 1k they are weak, and get better as the game gets bigger as long as they have sufficient magic.

    VC might have a similar problem to a lesser degree but they don't need to rely on magic quite as much if they don't want to.
  14. slannfrog
    Cold One

    slannfrog Member

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    Can I get some help guys.

    I'm currently running a list with a carnosaur, saurus BSB, Lvl 2 priest on EOTG, and a Lvl 2 priest on foot.

    What is the best and most versatile way to equip my priest on the steg???
    Right now, he has a d.of power and d.scroll. While my other priest has a d.scroll and plaque of tepok.

  15. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    If your after max bang for your buck, I'd swap the items over, that will make your Steg rider a Lvl 3 for all intents and purposes (+1 spell from plaque, + 1 lvls casting/ Dispel Dice from the EotG) and your Lvl 2 generates 2 dice, precisely the max for Diadem to store! If the lvl 2 needs to cast, then either store less/ no dice or use the pool dice.
  16. borrisz0r
    Jungle Swarm

    borrisz0r New Member

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    Expensive lord choices? an utterly tooled out Blorc Warboss on boar comes in at around 270ish? with a wyvern.. still under 460? not exactly the pinnacle of expensive for a lord choice compared to some armies...

    And Dumbledore is 100% right, my typical OnG army list comes in with maxed out spec's at 2k or 2250pt's (and this is already with approx 45% of my points already fielded in core troops) and no room on a 6 by 4 table to deploy everything initially without stacking squads behind one another once terrain is added... what would orcs gain with more standard troops choices stacked behind once another with no room to maneuver on a when terrain hinders 90% of their troops?

    Trust me i have been a OnG player for years if it was 2999 they would be severely disadvantaged, they really need the extra slots (both lord and spec) to be competitive at that level.

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