Discussion in 'General Hobby/Tabletop Chat' started by Cristhian MLR, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Yes, yes the do need to Update Seraphon. First out of the gate, and now we're riding middle of the pack ahead of no-tomes.

    On the subject of the tomes for SE, Extremis was an army unto itself, a chamber, much like the first tome focused on the warrior chamber. So now Stormcast have what is essentially a redone Battletome, bringing them up to par with recent releases, and including both Extremis and Warrior chambers. Along side ANOTHER chamber and batch of models for said chamber, the majority of which are not yet up for preorder. (Palladors, Lord Aquilar, Starbirdies, and the new Devestator/Hurricane SE)
    That puts them on par with other factions, and puts them at the top of the Warscroll count pile, followed second by Seraphon. Tossing in all the extra goodies (Prayers, Artefacts, MULTIPLE trait tables for heros of all facets, etc.) is Cherries on top of the Sundae that is the SE toolbox. Despite some of the SE players around here grumbling about it.


    I may be slightly grumbly about it, and vocal about my dislike, but I'm hopeful that we will see Seraphon, Fyreslayers, and the rest brought into line as filler. I'd rather not have more 'Space Marines' when we could have more Guard, or Xenos.
    Wolfwerty33, Bracnos and Bowser like this.
  2. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Not quite, because the first GHB didn't included any battleline for the Extremis Chamber, so a pure Extremis army wasn't possible for matched games.

    The problem with the Sigmarine is not that they have had an actual ton of releases, but they are everywhere, from boxed games to demo kits. And I feel you; I like the Stormcasts, yet I'm not blind to see them appearing always. And that's tiring.

    On the bright side, if this year's battletomes show something, is that we'll see new models alongside Battletomes, and covering more factions.

    DoT was a huge success, and now we can easily see new, bigger BTs for Khornate and Nurglesque followeres, as well as one for Skaven clans (who knows, they could even cover Pestilens on a Nurgle BT for sake of completeness).

    It would be nice to see a Duardin BT that features both Dispossessed and Fyreslayers, and maybe two new Battletomes for Aelvish forces.

    Now there something that bugs me: it seems that there is still a final SE Chamber to be showed, the Sacrosanct. I wouldn't really like another big SE release for the next year tbh, at least not if they don't show far more updated factions this year.
    Carnikang and Bowser like this.
  3. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    A new picture from the New battletome actually shows 4 unopened Chambers now.

    To the Left there.

    But otherwise, I agree with what you've said and am hopeful for similar.
    Warden and Bowser like this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Now imagine if you despise Stromcasts. :vomit:
  5. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Ah c'mon! I will handle if they release at least four new heroes, one for each Chamber, but not another four big releases...
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Bracnos

    Bracnos Well-Known Member

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    Hay if the money keeps flowing for the sc then yah your gonna get 4 more big releases....a hey you can't blame a company for producing more of what is selling big
    Bowser likes this.
  7. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    Well, this has been quite a month.

    For the second week of the month we've got a lot:

    First, there is How to paint Yncarne, Avatar of Ynnead, the new Eldar god and last hope for their dying race:

    The Rumour Engine, from February 8th:


    I like to think that this is a Dwarfish machine.

    Here is a look into how the next GHB being is tested:

    You can't give Tzeentch a whole month and expect Khorne not demanding something for himself, so FW released a new Daemon Prince of Khorne:

    Varag Ghoul-Chewer, the orc star player is now available for Blood Bowl:

    And the first Stormcast reinforcements of the month:

    The Vanguard-Hunters are mobile infantry; not as good at melee as the Liberators, not as good at range as the Judicators. They have a barehead option and... boltstorm pistols... yeah, they didn't even tried this time, which is a shame since they could've been repeating crossbows instead. However they have some really cool bits to attach to their waists: satchels, axes, swords and grappling hooks.

    The Liberators and the Judicators have been reboxed, having 10 models instead of 5, and costing £37.50 instead £30. Now each of them costs £3.75 instead of £6. That's excellent, since previously they were way overpriced. Consider how you can buy a Chaos Warriors Regiment for £25, which contains 16 models that have almost the same weapons and abilities as the Liberators.

    The Hunters are packaged in the same way too, so you can have a chance to pick whichever units you think are better for you.

    The Prosecutors also got a similar treatment: from £35 per three models, to £45 per 6 models. From £11.66666667 to £7.5 per model.

    But there is a comical tragedy here: their Start Collecting got much worse now. You used to save £45, now you only save £21.25.

    The new Gryph-hounds are awesome, but almost the same rule-wise. 6 per package, for £15. I think is a reasonable price.

    The new SE Battletome was released too, alongside warscroll cards, but I'll talk about later on this post.

    Also, a massive Deathworld Forest Kit for 40K:

    It costs £80 and has 84 components, but... I don't know, it's a weird kit. However, I'm sure that this kit will look amazing for a Nurgle swamp, for example, and many of its pieces will make interesing sceneries.

    This last week:

    There is a great, detailed analysis about charging. It's worth the time to read, and what's better is that it is not from a member of GW's staff, but from an independent blog! (check out the footer):

    Rumour Engine, from February 15th:


    I hope this is a new Death model.

    A Dwarf team for Blood Bowl, and you should check the article and entr on Facebook, there is an interesting sotry about that Deathroller:

    An old-fashined unboxing of Warhammer Quest: Halls of Hammerhal. Sadly, there are no new sculpts or more sculpts... and yeah, that's a shame, but they included full unit kits, and different equipment set-ups have different effects in-game!:

    And yes, that's a GM booklet.

    The legend 'N' the story, the player 'N' the killer. Morg ’N’ Thorg is back, on FW:

    There are some new and returning models for The Hobbit; new models for the Iron Hill Dwarves, and the return of the Ruined Watchtower of Amon Sûl at Weathertop (just look at that price):

    And an updated FAQ too:

    So you wanna know what's up with the new Stormcast Eternals Battletome?:

    Tons of effects and abilities for the heroes; the Celestants, Relictors, Totem bearers and even the mounts they use have something to pick here. Now you can also deploy your units via lightning strike.

    I want to see this level of treatment for us, Seraphon players, before the ending of the year.

    And now, today's releases:

    The gryph-chargers are amazing. I found funny that they carry bedrolls, bottles and grappling hooks on their saddles. I mean, the Stormcasts are made out of light, is not like they should need supplies to survive. Maybe they use them to help lost civilians? I don't know, but I find them a nice addition.

    They could also make fantastic Tzeentchian Varanguard steeds.

    The Vanguard riders are the best looking SE out there, Imo. They look like a big improvement over the previous ones.

    They are fast and their weapons can be oriented for both close and long ranged combat.

    They come on kits of three at £35. That £5 cheaper than a dracothian guard kit, with an additional model.

    The Lord-Aquilor also looks quite good (I liked the green colours the most), the Lord can have a bare or helmeted head, and is quite dangerous on melee. He costs £25, which is quite good, considering his weapons, abilities and size.

    And an enemy from the past resurges... a Chaos champion from a world-that-was... and he is most known by the name Slambo. A resine model with rules and points for AoS.

    And finally, Warhammer Quest Shadows Over Hammerhal is ready to pre-order:

    While it certainly lacks of enemy variety, it also features characteristics from traditional dungeon crawlers, like a shop and resting zone! And yes, it has a proper GM rulebook. You could play Silver Tower with an extra player as the GM, controlling the destiny and NPCs, but having a dedicated rulebook for the GM is great. It costs £90, but considering that you get full kits for the Putrid Blightkings, Kairic Acolytes and Bloodreavers, and play with a GM, I would say is not a bad deal.

    The hero selection is not bad either, it features two elves and one dwarf, and I really like the Cogsmith and the Fleetmaster. The game is fully compatible with Silver Tower Hero Cards. And hopefully we will see expansion packs for this game too. I really want to see a Chaos Lord on foot in one, maybe on a pack featuring a Khorne hero, a Lord of Plagues and a Magister.

    There will be articles all over this week showing us more details about the game, like the city, the heroes and the villains.

    Well, there you go. This has been a great month, hasn't it?

    Until the next time!
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2017
    n810, Warden, Jorgik and 3 others like this.
  8. Cristhian MLR

    Cristhian MLR Well-Known Member

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    The beginning of a month and we already have lots of stuff. But let's check the last week of february.

    Do you play Talisman on digital edition? there is an expansion for you:

    Now, let's take a quick look at the elements of the new Warhammer Quest, it's quite interesting. Guess why the main villain started this attack...:

    For 40K, Roboute Guilliman is returning to face the forces of Chaos:

    Now, and remember that this are JUST RUMORS right now: via Faeit and 4chan, there is something quite surprising:

    Pre-orders for scenery and paints sets: apparently, there will be available to order this 3rd of march, which is weird because is friday and the montly WD issue will be just arriving on some places, and available by the next late november. The sets will only be produced if globally there is enough demand that GW can justify making them, and you have to ask them before 3rd of march and that's weird, again, because is friday and... anyway, on demand kit from GW sounds like a good deal Imo.

    Rumour Engine: something (but that something seems to appear again this week):


    The final set of Stormcast reinforcements arrived this week too; Vanguard-Raptors, who can equip one of two variations of crossbows; one that shoots quick-fire volleys, or a sniper crossbow; and Aetherwings; spectacular eagles from Azyr:

    Somewhat unfortunately, both of them are packeted on the same sprues. You want one? you'll have to pay for both. Which rulewise dosen't make sense, since you can play Raptors on their own, and Aetherwings have a rule to play better alongside Raptors, allowing them to be played in the same way as gryph-hounds. They costs £22.5, which is quite accessible, honestly, given how strong are they at range (and I already see a problem here: too many of this guys will be a pain to play against them).

    Warhammer Quest: Shadows over Hammerhal is available on store, with a new video:

    Blood Bowl fans! The Reikland Reavers are now available to buy outside the Blood Bowl boxed game, allowing you expand your team or start another human team. If that's not enough for you, there is also a new plastic ogre player. Reikland Reavers are available for £20, and the ogre player for £12:

    Matthijs has yet another great analysis for AoS, this time talking about double turns, and it was also shared on Warhammer-Community:

    Some reinforcements for The Hobbit, with a great looking figure charging into the enemy:

    And, ending the month, is the new Free DLC for Total Warhammer: Brettonia:

    And what a better way to start the month than showing a new Rumour Engine?:


    You know what would be an amazing plot twist?

    This ending up being a 40K leak. :smuggrin:

    On a little side note, I haven't noticed that this thread is already over a year old. I'm thankful with the old ones for introduce me to the hobby two years ago and start it almost a year ago. I'm happy and glad to see that I joined just when GW started to fix their previous problems.

    What a great year, and I'm sure the next one will be great too!
    Jorgik, Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  9. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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  10. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Dapper looking lord with the Tophat and monocles is amazing. I need one plus some ballon-pack dawi for my collection. Maybe an airship.
    Bowser likes this.

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    Qupakoco, Bowser and Bracnos like this.
  12. Bracnos

    Bracnos Well-Known Member

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    Ahahahaha yes well i did here the devs say some time ago that they are connecting the old world with 40K and the evidence is clear. For me I don't care either way just give me more lizardmen hopefully coverd in Mayan looking armour ^_^

    NIGHTBRINGER Second Spawning

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    It's more likely that you'll get Lizardmen in terminator armour. :p
    Jorgik and Bowser like this.
  14. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Maybe our saves will be better then. That and we'd be Mayan Mechasaurs.
    PhoenixTheCat, Qupakoco and Bowser like this.
  15. Bracnos

    Bracnos Well-Known Member

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    Lol as long as its coverd in a lot of mayan markings ill be happy. I know you wont but hay i have enough joy for the both of us how bout it :wtf:
    Bowser likes this.
  16. Zirilian of the Claw

    Zirilian of the Claw Well-Known Member

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    Wow, that's a very serious blend of mage/steampunk. I'm not sure where I stand these guys. They are nicely different from Fyreslayers, which gives me hope that the Aelves with be similarly diverse.

    On a personal preference, I'm not a fan of their ascetic, they look like they have Terminator armour. Also, since the goal is they are in these protective suits I think it reduces their personality. The solos initially feel like squat Sigmarines. I'd be ok if the units felt like that and the solos had more personality.

    That's me though. I really hope that Dwarf fans are happy with this direction and it meets their expectations. Of course, I wouldn't mind a new Fyreslayer unit or two.

    Less than enthusiastic about another Sigmarine vs Khorne starter box. It's time to give two other factions some light GW. You'd probably be just as successful with Sylveneth v Tzeetch or Seraphon v Flesh Eaters.
    PurpleandGold and Bowser like this.
  17. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    My stance on this release for now (copied from my post at the TGA forums):

    I am a bit torn.

    First I didn't like their aesthetics, after a second look I am fine with the machines I guess.
    Steampunk is OK, perhaps the robot parrot is a bit overdone but OK. A bit of The Elder Scrolls Dwarves, and a bit of Guild Wars 2 Charr in there, not too bad.

    What I kinda dislike is the lack of faces. Sure, they are probably easier to manufacture, easier to paint (especially for bad painters like me), and they do look kinda cool. But it makes the models very impersonal.
    My initial reaction was: "Great. More Sigmarines". That's a bit unfair of course, Dwarves always liked a lot of armor and they did have a lot of full helmets before. But not ALL of them. I like those beards and stuff.

    What I also kinda dislike are the jetpack guys. IMO they don't look too great and in my mind dwarves =/= mobile. For me Dwarves means Artillery, thick armor, nice melee, some shooting, low move.

    As for the competitive guys among us: I expect them to be kinda uber, I understand power creep because GW wants to sell models, no problem with that, but look at Stormcast: Good at everything. I think that's what we will see from those new Dwarves as well. Good armor, lots of mortal wounds, shooting and melee, good movement, not relying much on magic because magic sucks in AoS anyway.

    => Tournaments 2017 consisting solely of Stormcast, Beastclaw Raiders, Kharadron, Sylvaneth, Death armies using Mournghuls, Tzeentch and perhaps Skaven.

    (yes, I am exaggerating a bit, don't hit me. [​IMG] )

    Bottom line: I do kinda like the new Dwarves, but I had hoped for something else.
  18. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I want this to be true so very badly!
    Bracnos likes this.
  19. BeardyGecko

    BeardyGecko Well-Known Member

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    I think they look pretty good, but they really didn't stretch their imagination with these dudes did they? Steam punk dwarves who could Imagine such a thing?!
  20. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    I have never really been a fan of Dwarves, but these look great!

    I kind of want to incorporate some of their steampunk tech into our larger dinosaurs...

    Robo-Carnosaur incoming!
    Zirilian of the Claw likes this.

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