7th Ed. 2250pts ETC list needs tweaking pls help

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by isilnor, Sep 22, 2009.

  1. isilnor
    Jungle Swarm

    isilnor New Member

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    2250pts ETC rules (max 9pd/10dd, no triple special, no double rare, no named etc.)

    Slann , The Focused Rumination , Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, War Drum of Xahutec, Dispel Scroll x1 , BSB, War banner

    Skink Priest , Dispel Scroll x2

    Skink Chief , Ancient Stegadon , Stegadon War-spear

    Saurus Scar-veteran , Cold One, light armour, shield, Burning Blade of Chotec, Glyph Necklace

    16 Saurus Warriors, Spears, Standard Bearer
    16 Saurus Warriors, Spears, Standard Bearer

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers

    4 Terradon Riders

    16 Temple Guards , Standar Bearer, musician

    5 Cold One Cavarly , Standar Bearer,Huanchi's Blessed Totem

    Total Points 2248

    6PD (by casting 3 spells -> 9pd = max i can use in ETC ) (+1PD from the skink will not be in use)
    5DD + 3 scrolls ( in etc = 10dd )

    Its my first time i will play in etc tournament and i'd like your help to make this list as good as it gets..

    what cons and pros do u think that this list has? the main weakness? what should i expect to have really big problem with?

    Really tnx for your help
  2. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    So, Im going to presume the restriction to PD is based on number use USE in a turn and not the number you generate?

    My thought would be to trade a DScroll on your skink priest for the Diadem and make it lvl 2, this means those 2 PD are getting used... just as DD giving your slann 6 dice (+ extra +1 per spell) and gives you a nice Dispel pool of 7DD and 2 scrolls.

    Also, was your only slann discipline the +1 PD per spell one or did you take the usual Know all 6 spells ability too?

    also, if your not running your scar vet in the saurus units, Id suggest taking either 15 (5x3) or 18 (6x3) to maximize attacks per frontage.

    Did you have a specific role in mind for your scar vet? I like your setup on him (1+ save and 5+ ward AND T5? Just awesome) but you may be able to tailor him to your plans better if you have a set role in mind (hero hunting, infantry killing, armour busting etc)
  3. isilnor
    Jungle Swarm

    isilnor New Member

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    here is a part of the ETC rules :

    General composition rules

    - Armies are 2000/2250/2500 points.
    - No characters that are: special, named or Albion
    - No DoW or RoR in non-DoW armies .

    - Rare choices may not be repeated, except for HE, where they can be repeated once for each choice.
    - Max. 2 of the same Special choice.
    - Max. 3 of the same Core choice, except ranked infantry without missile weapons and beast herds.
    - Max. 3 units of chariots (incl. characters).
    - Max. 9 PD/10DD in an army *
    - Max. 3 units of flyers (incl. characters)
    - Max. 45 models with missile weapons with a range of 20”+ (not incl. war machines, characters and chariots).
    - Max. 5 warmachines.

    *Magic description
    You can use a maximum of 9 power dice in each magic phase. Each bound spell you use count as 1 power dice, all following bound spells used in the same turn counts as 2 power dice.

    Every ability that grants the bearer complete knowledge of a single lore counts as one power dice in each magic phase.

    All dice you would not normally generate, such as Focused Rumination Slann discipline free dice, Skaven warpstones, night goblin mushrooms, power of darkness etc., also count in the total number of dice you can use in a magic phase.

    Tomb Kings count each dice they use for a spell as 1 power dice and casket of souls counts as 2 dice total. They can not chose not to use all the dice when casting an incantation, for example a Liche Priest can’t choose only to use 1 dice on a spell. You can how ever choose not to cast a spell with a model. The 2 basic power dice all armies get only counts if they are used to dispel RIP spells with.

    Max 10 dispel dice per army. First dispel scroll (and similar working items) you have in your army counts as 1 dispel dice, in EACH magic phase. The second and all other scrolls, counts as 2 dispel dice in each magic phase. So if you have 3 scrolls you can use a maximum of 5 dispel dice each magic phase. Dice from magic resistance does count in this maximum. Being allowed to reroll your dispel dice counts as 2 dispel dice.

    Dice removed by the Chaos Dwarf Chalice of Darkness count as dice used. You remove 3 power dice, you can use only 6 more in your magic phase.


    As you can see i didnt got the diadem of power because i want to cast 3 spells per turn with my slann..
    1 spell with 1+1pd , 1 spell with 2+1pd and 1 spell with 3+1 pd = 9pd used so i cant take diadem sadly =(
    moreover knowing all lore takes 1 pd so thats out.. 4 out of 6 spells is a great chance 2 get the 3 good spells 2 cast..

    i'm aiming 2 use the scar-veteran with the Cold ones cavarly, no specific role for him except that he will aim for regen targets and targets with high armor.. maybe chalenge some heroes too...

    hm not sure about 6 wide saurus.. never tried them imho... how will be their mobility? i was thinking for 5wide so its 5x3+1 saurus for a casualty

    whats your thoughts?

    what do you think will be the main weakness with this list?

    i think that i will have hard time with high armors and warmachines dont u think?

    tnx for your help
  4. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    The thing that makes a 6 wide frontage for me is the "maximise frontage" rule. These days you don't have little glancing contacts between units, as soon as your charge connects models all shuffle over to allow as many as possible in Base-to-Base, this means even against a 5 wide enemy unit with the minimum sized base (20mm each for a 100mm wide frontage) you still get, with corner to corner, attacks from all 6 saurus frontage (12 with spears!)

    As for manouverability, as my saurus units are generally used as anvils, I haven't found the extra model to be any inconvenience and if I need to slim the unit or If I take a few casualties theres nothing stopping me from reforming the ranks.

    Armour CAN be your downfall, your can openers being your Scar Vet and Steg, but with a slann who can pick and choose his lore of magic you should be right...

    Also, you may have trouble with gun lines or other heavy shooting lists ( the tourney restrictions don't hinder these much, maximum 5 artillery?!?!?) In fact the restrictions seem to really mainly hinder elite armies and magic heavy armies...
  5. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    Points allocation wise, you can be more efficient. Below tweaks will allow your army to provide the same functions, but give more points for extra units. Have copy-pasted your list and made opinion-based (in other words, you can feel free to ignore) tweaks in brackets.

    Your List:
    Slann , The Focused Rumination , Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, War Drum of Xahutec (DROP - points waste, ld 9 on 3d6 is good enough for rallying, especially with musicians), Dispel Scroll x1 , BSB, War banner (ADD - Focus of Mystery)

    Skink Priest , Dispel Scroll x2 (DROP BOTH. You already have heaps of dispel dice vs the average opponents' power dice, points over-spent, especially when you play an army with little/no magic, Slann already hsa one). (ADD - ENGINE OF THE GODS - If [absolutely] cannot because of PD restrictions, give CLOAK OF FEATHERS for MARCH blocking and good CHANNELING opportunities).

    Skink Chief , Ancient Stegadon , Stegadon War-spear (DROP entirely or have him on foot with cloak instead. IF YOU cannot bring EOTG, then this guy is fine. You want one stegadon in you army--EOTG much better, tho)

    Saurus Scar-veteran , Cold One, light armour, shield, Burning Blade of Chotec, Glyph Necklace (NOT BAD, but he has an awesome save if you drop the BurningB for an enchanted shield, your choice)

    16 Saurus Warriors, Spears, Standard Bearer (MAKE units of 18, ranked 6x3. Just much better)
    16 Saurus Warriors, Spears, Standard Bearer (MAKE units of 18, ranked 6x3. Just much better)

    10 Skink Skirmishers
    10 Skink Skirmishers

    4 Terradon Riders (Make unit of three. Three provides same function as four, eg, killing WarMachine Crews, March Blocking, Killing solo mages/characaters. NOTE- If you charge a WarMachine crew, you can only get three in base contact anyway. Points best used elsewhere, like good 'ole units)

    16 Temple Guards , Standar Bearer, musician

    5 Cold One Cavarly , Standar Bearer,Huanchi's Blessed Totem (DROP Huanchi's Blessed Totem. Too situational, and too random. Points can be used on more reliable things, like good 'ole units).

    ---What do you want to get with the points left over.
    Well, if you drop the skink chief and just have a the pries on an EotG, and tweak the other units, you should have some points to throw around.

    In my opinion, just by more units of 10 skink skirmishers. You get more deployments, more potential range/shooting damages [to add to slann and priests magic blasting action] AND more throw away units [to force frenzied units to charge in a crap direction or to charge with to force unit with hatred to persue you in a crap direction].

    If have 60 points left over, get CHAMELEON skinks, cos they are just mean.

    Hope this helps. Sorry to mangle your list. If you take this list you'll be fine, but those are tweaks I'd suggest.
  6. isilnor
    Jungle Swarm

    isilnor New Member

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    i asked some question questions about the etc rules and found out that the PDs stored in diadem dont count towards the max 9pd per round so i changed my list a bit..
    moreover i got 1 char killer and 1 anvil / 7str saurus char..
    about the saurus warrior i plan 2 use them either 6x2+3 or 5x3 depending on the situation..
    last but not list i didnt got focus of mystery because knowing all spells in a lore counts as 1 pd every round.. and i want to maximize my pd use for spell casts..

    your thoughts on this list?

    Slann , The Focused Rumination , Cupped Hands of the Old Ones, Dispel Scroll x1 , BSB, War banner 395pts

    Skink Priest , EotG , lvl2 wiz, Diadem of power 415pts

    Saurus Scar-veteran , GW , shield , Hide of the cold ones 144pts

    Saurus Scar-veteran , Cold One, light armour, Burning Blade of Chotec, Enchanted Shield, Bane Head 160pts

    15 Saurus Warriors, Spears, Standard Bearer 192pts
    15 Saurus Warriors, Spears, Standard Bearer 192pts

    10 Skink Skirmishers 70pts
    10 Skink Skirmishers 70pts

    4 Terradon Riders 120pts

    16 Temple Guards , Standar Bearer,270pts

    5 Cold One Cavarly , Standar Bearer,Huanchi's Blessed Totem 220pts

    Total Points 2248

    6PD (by casting 3 spells with the slann -> 9pd = max i can use in ETC ) (PDs from the skink priest will be stored for diadem)
    6DD + 2 diadem + 1 scroll ( in etc = 9dd )

    tnx for your help :D
  7. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Im liking your new list a lot more, any further tweaking suggestions would be more based on personal preference than any great need for change...

    Im not a huge fan of the Hide of the cold ones, as you get the majority of those bonuses by riding a cold one, its cheaper and doesn't take up your character points, but if your really after S7 then your probably right as is.

    I also probably wouldn't worry about Bane Head as its a bit too situational on a Scar Vet, normally requiring you to kamikaze into an enemy unit to kill an enemy character.

    I normally prefer to build Scar Vets for unit support, either for Str 7 with just basic kit (under 100pts if they're G. weapon and L.armour only) or, a personal favourite to place in units is 2 scar vets (1 per Saurus unit) both with L. armour and coldone, one with Maiming shield and common +1 A sword, and the other with a standard shield and the +2 A sword, this gives 2 Scar vets with 1+ armour save, 6 S5 attacks each, and making their units immune t fear.

    Again, these are only personal preferences, if your setups suit you better they seem fine to me.

    On a parting note, you could have some fun if your Skink Priest gets the comet, as its a remains in play spell, you could cast it first turn and keep it active without compromising your later turns casting as you intend to use your slann for all other spells!
  8. isilnor
    Jungle Swarm

    isilnor New Member

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    heh really naughty thought i will try it :D

    tnx for your help lets see how this list will go :D

    tourney next week...
  9. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Let us know how you go! You may be able to tweak your list a bit once you've seen what you like/ may not like and what you need/ don't need but at this stage your list is really in need of a playtest or 3...

    again, goodluck and looking forward to seeing how you do!

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