AoS 1000 pts for 2vs2 match

Discussion in 'Seraphon Army Lists' started by Matte, Feb 19, 2017.

  1. Matte
    Jungle Swarm

    Matte New Member

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    Hello everybody!

    The next Wednesday i'm going to play a 2 vs 2 match and each player have to bring an army of 1000 points.

    But first, i have a "problem". SInce I recently come back to warhammer, after 6/7 years, i only have this model to use:

    20 saurus warriors
    10 temple guards
    8 saurus knights
    12 skinks
    1 saurus scar-vet on foot
    1 slann
    1 stegadon

    I know that there aren't many choices, however, i can proxy some other models with the ones that i alredy have: for example i can use the scar-vet on foot as an oldblood / sunblood / eternity warden
    or i can use the priest of the stegadon as a starpriest( or starseer with the palanquin of the slann). So, for a list, we can be relatively flexible.

    The other guy who plays with me is going to use ogers
    Here is his list:

    1 Tyrant
    2 Butcher
    20 Grots
    2 unit of 3 ogors
    3 maneater

    So i come up with this list:

    Scar-vet on cold one 100 pts.
    Skink starseer 160 pts.
    10x Saururs warriors 100 pts.
    5x Saurus knights 120 pts
    Stegadon(with bow) 260 pts.
    10x Chameleon skinks 240 pts.

    What do you think ?
    My idea is to play a more support role for our army, that's why i put in the list the starseer and the chameleon skinks. The knights with the scar-vet can help because they are fast, while the saurus warriors can just stay on an objective maybe.
    I really don't know if this army can be good or not. That's why I am here!
    Can you guys help me out?
    Bowser likes this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I think you have the right idea playing support. The chameleons will be a great asset. The knights can run up with his units, the warriors can claim objectives and the starseer will be key to a lot of this game. I think you have a pretty great support list here, and he has a decent list to gill a lot of roles. You should do well together.
    Matte likes this.
  3. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Yep, I'd only suggest to divide the chama in 2x5 units. You'll have more battlefield control / grab objectives, and you can still concentrate the fire on a specific target, if there's the need for it.
    Bowser and Matte like this.
  4. Matte
    Jungle Swarm

    Matte New Member

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    Thank you guys for the answers!
    Mmmm... I did't realise that i could simply split the chameleon unit in 2 to make them more versatile. :banghead:

    A little question about the stegadon: I don't have to pay any extra point if i want to put on him a skink alpha, am I right?
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    Exactly. The Alpha is already included in the basic steggy... and can buff itself. ;)
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Always take the extras, there is no extra charge for them! So definitely take steg with alpha.

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