AoS 4th out of 20 local tourney

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by fued, Feb 20, 2017.

  1. fued

    fued Member

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    hey went to a local tourney and ended up 4th out of 20.

    My list;

    Engine of the gods
    2 salamanders
    2 bastillidons

    skink starpriest
    dread saurian
    3 lots of skinks

    First game;
    vs another seraphon list with thunderquake/slann/starseer/saurus warriors/kroxigors

    I felt fairly confident here, he had similar units but not quite as effective ones. First turn i walked up and started shooting his stegadon in thunderquake with bastillidons, and charged ripperdactyls in case i got a lucky bastillidon kill (did 3 wounds only, forgot he had re-rolled saves too haha), managed to half kill it. he had snakes so couldnt shoot back. Second turn i managed to guess starseer of 5, walked up and with re-rolls killed his thunderquake trog, I then stole initiative thanks to re-rolls, which was going to make it very easy for me to win, I then rolled triple 6 on engine of the gods.... The one game I didnt need it lol

    Dread saurian eventually got into combat with kroxigors, first turn he did 0 wounds and they hit him for 2. second turn he did 12 and wiped them out completely.

    Second Game;
    vs stormcast list with carmine dragon

    Was a little worried, as he had teleporting guys and lots of mortal wounds on two hammer groups, and enough shooting to equal mine.

    on the left, salamanders did 5 wounds to carmine dragon and scared him, so he wiped them out, dread saurian charged carmine dragon and did over 20 wounds in one turn, wiping it out.

    on the right thunderquake moved up and a bastillidon got in combat with his hero who was just as tanky as him, and ended up not hurting each other all game.

    i was winning on models killed, and was able to stop a major win by him, but when we counted it up at the end we discovered i had killed most of his models, but very few of his units, and he won by 80 points (I should of checked at the end of turn 5, i could of finished off a unit and won quite easily)

    Third Game;
    vs skaven

    he had a tough list and i had never played skaven, he had 3 big hero guys

    first turn we shuffled onto objectives(border war) he was able to hold 3 to my 2. Second turn he killed dread saurian without it getting to hit back with all his mortal wounds and his big combat monster. Second turn i was able to kill one of his biggest mortal wound generators and get bastillidons into combat with his 2 big combat monsters (awesome lol) at that point it was just a case of whittling down the rest of his army with shooting/other units until he left a gap open for my skink handlers to run through and grab the objective on his side of the board, and get me the win
    Seraphage, Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Congratulations! It's always great to place in the top 5. If you would have wiped out another unit in game 2 you might have gotten first.

    Sounds like the Basti's and Dread Saurian were the mvp's.
    Bowser likes this.
  3. fued

    fued Member

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    bastis were definitely mvp. engine of the gods did a suprisingly large amount of damage as well, didnt get the summon roll that often.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Congrats on 4th! Sounds like some awesome games with only a few mistakes. Really great stuff here.
  5. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Well done ! Keep it up !
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Aginor

    Aginor Fifth Spawning Staff Member

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    Nice work! Show them that Seraphon are still in the game! :)
    Bowser likes this.
  7. m0gstar
    Temple Guard

    m0gstar Well-Known Member

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    NIce wrap up - congrats on the placement!
    Bowser likes this.

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