So I haven't gotten much further with the chams or painting the chief but I did start yet another conversion( I seem to love digging myself into a deeper grave). This time it's going to be a unit leader for some kroxigor that I don't even own yet, but that I figured I would sculpt while I had the motivation. Ever since I saw the carnosaur head without its crest attached I've thought it would make a rad snapping turtle head so I made this guy. He's based on the alligator snapping turtle and is my first big sculpting project since I've started working with GS. Here's some alligator snapping turtle pics that I've been using as references Spoiler: References
Finally had some time to do some painting on the chief. Still have a pile of highlights to do as well as try and think of some way to make his base more interesting. I was thinking maybe a chopped up saurian warrior banner or some fancy flower tufts. I've also finished my squad of chameleons, who I think turned out super rad. I based their crests on different species of real world chameleons and gave them tails that curl the proper way round. I can't wait to paint these guys up, I think I'm gonna go a litte crazy doing the colours I want to, but I think it'll pay off in the end. I've also started working on a blot toad (since I was dumb and used mine as a basing accessory for lord kroak ) as my rippers desperately need one. I've just been sculpting it out of the bits left over from the snapping turtle project, which is coming along quite well if I do say so myself. Kinda stuck on what I want to do for arms (claws vs muscley arms with a handweapon), but I still have to fill out the other leg before I start worrying about that and other details. That said I couldn't help but sculpt his turtle manboobs and belly the one night
Fantastic work. I love how the skink chief is turning out!!!!!! Also the chameleons and the turtle-warrior look great too.
The chieg looks amazing! And that snapping turtle is brilliant! Chameleons look great too. Really cool projects you have going, can't wait to see the blot toad.
Finally got some time to do some stuff, including my engine which I've made no progress on since I started. Mind you it's just the base, but I find that a compete base really motivates me to finish painting the model I also had some time to paint up a test scheme for my chameleons skin. Had to make them stand out a little but I needed the purple somewhere to make them all match the rest of my army. In the end I'm really happy with how it turned out and can't wait to do the rest
The base does look awesome! And the orange and purple chameleon looks amazing! Great colours, really looks great!
Looks great but the best bit is "a complete base really motivates me to finish painting the model" A woman after my own heart, I've been saying that quite a bit recently!
My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy for thinking this lol, but he hates basing whereas it might be my fave part of modelling. I've got about 300 rounds coming over from China and want to rebase all my squares so you may see a sudden influx of completed projects sometime in the near future
Interesting. For me it is really more of a chore, too. But maybe that will change once I have my army complete for playing and thus have some spare time to make the models prettier.
They look better based, it can be a chore but worth the time as it really does finish the model, look at the Aelf I posted in my blog last week.
Haha it's alright lol, this hobby is mainly men, it was fair to assume It used to be for me until I found an article online for doing easy and realistic rocky bases and since then I've been a basing fiend (Article here for anyone interested)
Finally finished the chameleons up today. Got them all based and just have to ring their bases and figure out a paint scheme for my one dudes snake pal.