Geez im 26....Its ok though cause warhammer gets more fun the older you get. At my local club its not uncommon to see dudes in there 30's and 40's or older playing. There is actually a regular that ive been playing games with for 10 years!
Yeah its not so much my age that makes me feel old right now, it is my current position. I am about to complete honours, I've always thought of people with degrees (especially beyond the bachelor last last year) as old. And as my thesis due date draws closer it whittles away at my brain all the time. I don't wanna be an adult!!
well thanks for the welcome! i'm sorta new to warhammer, well not really, been playing for about 2 years, but have only just started to play lizardmen, i've had a couple games, they went ok but i really need to learn more about the race so i joined this forum.
Welcome to the site! You'll find a lot of good discussion and usefull information here on the LM army. Enjoy!