Converted Oldblood on Carnosaur

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by wappellious, Aug 30, 2008.

  1. wappellious
    Temple Guard

    wappellious New Member

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    I think you are on the right track Strewart with the EM team.

    We know from doing all our painting seminars that GW wants to promote a certain method of painting, since thier painting products are aligned for that.

    Cathy and I paint as differently as possible from the processes shown in just about every white dwarf.. except for one recent issue.

    It did show the painter beginning with a middle tone, highlighting somewhat, and then shading the darks.

    The new glazes are spectacular, and it has completely altered the way I paint once again. I probably have said all that already ;)

    I just noticed your location, Strewart! My wife and I are eagerly awaiting the tape delayed showing of the Western vs St. Kilda Aussie rules match tomorrow night (don't tell us what happened!) Yeah, we Americans love our Footie!

    I just hope that Ekamanis and Johnson play better than they did against Brisbane. They don't have that sort of margin for error this time around. The Lions must have boinked thier first 5 kicks inside 50. I guess Ekamanis wanted to stick it to his old team too much, and he got selfish with some posessions.
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Wow, good to see some AFL fans overseas! I won't spoil it, but I will say against my better judgment I left Aker and Johnson in my dreamteam for that weekend, and I was disappointed. But not as much as the game you have already watched, I am a Lions fan. I didn't expect them to win, but they showed an ok fight for most of it.

    Absolutely cannot wait for the Grand Final tomorrow afternoon! Its going to be a huuuuge match. Thats a bit soft if you get a full week delay for the match, I thought we got it bad having up to a 2-3 hour delay for some games during the season. :p

    Anyway, you like the new GW washes? Interesting. I think the browns are good, but I'm a bit disappointed with the other colours. They don't really give me the results I am hoping for, and have even led me to look to other brands to get my ink fix. Poor GW, they are losing all my business.
  3. animedrac
    Jungle Swarm

    animedrac New Member

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    omg!! these look awesome!! makes me wanna change my army's colour scheme.. and if i do, that would be the 4th time i will be striping my saurus warriors..

    again.. awesome work.. :jawdrop:
  4. wappellious
    Temple Guard

    wappellious New Member

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    At the time I painted this, Lizzies still had spawnings. I was going to do this same reflected lava treatment on ITP units. How could they be scared of the enemy when they are walking around on lava? ;)

    When that went away, my color coded sarus did as well. So sad... but now I am doing that with my skink/kroxigors.

    At first I only used certain glaze colors. When I discoverd that I could mix them together to create all new and very useable glaze colors, I started to run out of every color and not just 3! I like to mix the brown and blue together to glaze metal colors, since you get a nice combination of cool and warm shades.

    I like to use ogryn flesh and even the purple over my golds. The purple over reds is also very nice.

    You can also mix the glazes with regular paint to make them stay wetter for much longer, almost like oil paints.

    It took a lot of experimentation to find all this out, but it was worth it!

    Go Bulldogs.
  5. animedrac
    Jungle Swarm

    animedrac New Member

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    am i allowed to ask what colour you used for the carnosaur skin? the mixture looks confusing, is it black? grey? dark blue?
  6. wappellious
    Temple Guard

    wappellious New Member

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    There was a host of colors used for the carnosaur ;)

    I started with shadow grey, mixing in some space wolves grey in some places, seafoam in others to create a bit of color differential. I even did a bit of highlighting.

    Then it was a series of darker glazes, probably over a dozen in the darkest areas with varying mixtures of blue-black and purple/black.

    I went over these darker shades again with shadow grey, mixing in the seafoam and lighter purple.

    The underside was a similar process, but starting out with firrey oranges, lightening with yellow, and then darkening. The lights were brought out once again after the darker shades were achieved.

    I hope that helps a bit.
  7. animedrac
    Jungle Swarm

    animedrac New Member

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    yup, that helps a lot. thanx. i now realize that applying washes does have major roles in painting. i always thought of washes to just get into the deep recesses and stuff.. but apparently not...
  8. wappellious
    Temple Guard

    wappellious New Member

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    Actually, it is best not to think of the shading as 'washes' in the classic GW sense.

    These are much more controlled, done with much smaller brushes, etc. It is essentially painting with transparent color.

    Best of luck with your painting!
  9. animedrac
    Jungle Swarm

    animedrac New Member

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    yup, roger that.. most of the time i just 'flood' the models with the 'washes', lol.

    i'll try the technique on my unpainted stegadon then.

    thanx again for the tips.
  10. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    Most useful thing I've read on here in about 3 months, thanks!
    Seraphage likes this.
  11. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    BTW guys, the actual term for using 'washes' or painting transparent coats for highlighting is called 'feathering' I believe.. I think thats what you guys are talking about ;)

    Anyways, I LOVE that conversion! looks amazing.. Every time i see you paint it makes me want to just try that much more.. Doubt i'll ever come close to the talent but if i could even do half that good...

    Btw, what is AFL? I follow soccer (which is very rare for an american) but i am trying to figure out what AFL is..

  12. wappellious
    Temple Guard

    wappellious New Member

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    We are talking about Australian Rules Football!

    Of course, the Resident Aussie would be better at explaining it. However, my wife and I have been enjoying it for months. I have also done some research on the game, teams, etc. to get a sense of each team's history and reputation. One example is the Hawthorne Hawks, who are known for some serious 'Unsociable Footy'. :chicken: I have watched 3 or 4 of their games, and they make the old Oakland Raiders look like a bunch of schoolgirls.

    The game entails great skill and speed combined with sheer brutality. It is an enourmous field, with 18 guys from each side out there on that field at the same time. Imagine a field goal kicker from the NFL running for his life as he tries to kick a 70 yard field goal from one of the far sidelines while being tackled from behind!

    Imagine a wide receiver going up for a pass being defended by 3-5 opponents, getting punched a few times on the way down, and then hit by many more punches under the pile ;)

    You will only hear the ref say one thing in such a situation.... 'Play On!!!!"
  13. mijj22

    mijj22 New Member

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    yeah ok heres the thing, ur probly getting into heaven just for painting that, grats
  14. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Ya know, we kinda take AFL for granted here and just accept that it happens and the players damn well should be good. But a couple weeks ago, Hulk Hogan came to one of the games, and had a brief interview. He said that AFL players were the best athletes in the world. After hearing that interview, and giving it some thought, I am somewhat inclined to agree. They have to be so athletic and run so much, then be able to cop an absolute smashing during the game and just get right back up and keep playing.

    The last 5 years or so has seen the game really really speed up. The best example of this is average interchanges per game, used to be 20 or so now it is up to 90. Players need constant rests, they run 15km (~10-12 miles) or so in every game, the speed is insane, the kicking and handballing skills need to be spot on and hit the target every time, and it is quite high contact. There is no head contact, but heavy tackles that slam a player into the ground are fine, hip and shoulders? Fine. Big bumps? Go for it! Throwing the ball carrier to the ground? Encouraged. All this at full speed with absolutely no armour (like American football) at all. Out of the 8 games every weekend in a season, I would say a stretcher is called onto the ground at least twice a week to take a player off who is heavily concussed.

    And do these players stay off? No. Broken nose? Fill it up to stop the bleeding, crack it back into place, quick painkiller injection and back onto the ground, 5 minutes. Happened in the grand final today. Dislocated shoulder or finger? Crack it back into place on the ground and continue. Blood pouring from your head? Staple it up, bandage it, and back on the ground. You get the idea. Dean Cox, a ruckman who is constantly jumping at the ball, played hlaf a season with a broken foot a couple years ago. Daniel Chick, another toughie, broke his finger a couple years ago. That usually means 6 weeks off since you can't let the ball hit your hand. What did he do? Have the finger amputated and the stump bandaged and didn't even miss a week.

    In terms of rules, there are quite a few 'grey' ones that people often find hard to understand, basically you carry and kick or punch the ball to team mates and try to kick a goal for 6 points, or if you miss (there are 4 posts) a point for 1. It is a fantastic game, I am so sad that I now have to go 4 months without it. :( When you run that much though, it is definitely not a summer sport.

    Yeah anyway. I get carried away sometimes. :p I thought Wapp would have adressed this, I think washes are a bit different to feathering. Feathering is putting a highlight on but then while it is still wet, getting a damp paintbrush and spreading it out a bit so it is strongest where you first applied it and weakest as far as your 'feathered' brushstrokes take it.

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