7th Ed. 2250 - Fresh General

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Army Lists' started by Divinor, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. Divinor
    Cold One

    Divinor Member

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    Hello there!

    So I've been lurking for a few months now (mostly in the painting forum) but the time has come for me to put away my lovely wood elves and start something new!

    I don't have the exact point totals but I thought I could put together a rough estimate of the list I made a few nights ago while I'm enjoying my friday at work =).

    - All Spells
    - +1 Dice
    - BSB + Warbanner
    - 24" Wizard discards 6s

    - Lvl 2
    - +1 spell
    - Engine of the Gods

    - Lvl2
    - PD to DD converter

    Saurus Warriors x 15
    - Spears
    - Mus
    Skink Skirmishers x 10
    Skink Skirmishers x 10
    Skink Skirmishers x 10
    Skink Skirmishers x 10


    Saurus Calv x 5
    Terradons x 3
    Temple Guard x 14
    -Full Command

    Any advice / critiques are greatly appreciated! You may notice there is some "light magic" in this list but you have to understand I am coming from a few years of a WE magic phase =).
  2. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    I would personally try to shave away at something to get 18 saurus warrios in a 6x3 formation. You already have 6 dd and the anti casting skill on the slann so do you really need the Diadem of Power?

    Put the warbanner with the TG instead of with the slann, they will die after the slann if that ever comes to bear.
    Would also rethink some of your comand options, but that depends a little on who you are facing.
    Also the extra spell on the EotG, I dont think its worth it, you will prolly never use more then three dice with him. Better to get the drums that prevents you from being marchblocked or some protection like Amulet of Itzl.

    Pretty new to LM also, but that what I would take a look at at least. I would also prolly try to get an ancient stegadon, and remake one unit of skirmishers in to chameleons.
    Hope that helped you in any way at all :)
  3. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    - All Spells
    - +1 Dice
    - BSB + Warbanner
    - 24" Wizard discards 6s -- (Drop this Focus)

    - Lvl 2
    - +1 spell
    - Engine of the Gods

    Priest -- (Drop this unit. --OR-- Make him level one, and give him ONLY cloak of feathers)
    - Lvl2
    - PD to DD converter

    Saurus Warriors x 15 (Make unit of 18 ranked 6x3, with FULL COMMAND and spears)
    - Spears
    - Mus
    Skink Skirmishers x 10
    Skink Skirmishers x 10
    Skink Skirmishers x 10
    Skink Skirmishers x 10

    Saurus Calv x 5 (well done for not giving these guys anything, they are kinda crap)
    Steggadon (DROP - More than one stegadon in the army is kinda cheesy)
    Terradons x 3
    Temple Guard x 14 (Get at least 2 more so you have a 5x4 ranked unit minimum with the Slann in it)
    -Full Command

    With the points left over get
    -Another unit of 18 saurus with spears and Full Command
    -Unit of 5 chameleons with no stalker
    -More temple guard. The temple guard unit is close to unbreakable and you don't want your slann getting actually attacked. By anything.
  4. Divinor
    Cold One

    Divinor Member

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    Hi there!

    Thanks for the suggestions! I played this list last weekend against some of my local gamers and found out a lot about the list that I didn't like.

    1) The extra lvl 2 didn't do jack! With something like 9 dispel dice I was able to shut down all magic in my games (Skaven - lvl4 2 lvl2s / WoC 3 lvl1s (flicking fire spam) + 1 dice fireball + 2 bound MMs) very, very easily. Especially with becalming being able to shut down most large spell attempts. I still am not completely sold on it but it did prevent 2 spells a game from being cast + making other spells easier to dispel.

    2) Extra stegg is pretty cheesy. I had no idea how dominating one of those things can be. I mean he literally stared one unit of chaos knights in the face and waited for them to move into charge range... and then ate them.

    I've made a few modifications to the list that I will post with real point values later on today.

    Thanks again,

  5. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    I disagree with thesecondman a fair bit but the overall impression is right.

    15 or 18 saurus would both work, I don't think it makes a massive difference which you take. They should take a standard as well as a musician though, champions are not needed for them.

    Keep the drop 6's lore, it is fantastic. It is roughly the equivalent on average of them having one less PD per spell, which is massive. Obviously it works best on either 1PD spells or very high casting ones. Drop the priest on foot as he is a bit of overkill, especially for casual games.

    Stegadons are beastly creatures, so hard to take down and good at both breaking due to the impacts and quite good at the grind due to the stubborn and terror US10. Drop the second steg and replace it with another 3 terradons. Also consider some salamanders for variety. I am a big fan of small disposable skink units though, and not everyone likes to play the marchblock, harass, fight-only-when-you-want-to-fight game.

    Bane head could be a nice cheap addition to the slann, especially if you use metal or death much. Sniping the enemy sorcerer or BSB in one shot early on either cripples them or forces out DD's/scrolls with your small spells.

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