Hi there, I think i've finally put together an army I want to be 1. visually stunning 2. competitive and fun originally i had 3 big saurus blocks, slann, etog, 3 skink blocks and razors but really felt i needed a more of a hammer unit, hence the COC, however am a bit worried about the stupidity.. hence almost got the horned one for 35 pts but really love the 5attacks at s6 on the scar vet... C+C appreciated. so hard not to pick some kroxis LORDS: Slann BSB, Mystery, Rumination, Cupped Hands (395) HEROES: Priest Plaque of Tepok, EOTG, Level 2 (405) Scar Vet, LA, Sword of Might, Maiming shield, Cold one (160) CORE: 18 Saurus, Spears, Standard, Muso (234) 10 Skink Skirmishers (70) 10 Skink Skirmishers (70) 10 Skink Skirmishers (70) SPECIAL 20 TG, Full Command, WarBanner (380) 4 Terradons (120) 5 COC, Standard (Scar vet here, 195) RARE 2 Razordons (150) TOTAL: 2249 C+C APPRECIATED
I think your unit of Temple Guard might be a bit oversized, depending on what you are planning to use them for. You'd probably want at least one scroll on the Slann, and the war drum on the EotG. The Scar Vet would do better to have the Blade of Chotec and the Enchanted shield... the Maiming shield is kind of overpriced. Swap some salamanders into the spot the razordons currently occupy, and give them an extra handler each. A lot depends on how you intend to play the list, and how offensive or defensive you want to go.
When the spawning pools a rockin' don't come a knockin? Im also a fan of the Sallies over the Razors unless you need a flank anchor, your 3 skink units can put out more efficient low strength firepower, and sallies will help you thin ranked units and especially armour which can be where I find the block troops can faulter a little. 2 units of 1 allows you to target 2 units if you need to "spread the fiery love" and the panic checks! Also, in regards to the scar vet, I believe the +1 Strength from the sword doesn't add to the extra attack from the shield. I normally use sword of battle with the Maiming shield so the saurus has a 1+ save (on coldone) and 6 strength 5 attacks. other little changes I'd make would be similar to above, shrinking the TG (unless theres going to be a lot of shooting going their way or they're going to be hit in CC by multiple units at once) and drop the champion. As the slanns in the back rank theres no need to accept challenges to save him from combat characters, in fact combat characters can challenge the champ. either killing him and building a lot of overkill or making him go to the rear of the unit and denying you attacks On a final note, you could place the Warbanner on the slann instead of the unit so even if the TG are wiped out the slann still has the bonuses.
Agreed mostly. Sallied v razors I wasnt entirely aware of their differences so might end up taking the sallies, just thought razors might do a better job due to higher strength. Withthe scar vet, essentially just want something to help out the cold ones. With his charge they have 10 str 5 ws 4 attacks, then 5 str 6 ws 5 attacks as well as 6 cold ones at st 4 ws 3 that's nothing to ignore. 20 solid attacks. Temple guard... Perhaps 16? If I shave them down and perhaps take out a terradon any ideas for what yo do with the extra points? Tempted by the kroxigors but they seem worthless these days.
Im not certain, but I believe the +1 Strength is not added to the shields attack, so it would be 4 strength 6 and 1 Strength 5 attack, still good, but a little annoying to roll the 1 seperate attack (unless you have dice in multiple colors) 16 is a great number for temple guard as with slann it forms up a nice 5 x 4 block and can take a hell of a beating! As for units to get I'm always partial to having 2 units of 3 Terries, means you still have options if the enemy focuses their attention on wiping one out and if they're throwing enough firepower to stop both then its worth it to distract the shots from the mainline units! I also love the fact you can drop rocks on an enemy unit when charging over them, I've been able to send the Terries to attack seperate warmachines and with careful manouvering the turn before managed to fly over the same unit as each other and drop rocks, silencing 2 warmachines and taking out a chunk of the enemies main anvil to boot!
redone completely and pretty happy, though need to shave some points.. was thinking COC banner or maybe the 2nd level on the priest would do it? slann bsb mystery, rumination, cupped hands, warbanner priest level 2 EOTG scar vet light armour, shield, sword of hornet cold one core 18saurus, spears, muso, standard 18saurus, spears, muso, standard 10 skirmishers 10 skirmishers special 3terradons 16TG with command 5 COC + Standard rare 2 sallies 2282 points is 20 skinks enough? from my experience it should be but they're so useful and cheap! C+C greatley appreciated!!!!
This is my Typical Lizardmen List, I do not include any magic items in my list because I change them depending on my opponent. Sometimes I switch out the Kroxigors for a Stegadon. I traditionally go balanced in my lists with a high rate of success. If you have sound tactics, and average dice rolls, the army prevails. I like to sucker people into charging the flanks of my Temple guard unit, and then countercharge. People cannot resist the flank of a unit especially temple guard. Even though, a single unit even in the flank cannot hot to prevail against them, people predictably charge only to be countercharged and punished! Lords Slann Mage Priest BSB, Focused Rumination, Focus of Mystery, Soul of Stone Core 20 Saurus Warriors FC, HW+ Shields 20 Saurus Warriors FC, HW+ Shields 17 Skink Cohorts 2 Kroxigors Banner, Musician Special 20 Temple Guard FC 3 Kroxigors 6 Chameleon Skinks Rare 3 Salamander Hunting Packs