best blue color for saurus

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by RED9335, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. RED9335
    Jungle Swarm

    RED9335 New Member

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    whats the best color to use to get close to the blue color of the saurus in the army book I'm looking for a less complex way than what's on the website.
  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Follow GW's colour scheme step by step with the guide on their website, here. ;)

    May need to choose a country then click the link again if you don't visit their website, or navigate to the articles section.
  3. ColdBlood666
    Chameleon Skink

    ColdBlood666 New Member

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    Basecoat model black. Paint skin necron abyss, highlight raised areas with mordian blue. Wash skin with asurmen blue. Paint scales mordian blue and highlight with enchanted blue, then very sparingly highlight ice blue on scales. Follow by a heavy wash of asurmen blue. This color scheme is simple and effective and will allow you to paint a ton of models very quickly. It will look kinda sloppy at first till you apply the washes and then it will blend everything together and make it look good.
  4. slannfrog
    Cold One

    slannfrog Member

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    If you are looking for a less complex way then whats on the website you can always spray paint the model white then wash it with a blue wash color until its as light or dark as you want then highlight it with close blue paint. Seems to the most popular way now-n-days.
  5. Cuachicqueh

    Cuachicqueh New Member

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    Honestly, the way GW shows it is really good. If you are not into layering, one way I do it, and it comes out pretty nice, is to base coat the with Hawk Turquoise (or equivalent of). Highlight up with a 50/50 mix of Hawk and Ice blue, focus on the raised edges. Next, take a 50/50 mix of regal blue and hawk, water it down to a milk consitency and liberally wash it over the model. The color tends to sit nicely in the folds and muscle while slightly staining the highlight. That is an easier way to get the GW color; it tends to not be as bright or detailed with all the striations in the belly as shown in GW's site. If you really want it to look like GW, successive mixes of Ice blue and Hawk, then ice blue on its own. Its on GW's site, very comprehensive. ;)

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