AoS Seraphon Battletome WIP

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Bowser, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Good day ladies and gents. I have been working on a seraphon battletome for a bit now, I do not have much of the fluffy stuff, more crunch than anything. Excuse the self insertions if you will. Just putting my ideas out there. I have been in contact with the game design team, and they will look at it when there is time and offer their own suggestions. That being said I think it would be better to have more community input, to give it more eyes and ideas. Small caveat, there will be no monetary negotiations. Any ideas you put forth could be used and there will be no compensation. So if you would rather not have your ideas submitted for free, then you can deal with that on your end.
    Shawry, n810, PurpleandGold and 3 others like this.
  2. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Part 1
    Still want to add mount abilities.
    Seraphon Allegiance:

    Allegiance Abilities:

    Battle Traits:

    • Seraphon units gain an extra save at 6+ for every wound or mortal wound inflicted to models in a Seraphon Allegiance. Additionally, Seraphon who are slain in the combat phase roll a dice before it is removed. On a roll of 6 or more, you can inflict 1 mortal wound on the enemy unit that struck the fatal blow after all of its attacks have been made if the attacking unit has the Chaos Keyword, the damage becomes D3.
    • If your units are within 10” of a Slann at the start of your turn, you can teleport them into any other point on terrain feature at least 9” away from enemy models. You can then roll a dice, on a 1 the unit can’t do anything else that turn. On a 2-5 they can’t move any further in that movement phase, and on a 6 they can perform at normal. Any Oldblood or Scar-Veteran, named or otherwise treat 1s as a 2-5
    Command Traits:

    D6 Command Traits

    1. Flame Star: If your general uses the fiery convocation ability, add 2 to the dice roll.
    2. Plasma Scales: The General's scales let him avoid Mortal Wounds on a 4+, rather than a 6.
    3. Constellation Kin: Choose one other Seraphon Hero in your army. While your general is alive the hero you chose may also use their command ability.
    4. Lord of Order: You can re-roll the first failed hit roll made by your general in each phase.
    5. Predatory Fighters: You can add 1 to any charge rolls made for friendly Seraphon units that are within 10” of your general.
    6. Fearsome Leader: Every enemy unit within 3" from the General gets -1 Bravery.
    Artefacts of Power

    Ancient Weapons

    D6 Ancient Weapons

    1. The Piranha Blade: Choose one Hero’s melee weapon to be The Piranha Blade, this weapon gets the bonus of wound roll of 6+ having a -4 rend.
    2. Blade of the Serpents Tongue: Choose oneHero’s melee weapon to be the Blade of the Serpents. If the hit roll for the attack is a 6 or more, this weapon deals mortal wounds instead of wounds.
    3. Order Bringer: Pick oneHero’s melee weapon to be the Order Bringer. Add 1 to the wounds characteristic of this weapon. Add 2 instead if all of the weapon’s attacks are directed against aChaos unit.
    4. Fury of the Old Ones: Choose one Hero’s melee weapon to be The Fury of the Old Ones. Reroll any wound rolls of 1 for this Weapon .
    5. One Saurus hero may be equipped with the blade of realities. If it does so, replace its melee attacks with the blade of realities profile listed below.

      5 attacks.
      3+ to hit
      3+ to wound
      1 damage

      Special rule: When a unit attacks with the blade of realities, all spells and abilities currently active on the target unit are negated for the duration of this combat phase. The target unit does not make saves of any kind against wounds made by the blade of realities.
    6. Lightspeed Mace: Choose one Hero’s melee weapon to be a Lightspeed Mace. In each turn you can re-roll hit rolls for this weapon.
    Armour of the Old Ones

    D6 Armour of the Old Ones

    1. Stardrake Armour- This armour ignores rend.
    2. Sacred Stegadon Helm of Itza: Add 1 to the bearer’s save rolls, and add 1 to any wound rolls if this model charged this turn.
    3. Starshine Cloak: -1 to hit to anyone attacking the bearer.
    4. Starscale Amulet: One use only. The first time you lose your last wound you gain D3 wounds.
    5. Sorrow of the Old Ones: Re-roll failed save rolls including any additional saves granted by spells or abilities for this Hero.
    6. Bastiladon Shell Armour: Subtract 2 from any wound rolls directed at this Hero.

    Sacred Totems: Any Astrolith Bearer can be given one of the following treasured standards. These standards confer an additional ability on the Totem- They do not replace any existing abilities.

    D3 Sacred Totem

    1. Skavenpelt Banner- This Heroand any friendly Seraphon Units within 12” of them can reroll failed wound rolls of 1. If the target unit is Skaven then reroll all failed wound rolls, and if theSkaven unit takes battleshock, D3 models flee from the unit in addition to any that flee because of the test.
    2. Jaguar Constellation Banner: One use only. All friendlyBehemoths, Terradons, Ripperdactyls, and Kroxigorwithin 12 “can run and charge this turn.
    3. The Great Drake Totem: If the bearer of this item or anySeraphon units within 3” is the target of an enemy’s spell, roll a dice. On a 4 or more, that spell has no effect on this model. (It may still affect other units normally.)

    Arcane Treasures:

    D6 Arcane Treasures

    1. Relic Priest Death Mask: Add 1 to the wizard’s save rolls.

    1. Horn of Kygor: One use only. In the hero phase this model may blow the horn of Kygor. If he does, all friendly behemoths, Terradons, Ripperdactyls, and Kroxigor can run and charge this turn.
    2. Cube of Darkness: If the bearer of this item is the target of an enemy’s spell, roll a dice. On a 4 or more, that spell has no effect on this model. (It may still affect other units normally.)
    3. The Stellar Staff: Add 1 to all Casting rolls, if the spell is from the Old Ones Lore, add 2 instead.
    4. The Day Star: Once per game, the bearer can choose to forego unbinding a spell and deal D3 mortal wounds to the caster after the spell has been cast.
    5. Egg of Quango: In your hero phase, choose an enemy unit and roll 3 dice. And consult the following table
    3- The Quango hatches and coughs weakly before dying. This does nothing

    4-8 This does D3 mortal wound to the target unit.

    9-14 This does D6 mortal wounds to the target unit.

    15-18 This does 2D6 mortal wounds to the target unit.

    Shooting Stars: Any Slann can be given one of the following shooting stars. These stars confer an additional ability on the HERO – They do not replace existing abilities.

    D3 Shooting Star

    1. Unfathomable Presence: Enemy units that take a battleshock test within 10" of this slann add 1 to the result. Chaos units add D3 instead.
    2. Wandering Deliberations: The Slann Loses Celestial Configuration ability and Light of Heavens spell, but instead may choose 3 spells from the following list:
    Chain Lightning: Casting value of 6. If successfully cast pick an enemy unit within 18”. That unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Then roll a dice for every other enemy unit within 6” of the original target; on a 6 the lightning has leapt to that unit and it also suffers D3 mortal wounds.

    Fireball: Casting Value of 5. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 18” and roll a dice. On a 1 or a 2 that unit suffers one mortal wound. On a 3 or 4 it suffers D3 mortal wounds. On a 5 or 6 it suffers D6 mortal wounds.

    Soul Steal: Casting Value of 5. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 18”. You and your opponent then both roll a dice and add the caster’s Bravery and the Bravery of the target to your opponent’s. If your score is the highest, the enemy suffers a number of mortal wounds equal to the difference in scores (for example if your score was 10 and your opponents was 8 the unit suffers 2 mortal wounds.)

    Light of Battle: Casting Value of 4. If successfully cast, pick a unit within 18”. That unit does not need to take battleshock tests until your next hero phase. The magical aura surrounding the unit also ennoble nearby allies until your next hero phase; other units from your army within 6” of this unit in the battleshock phase add 1 to their bravery.

    Final Transmutation: Casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 18”. Your opponent then picks any model in that unit and rolls a dice; if the result is more than that model’s remaining number of wounds, it is transformed into a gleaming golden statue.

    Mystifying Miasma: Casting Value of 5. If successfully cast, pick an enemy unit within 18”. Until your next hero phase your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls for that unit.

    Wildform: Casting value of 6. If successfully cast, pick a unit within 18”. Until your next hero phase you can add 1 to all wound rolls for that unit in the combat phase.

    Lifesurge: Casting value of 5. If successfully cast, pick a unit within 18”. One model from that unit heals D3 wounds. In addition, until your next hero phase the energies of this spell persist; roll a dice each time a model in the unit suffers a wound or mortal wound. On a 6, that wound is instantly healed and ignored.

    3. Higher State of Consciousness:Enemy units that direct missile weapons at this Slann or friendly Seraphon Units within 6” of this Slann must re-roll hit rolls of 6 or more.

    High Magic Spell Lore

    Every Seraphon Wizard in an army with Seraphon allegiance can choose one of the following spells. Slann Wizards may choose 2 spells.

    D6 High Magic Spell

    1. Apotheosis: Casting value 5. Pick a unit within 18”. One model in that unit heals D3 wounds on a casting roll of 9 or more the target instead heals D6 wounds.
    2. Hand of Glory: Casting value 5. Choose a unit within 18”. Add 1 to that units to hit rolls, to wound rolls, or save rolls. On a casting roll of 10 or more add 1 to all 3 of those characteristics.
    3. Walk Between Words: Casting value of 9. Choose a unit within 18” including enemy units. Place that unit anywhere on the board. More than 9” away from enemy units. In the case of an enemy unit more than 9” away from your units.
    4. Tempest: Casting value 7. Pick a unit within 10”, This deals D6 mortal wounds, then you may move that model up to 6 inches in any direction.
    5. Arcane Unforging: Casting value 6. Every enemy unit within 3” takes D3 Mortal Wounds, enemy wizards take D6 mortal wounds.
    6. Fiery Convocation: Casting value 7. Every enemy unit within 12” takes D6 mortal wounds. At the end of the hero phase, roll a dice for units wounded by this spell, if the result is 4 or higher that unit suffers an additional D3 wounds.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
  3. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Part 2
    Seraphon Path to Glory:

    Champion table:
    Oldblood on Carnosaur 5 units
    Scar-Vet on Carnosaur 6 units
    Scar-Vet on Cold One 7 units
    Oldblood on Foot 8 units

    Followers Table
    D6 Followers

    1-2- skinks
    3- warriors
    4- guard
    5- chameleon skinks
    6- kroxigor

    Mounted Followers
    D6 Followers

    1- Knights

    2- razordons or salamanders with handlers
    3- terradon riders or ripperdactyl riders
    4- stegadon
    5- troglodon
    6- bastiladon

    Hero Followers
    D6 Followers

    1- skink star priest
    2- skink priest
    3- sunblood
    4- eternity warden
    5- starseer
    6- astrolith bearer

    Followers Reward Table
    D6 Reward

    1. Recalled from Memory: At the beginning of the game you may choose not to set this unit up instead in any movement phase you may set up this model anywhere on the board more than 9 inches away from an enemy model.
    2. Unstoppable: this unit doesn't take battleshock
    3. Starlight Weapons: if the wound roll for a celestite weapon carried by a model from this unit is 6 or higher and it charged in the same turn, the attack inflicts an additional mortal wound.
    4. Hard Scales: in your hero phase, you can declare hard scale defense. This unit cannot take any action during the movement phase, this turn when you make save rolls for models in this unit, ignore enemies rend characteristic unless it is -3 or better and re-rolls failed save rolls.
    5. Savage Memories: models in this unit add 1 to their damage characteristics.
    6. Meteor Shower: for every enemy unit within 3 inches of this unit, roll a die for each model in that unit or units. On a 5 or more that model suffers a mortal wound.

    Champion Rewards Table
    2D6 Result

    2. Shady Memory: If the champion is slain you lose D3 glory points (to a minimum of 0) And lose all rewards this champion has gained so far in the campaign.
    3. Predatory Instinct: in each hero phase roll a d6. A result of 3 or lower the champion must charge the nearest enemy unit subtract 1 from all hit rolls and add 1 to all wound rolls. On a 4 or more the champion re-rolls all failed hit and wound rolls.
    4. Primal Roar: Once per battle you may use the primal roar. If they do so add 1 to the hot roll for the champion and all units from the warband for the rest of the turn.
    5. Savage Strength: Add 1 to all wound rolls for attacks made against models with a wound characteristic of 7 or more.
    6. Weapon of The Gods: Choose one weapon used by the champion (it cannot be a weapon used by the mount if the champion has a mount) Increase the damage characteristic of that weapon by 1.
    7. Scales Like Steel: Add 1 to the wounds characteristic of the champion.
    8. Unbreakable: Add 1 to the bravery characteristic for the champion and all units from the warband that are within 8 inches of the champion in the battleshock phase.
    9. Celestite Star Shield: Reroll all failed save rolls for the champion.
    10. Terrifying Advance: Add 2 to all charge or run rolls made by your champion.
    11. Unseen Benefactor: In one of your hero phases choose 3 enemy units. Deal D3 mortal wounds to each of those units. Can only be used once per battle.
    12. The Bright Constellation: Once per battle in your hero phase, you can heal all wounds on your Champion. Or if your Champion is slain roll a D6 on a 5 or 6 the champion is set up on the battlefield anywhere more than 9 inches from an enemy unit. This counts as their move for the following movement phase.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Part 3
    Majunganax needs abilities, and a better name.
    New Units and Errata

    The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

    Sometimes the Slann remember great heroes of legend, other times, it seems as if they are just making it up as they go along.

    The Good: Skink Technology Priest

    First summoned by Lord Bow’xa- Legend has it that this skink was a single spawning, destined for greatness, but could not seem to grasp the winds of magic. Fighting off treasure hunters this priest found the corpse of a witch hunter. As soon as it held the “technology,” baroque pistols, it knew it had found its magic. It put on the hat and robes of its deceased “mentor” and began dispersing its magic with expert marksmanship.

    See attached PDF


    A Technology Priest is a single model. It Carries 2 Baroque Pistols to deal his magic, and Bullwhip and Dagger. A Technology Priest also carries blot toad grenades, a spell of his own design, that in addition to stinking up the place, sends shrapnel and toad parts into his enemies.


    Quick Draw- The Technology priest cannot unbind spells. Instead of unbinding as normal, when an enemy wizard casts a spell, the technology priest can use quick draw once per turn instead. The player controlling the technology priest and the player controlling the wizard casting the spell roll off. If the Technology priest rolled higher, the spell is interrupted and the wizard suffers 1 mortal wound. If the enemy wizard rolls higher, the spell goes off as normal, and takes no damage from the Quick Draw Ability.

    Expert Marksman- When shooting with the Baroque Pistols, re roll to hit and to wound rolls of 1.

    Blot Toad Grenade- Any ripperdactyls attacking a unit that has suffered wounds from a blot toad grenade, gain the Toad Rage ability whether the toad is within 2” or not.


    Slann Wizards know the summon Technology Priest spell, in addition to any other they know.

    Summon Technology Priest

    Summon Technology Priest has a casting value of 6. If successfully cast set up a Technology Priest within 15” of the Caster and more than 9” away from any enemy models. The unit is added to your army but cannot move in the following movement phase.

    Keywords: Order, Daemon, Celestial, Seraphon, Skink, Hero, Priest, Skink Technology Priest

    The Bad:

    Saurus Fireblood

    Another the memory of Lord Bow’xa - The Fireblood was said to have befriended many of the lesser races, offering its muscle for their finest brews. Aelven Wines, the Human Rum, and of course its favourite, Duardin Ales (7X of course) seemed to stoke the fire in its blood. It is said that after beating the greatest Duardin Engineers in a card game, it won some custom-built gun gauntlets. Simple quick to fire- guns mounted to its wrists, so that it could also carry a blade and shield. Some Ride a Cold one, if so add Cold One’s Vicious bite attack, and some ride a powerful Majunganax- See Below.

    See attached PDF


    A Fireblood on Cold One is a single model. Firebloods wears a gauntlet of Duardin Pistols on their arms. It can fight with its Celestite War Blade, while slashing with the serrated edge of its shield and of course biting. The Cold one mount is almost as vicious with its own bite.


    Random Swig- The Fireblood reaches for one of his many exotic brews and takes a big gulp, or passes it along to a friend. In your Hero Phase, the Fireblood or a friendly Hero can take a swig. Roll a D6, the effects last until your next Hero Phase.

    1-2: Human Rum- Receives -1 to Hit for Ranged Weapons, but gains a +1 To Wound and +1 To damage on Melee Weapons. (This Excludes any attacks from mounts.)

    3-4: Aelven Wine- This model heals D3 Wounds.

    5-6: Duardin 7X- This model can reroll hit rolls of 1, add 1 rend to all melee weapons and the melee weapons deal D3 Mortal Wounds (This Excludes any attacks from mounts.) This model is then removed from the table. In the next hero phase, the opposing player may set this model up anywhere on the board more than 9 “away from enemy models.

    Stardrake Shield- When you make save rolls for this model, ignore the enemy’s rend characteristic unless it is -2 or better.

    Shake it Off- Roll a dice whenever this model suffers a mortal wound. On a result of 5 or higher, the wound is ignored.

    Command Ability

    Call to Glory: The Saurus Fireblood raises its Celestite Blade, points to an enemy and belches out a battle cry. Friendly Order units within 8” reroll failed hit and wound rolls of 1 until your next hero phase.


    Slann Wizards know the summon Fireblood spell, in addition to any other they know.

    Summon Fireblood

    Summon Fireblood has a casting value of 6. If successfully cast set up a Fireblood within 15” of the Caster and more than 9” away from any enemy models. The unit is added to your army but cannot move in the following movement phase.

    Keywords: Order, Daemon, Celestial, Seraphon, Saurus, Hero, Saurus Fireblood

    The Ugly:

    Fireblood on Majunganax

    The Majunganax was a fierce predator in the harsh Lustrian jungle. Always hungry, and even willing to cannibalize its own species. Slightly larger than a Carnosaur and untrainable in life, but in extinction anything is possible.

    See attached PDF


    A Fireblood on Cold One is a single model. Firebloods wears a gauntlet of Duardin Pistols on their arms. It can fight with its Celestite War Blade, while slashing with the serrated edge of its shield and of course biting. The Cold one mount is almost as vicious with its own bite.


    Random Swig- The Fireblood reaches for one of his many exotic brews and takes a big gulp, or passes it along to a friend. In your Hero Phase, the Fireblood or a friendly Hero can take a swig. Roll a D6, the effects last until your next Hero Phase.

    1-2: Human Rum- Receives -1 to Hit for Ranged Weapons, but gains a +1 To Wound and +1 To damage on Melee Weapons. (This Excludes any attacks from mounts.)

    3-4: Aelven Wine- This model heals D3 Wounds.

    5-6: Duardin 7X- This model can reroll hit rolls of 1, add 1 rend to all melee weapons and the melee weapons deal D3 Mortal Wounds (This Excludes any attacks from mounts.) This model is then removed from the table. In the next hero phase, the opposing player may set this model up anywhere on the board more than 9 “away from enemy models.

    Stardrake Shield- When you make save rolls for this model, ignore the enemy’s rend characteristic unless it is -2 or better.

    Shake it Off- Roll a dice whenever this model suffers a mortal wound. On a result of 5 or higher, the wound is ignored.

    Command Ability

    Hungry for Battle: The Saurus Fireblood raises its Celestite Blade, points to an enemy and belches out a battle cry. Friendly Order units within 8” reroll failed hit and wound rolls of 1 until your next hero phase.


    Slann Wizards know the summon Fireblood spell, in addition to any other they know.

    Summon Fireblood on Majunganax

    Summon Fireblood has a casting value of 6. If successfully cast set up a Fireblood within 15” of the Caster and more than 9” away from any enemy models. The unit is added to your army but cannot move in the following movement phase.

    Keywords: Order, Daemon, Celestial, Seraphon, Saurus, Hero, Saurus Fireblood, Majunganax

    The Legends:

    The Wanderer

    The mighty Kroxigor of Legends. Some Say it was a jungle spirit made manifest. Others say it was a portent of battle. This Hulking Beast was a mystery, now it is a harbinger of doom for the agents of Chaos.

    See attached PDF


    The Wanderer is a single model. It attacks with its devastating comet hammer. Even unarmed The Wanderer


    The Great Reckoning- Instead of setting up the Wanderer, you can place it to one side. In any of your movement phases you can reveal it by setting it up on any piece of terrain. In your battleshock phase if the Wanderer is in a terrain feature you may remove it from the battlefield. You can reveal it as described above in any subsequent turn.

    Scales of Stone- Halve any damage and mortal wounds inflicted on this model.

    Sacred Blade of Quetzl - When attacking a Hero or Monster this has 4 attacks. For all others make an attack for each model in the Sacred Blade of Quetzl range.

    Command Ability

    Herald of Battle: All FriendlySeraphon make an extra attack with their Bite, Jaws, or Beak attack, in addition the bite, jaws, or beak attack gets +1 To Hit.


    Slann Wizards know the summon The Wanderer spell, in addition to any other they know.

    Summon Wanderer

    Summon Fireblood has a casting value of 8. If successfully cast set up a Wanderer within 15” of the Caster and more than 9” away from any enemy models. The unit is added to your army but cannot move in the following movement phase.

    Keywords: Order, Daemon, Celestial, Seraphon, Kroxigor, Hero, Wanderer

    Lord Bow’Xa

    Lord Bow’Xa has many memories that other slann do not, was he from the southlands? Maybe the Vampire Coast? Maybe he is just making things up, and the other slann are willing to use any of the tools at their disposal to wipe out Chaos.
    See attached PDF


    Lord Bow’Xa is a single model, an armoured Slann with a fiery temper.


    Lord Bow’Xa can fly.


    Azure Flames- All Enemy Units within Range suffer 2D6 mortal wounds.

    Weather Configuration- If your army includes a Lord Bow’Xa, roll a dice after set-up is complete and consult the table below to see what weather has been conjured up, and how it affects your army. This effect lasts as long as you have Lord Bow’Xa on the battlefield, or until a new weather condition comes into effect.

    Roll Weather Condition

    1-2 The Thunderstorm of Order: The clouds form the image of a blazing hammer in the sky. Roll a dice for each friendly Order unit attacking in the combat phase. On a 4 or more Add 1 to all wound rolls made for Order units in your army while this constellation is ascendant.

    3-4 The Hurricane of Magic: The winds howl and magical energy is strong in the air. All flying models movement including charges and pile ins, must roll as though they are moving through deadly terrain. All Order Wizards in your army add 1 to all casting and unbinding attempts.Slann from your army add 2.

    5-6 The Eye of the Storm: If friendly models within 18” of Lord Bow’Xa suffer a wound or mortal wound on a roll of a 5 or more that wound or mortal wound is deflected and ignored. All models outside of the 18” halve the range of their missile weapons.

    At the start of your hero phase, Lord Bow’Xa can turn the weather to his advantage instead of casting on of his spells. If Lord Bow’Xa does so, roll a dice on a 2 or more, pick a new Weather Condition. On a 1 there is no effect.

    Arcane Vassal- Before Lord Bow’Xa attempts to cast a spell, you can pick a Skink Hero or Troglodon from your army that is within 18”. If the spell is successfully cast, measure the range and visibility from the Vassal rather than from Lord Bow’Xa


    Lord Bow’Xa is a wizard who can attempt to cast 3 spells in each of your own hero phases, and attempt to unbind three spells in each enemy hero phase. Lord Bow’Xa knows the Arcane bolt, Mystic shield, Shooting Starlight, and Star Fire.

    Shooting Starlight:

    Has a casting value of 6. Choose any 3 Units on the battlefield. Friendly units are healed D3 Wounds. Enemy units suffer D3 mortal wounds.Nurgle units suffer D6 mortal wounds instead.

    Star Fire:

    Has a casting value of 8. Seraphon units within 18” add +1 to their hit and wound rolls, and re-roll failed save, to hit, and to wound rolls.

    Command Ability:

    Order Wizards within 10” of Lord Bow’Xa can re-roll 1s when attempting to Cast or Unbind spells.

    Keywords: Order, Slann, Celestial, Seraphon, Hero, Wizard, Lord Bow’Xa

    Relic Priest

    A relic priest is a mummified Slann, whose soul has come back to what remains of its body in order to fight chaos. Much like Lord Kroak, these Slann have found new power after death.

    See attached PDF


    A Relic Priest is a single model, a mummified Slann whose soul was not finished fighting the forces of Chaos.


    A Relic Priest can fly.


    Soulbound- In the battleshock phase of each turn, roll a dice and add the numbers of wounds that a relic priest has suffered during the turn. If the result is higher than its Bravery, it is ‘slain.’ Otherwise, any wounds it has suffered are immediately healed. If an ability or rule would cause it to be slain outright, it is not, instead, it suffers D6 Mortal Wounds.

    Arcane Vassal- Before a Relic Priest attempts to cast a spell, you can pick a Skink Hero or Troglodon from your army that is within 18”. If the spell is successfully cast, measure the range and visibility from the Vassal rather than from the Relic Priest.


    A Relic Priest is a Wizard. It can attempt to cast 3 spells in each of your own hero phases, and attempt to unbind three spells in each enemy hero phase. A Relic Priest knows the Arcane bolt, Mystic shield, and Shooting Star.

    Shooting Star:

    Casts on a 7. Choose an enemy unit anywhere on the battlefield, all enemy units within 10” of the target suffer D3 mortal wounds. If you rolled a 10 or more to cast this spell does D6 Mortal Wounds instead.

    Keywords: Order, Slann, Celestial, Seraphon, Hero, Wizard, Relic Priest


    Fireshell Starhost:


    *1 Slann Mage Priest

    * Any 3 Seraphon Hero

    *3-6 units chosen in any combination from the following list: Chameleon Skinks, Skinks, Saurus Warriors, Saurus Guard, Saurus Knights, Ripperdactyl Riders, Terradon Riders, Skink Handlers and Salamanders or Skink Handlers and Razordons, Kroxigor, Troglodon, Bastiladon, Stegadon

    The Dream King- The Slann Mage Priest from this battalion represents Lord Wort. Replace the spell “Light of the Heavens” with “Blazing Starlight.”

    Blazing Starlight: Casting value of 6. Any enemy units within 18” suffer D6 mortal wounds. They suffer 2D6 mortal wounds if they are Chaos Daemons.

    Stardust: Whenever you roll a 6 or more to wound for a model in this battalion, that wound inflicts double the damage it normally would.

    The Snapping Turtle Constellation:Models from this unit gain an additional 5+ save against wounds or mortal wounds.

    Starshot Starhost:

    *1 Skink Technology Priest

    *2 units of Ripperdactyl Riders

    *3-6 units chosen in any combination from the following list: Chameleon Skinks, Skinks, ripperdactyl riders, terradon riders, skink handlers and salamanders or skink handlers and razordons


    Strike from the skies- Instead of setting up the flying units from this battalion on the battlefield, you can place it to one side and say that it is hidden amid the clouds. In any of your movement phases, the unit can plummet from the skies to assail the foe. When it does so, you can set it up anywhere more than 2” away from any enemy model. In the following combat phase, add 1 to the result of any wound rolls made for models from that unit.

    The Wariest of Fighters- If an enemy unit is set up within 10” of any model or from this Starhost, roll 2 dice. Any unit within that many inches of the model or unit is alerted to the enemy unit’s presence, and can attack it with one of its weapons as though it were the shooting phase.

    Quick Shots- Models in this Starhost choose one ranged weapon and add 1 to the number of attacks.

    Sunhide Starhost:

    *1 Wanderer

    *2 Heroes chosen in any combination from the following: Skink Priest, Skink Starpriest, or Skink Technology Priest.

    *1-3 units of Kroxigor.

    *3 units chosen in any combination from the following: Skinks, Chameleon Skinks, Skink Handlers and either razordons or salamanders, Ripperdactyl Riders, Terradon Riders, Bastiladon, Stegadon, Troglodon.

    Bestial Surge- Kroxigor from this battalion re-roll failed hit and save rolls. Units with the keyword skink, razordon, or salamander from this battalion re-roll failed wound and save rolls.

    Out of the Mists- During setup you may place any of the units from this battalion to the side. During any of your movement phases you may set this unit up anywhere on the battlefield more than 9” away from any enemy model. This counts as the units move this turn.

    Scattershock Starhost:

    *1 Saurus Fireblood

    *2 of any Order Hero units

    *3-6 units chosen in any combination from any Order Battleline. This includes units that are only battleline in their own faction’s allegiance.

    Know when to Hold them- Units from this battalion do not take battleshock tests.

    Know when to Fold them- Units from this battalion can still shoot or charge after retreating.

    Bar Room Brawlers- Roll a D6, on a 4 or more, units from this battalion can pile in and attack twice in the combat phase.

    Lord Kroak Changes: Celestial Deliverance

    Celestial Deliverance has a casting value of 7. If it is successfully cast, roll 3 D6 to determine the spirits’ reach in inches. Each enemy unit within range suffers 2D3 mortal wounds. The vengeful spirits reserve a special hatred for Chaos Daemons, and tear into them with something akin to glee; as such these units suffer 2D6 mortal wounds instead of 2D3. If a 10 or more is rolled to cast the enemy units in range suffer 3D3 mortal wounds, or 3D6 mortal wounds if they are Chaos Daemons.

    Ripperdactyl Riders Changes: Voracious Appetite

    For each hit with the Vicious Beak attack, you may make a second attack against the same unit, the second attack does 2 damage at -1 rend.

    Bloodclaw Starhost- Change Saurus Scar-Veteran to Saurus Astrolith Bearer.

    Heavenswatch Starhost- Add Chameleon Skinks to available selections.

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    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
  5. Nielspeterdejong

    Nielspeterdejong Well-Known Member

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    I like these changes :) Especially the change to the Bloodclaw Starhost. I'd personally wish they'd also changed the Heavenwatch to include Chameleon Skinks as well. Also the changes to the Ripperdactyl sound pretty good! It would compensate for not being able to have so many rerolls anymore.
    Bowser likes this.
  6. Nielspeterdejong

    Nielspeterdejong Well-Known Member

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    Also, this is my current idea. It does not have Arcane items or those extras, as those are added in the command traits, standard items, and Allegiance Traits.

    Some features, such as the changes to the Slann and Lord Kroak, and the changes to the Skink handlers (like the extra range they give the Razordon/Salamanders, and the mortal wounds on a hit of 6 or more) could also be overall changes, not just when they have the Seraphon Allegiance. Also, the Skink handler their "Starvenom Starhost" feature which gives mortal wounds on a wound roll of 6 or more, could be a normal part of the Skink handlers. As well as the rerolls for the Bastiladon with the Ark of Sotek that he gives during the Starvenom Starhost. To make up for their large cost, and to let them buff Seraphon monsters as well.

    Seraphon Allegiance traits:

    Ancient Purpose:

    Each type of Seraphon unit gains different bonus traits as described below.

    - All Seraphon units gain the “Scaly Skin” racial trait (see below).

    - All Saurus units gain the “Predatory fighter” racial trait (see below)

    - All Skink units gain the “Lethal attacks” (formerly known as “Poisoned attacks”) racial trait (see below).

    (These following 2 traits are more like updates)
    - Kroxigor units their “Jaws like a steel trap” trait will deal D6 mortal wounds if you roll higher than your opponent with the dice, instead of the difference between your dice rolls. If you succeed at rolling higher than your opponent, then you may roll another dice to determine the amount of mortal wounds. This amount of mortal wounds can be increased by effects such as the Starpriest’s “Serpent staff”.

    - Razordon and Salamander units gain +4” range on their attacks in the shooting phase, as long as their Skink Handlers are still alive. Those without Skink Handlers do not gain these bonuses.

    Scaly Skin: if this unit suffers a wound, it may roll a dice. On a roll of 5 or higher the wound is ignored. If the unit has a minimum amount of models (according to the General’s handbook) of less than 10 (such as Saurus Guards and Seraphon heroes), then it may also attempt to ignore mortal wounds in a similar manner by rolling 5 or higher with a dice for each mortal wound it suffers.

    Predatory fighter: Whenever this unit rolls a 6 or higher on a hit roll with an attack, he may make an additional attack with that same weapon. Attacks generated in this way may not generate additional attacks. This does not work on the unit it’s mount attacks (such as those attacks performed by a Carnosaur or similar mount). However, it does work on attacks such as “Powerful jaws and Stardrake shield”, as these are the unit’s own attacks, and not that of its mount. This trait stacks with other effects that generate additional attacks (such as the Command of the Scar Veteran on Carnosaur).

    Lethal attacks: Units with this trait that roll hit rolls of 6 or higher with their attack automatically wound. There is no need to make a wound roll for the attack. If rolling for wounds would allow for more damage or similar effects then he may also attempt to succeed at gaining that bonus damage. The attack will still automatically wound regardless of the result of that wound roll. Skink Handlers will now instead deal a mortal wound instead of a regular wound on a hit roll of 6 or higher with their weapons

    Wrath of the Seraphon:

    Whenever you completely slay an enemy unit you may add 100 points to your summoning reserve pool. This amount is increased by an additional 100 points for each of the following types that the slain enemy unit had: Monster, Hero, named hero, Chaos and Demon (requires both). If you lose as many units equal to the number of units you started with, you lose the game.

    Celestine Ascension:

    The Spiritual leaders of the Seraphon gain greater Celestine might while under the Seraphon Allegiance:

    -A Skink Starseer may summon Seraphon units just like a Slann Wizard can. In addition it may attempt to cast and unbind 1 additional spell each turn

    -Skink Priests with Priestly Trappings gain a +1 on their “Celestial rites” ability roll. Skink Priests with the feathered cloak gain a +2 on that roll and can provide this buff to any target that is within line of sight and even those outside the board. This includes Chameleon Skinks and Ripperdactyl/Terradon riders who are “in the clouds” from the Shadowstrike Starhost.

    - Engine of the gods have the range of their abilities increased by 5”, and on a roll of 14-17 they may choose to summon as they normally do or instead may choose two abilities they would have gained when rolling lower. They may also choose to perform the same ability twice.

    -The Slann Wizard’s their commands are enhanced. See below:

    Gift from the Heavens: The Slann Starmaster’s “gift from the heavens” additionally gives Seraphon units within 10” of the Slann Starmaster a Ward save in the shooting phase as well. This allows those units within 10” of him to ignore wounds and mortal wounds on a dice roll of 5 or higher.

    Impeccable Forsight: Lord Kroak’s “Impeccable Foresight” allows him to roll an additional dice, and add +1 on all his dice rolls. Thus meaning that he has 4 chances to gain a reroll until the beginning of his next hero phase, and he can gain those rerolls by rolling 3 or higher on those 4 chances.


    All Seraphon heroes within the Seraphon Allegiance have access to the “Wrath of the Old ones” command: Seraphon units within 10” of your general, and those blessed by your Skink Priests, receive a +1 on hit rolls.

    Old ones spell lore:

    Each Skink and Slann Wizard knows 1 additional spell from the Old ones Spell Lore. (4 spells)

    Vigilance of the Old ones: Spellcast roll 6 to cast. A target friendly Seraphon Unit within 18” heals for D6 wounds. If you roll a 10 or higher you may additionally pick a friendly Seraphon unit within 18” and resurrect 1 model from that unit, or D3 models if that unit is a battleline unit.

    Ancient knowledge: You may pick a Spell from an Order or Destruction Wizard (except other Seraphon), and be able to cast it at a +1 Spellcast difficulty. Slann do not suffer this +1 spellcast difficulty as long as the “The Sage’s Staff” Constellation is in effect. Additionally, Skink and Slann Wizards don’t suffer the penalty when they pick a spell from the Battlemage’s Spell list. If the spell only targets or affects certain types of allies, you may add Seraphon among those types. You may only pick this lore spell once for your army, however you may pick which kind of spell you can cast the first time you cast it. Once chosen, you cannot choose a different spell for the remainder of the battle.

    Iceshard Blizzard: Spellcast roll 6 to cast. You pick an enemy unit within 25”, you don’t have to have line of sight to it. The enemy unit receives a -1 on all hit rolls. If the enemy unit does not have to roll to hit, it instead must roll a dice and roll 4 or higher in order to make an attack in the shooting phase. When you successfully overcast this spell you can instead target the enemy unit anywhere on the battlefield. Without range required or line of sight needed.

    Comet of Casandora: Spellcast roll 7 to cast. You place a marker anywhere on the table. At the start of each subsequent magic phase (both player’s phases, and you can’t roll in the same magic phase you cast it in) you roll a dice. On a 1-3, nothing happens and you place another marker on the pile. On a 4+ the Comet arrives. It strikes with a 2D6” radius, and deals 1D6 mortal wounds +1 per marker on the spell (so a minimum of 1D6+1 mortal wounds). It can’t be dispelled once in play, and each time you roll a 1-3 on the dice in each magic phase you can add another marker on the pile until you roll a 4+ and you will deal the total damage to all those in the area. Overcasting this spell will increase the radius by another D6”.

    All Slann Wizards know the following spells:

    Fiery Convocation: Spellcast roll 7 to cast. You may target an enemy unit within 18 inch. That unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. After the initial damage you may roll a dice. On a 4 or more the enemy unit will suffer an additional D3 mortal wounds. This effect will continue until you roll a 3 or less with one of the new dices.
    Walk between worlds: Spellcast rolll 8 to cast. You may choose a friendly Seraphon unit within 24". They gain ethereal (Immune to rend, and may try to ignore mortal wounds on a dice roll of 4 or higher) and immediately move up to 10 inches. They may also move over other units, as long as they end up more than 1/2" away from other models. This does not count as the unit’s move action. If the “The Hunter’s Steed” constellation is in effect, the unit may choose to pile in and attack instead of charging.


    -Battle harness of Grymloq: This may only be used on mounted Saurus heroes. If the hero unit deals at least 1 point of Damage to an enemy unit with the mount’s bite attack, he will heal for D3 wounds. Additionally, if the bite attack makes a wound roll of 6 or higher the attack will instead deal Mortal Wounds equal to the amount of damage it would have normally dealt. If you have effects that increase the bite’s damage, then you may additionally attempt to deal the bonus damage as normal damage (But this damage cannot become mortal wounds as well).

    -Oldblood’s helm of command: Once per battle you may combine 2 or more units of the same type within 3” of each other into one big unit. This may only happen as long as you don’t exceed the maximum amount of models that can fit into that unit, and the units have the same type of items equipped. These units can then move up to 3” towards each other and combine. You do not retain the Alpha’s bonuses if any, but you will not lose bonusses due to loss of models later on in the battle. The new unit still has to meet the requirements for those bonuses when combined. If one of the units that was combined was part of a Starhost, the entire new unit may benefit from the buffs of that Starhost.

    -Armor of the three horn: This item can only be equipped to a Stegadon or Engine of the gods unit. The unit does not have to be a hero unit. When you make save rolls for this unit ignore the enemies red characteristic, unless it is -2 or better. Additionally when you charge into an enemy, and you make a wound roll of 6 or more for an attack, the attack will instead inflict a mortal wound for the same amount of damage.

    -Shield of Gor’rok: When you make save rolls for the Seraphon hero that carries this item, ignore the enemy’s Rend characteristic unless it is -2 or better. Additionally, the Seraphon hero may roll a dice whenever it suffers a mortal wound, which is then ignored on a roll of 4 or more.

    -Blade of the Serpent’s tongue: You may only give this item to a Skink hero. This item, blessed by Sotek, allows the wearer to summon Sotek’s serpentine tides in battle to attack the enemy. The Skink hero gains 4 attacks in the shooting phase with 8” range and 5+ to hit with 4+ to wound for one point of damage, as it summons forth tides of serpents. Additionally, if the Skink hero rolls 6 or more on hit rolls for any attack, the attack will deal mortal wounds instead of its regular damage. These mortal wounds are equal to the amount of damage it would have otherwise dealt. If you have effects that increase the attack it’s damage, then you may additionally attempt to deal the bonus damage as normal damage (But this damage cannot become mortal wounds as well).

    -Idol of Tetto’Eko: Once per phase you can increase or decrease the result of a single dice roll that affects this unit by 1. This effect does not stack with the spell “Curse of Fates”.

    Command traits:

    -Champion of the Astral Dragon: The points you get when killing an enemy unit, as well as the increase based on certain types, increases by 50 points.

    -Predatory Fighter: Saurus units in this army gain an additional attack with their “Powerful jaws and Stardrake/Aeon shield” attacks. While the “The Hunter’s Steed” Constellation is in effect, these Saurus units gain a +1 on hit rolls with their “Powerful jaws and Stardrake/Aeon shield” attacks while charging.

    -Chosen of Sotek: This command trait may only be chosen by a Skink General. The general of this army can attempt to summon one unit with 2 models of Jungle Swarms in each of your hero phases without any point cost. The general does not have to be a Wizard, but he has to succeed at a spellcasting roll of 9 or more (This counts as a spell, so it can be countered like any spell can). When summoned by your general, the model cannot move in the following movement phase. If there is an Engine of the gods in your army, which rolls a 14-17 on its “cosmic engine” ability, it can summon the Jungle Swarm unit for your general instead. The Engine of the gods does not have to roll for this summon, the Jungle Swarm unit can move in the following movement phase, and summoning it counts as an ability instead of a spell. You can set up the jungle swarm unit within 15” of your general or Engine of the gods, but it has to be more than 9” away from any enemy model. These Jungle Swarm models are described in the Lizardmen Warscrolls Compendium.

    If your General is wielding the “Blade of the Serpent’s Tongue” artifact, then he gains a +1 on this summoning roll. Additionally, he may not summon a Unit of Jungle Swarms in the first round of battle. Instead, he is joined by a two model unit of Jungle swarms in the set up phase. These two models may be no more than 3” removed from your Skink General, and your opponent first has to target and destroy these two models before he/she can target your general. These models function like normal Jungle Swarm models, and once destroyed you cannot attach another (summoned or otherwise) Jungle Swarm unit to your general.

    -Dreadful Saurian: Non-Seraphon units within 3” of the general receive a -1 on hit rolls. The general may inspire an friendly Seraphon monster Unit within 20” to receive this effect as well.

    -Overcast: If the Seraphon general is a Wizard it may gain access to the “Overcast” command trait. You may attempt to overcast any of your spells in your hero phase. When you do, roll a dice. On a roll of 2 or more the range of your spell will double and you gain a +1 on the casting roll (you still have to roll to succeed at the spell), and a +1 or -1 on one dice roll that is involved with the spell. If you roll a 1 or 2 you will instead be dealt 1 point of damage and you will automatically fail at casting the spell.

    -Eternal Plight: Whenever your general is slain, roll a dice in your next hero phase. On a result of 4 or more, it is reborn from the light of Azyr with all its wounds restored! Set up the model anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” from the enemy. However the general must reappear within 15” of any Seraphon hero. If none are in your army at the time, then the general can’t be reborn. Buffs on him that would benefit the roll to allow his rebirth (such as the Starseer’s “Curse of fates” or the “Idol of Tetto’Ekko) remain on him even in death.

    Starvenom Starhost:

    Starvenom Starhost (120 points)

    1 Troglodon
    2 Skink priests, starpriests, or Starseers in any combination
    1-3 units of Kroxigor
    3-6 units of Skinks and/or Hunting Pack (each Hunting Pack consists of 1 unit of Skink Handlers and 1 unit of Razordons or Salamanders.It counts as 1 unit)
    0-4 Bastiladon, Stegadon, Engine of the gods, or order wizard

    -The Kroxigor ability Energy Transference now additionally gives them +1 on hit rolls and +1'' reach on all attacks.
    -Order Wizards in your army now count as being Seraphon units, even if they don't originally have that keyword. Their spells and abilities may also target and affect Seraphon units, in addition to their original type of targets.
    -Non-monster Skink units in this battalion that are 8'' near the Kroxigors or monsters from this battalion count as being in Cover.
    While within 8'' of a Kroxigor or monster, Skinks (the unit known as Skinks, so not all those with the Skink type) gain bonusses based on their equipment:

    Boltspitters: if you roll a hit roll of 6 or more for a Skinks unit with any attack, that attack wounds automatically. There is no need to make a wound roll for that attack. If the Skinks unit already has such an boon (like the Seraphon Allegiance it’s “Lethal attacks"), that attack will instead deal 2 points of damage (3 if the enemy target has both the Chaos and Daemon types) instead of 1.
    Moonstone club: You lose “Wary Fighters”, but you gain “Fanatic Fighters”: Celestial Cohort’s bonusses apply in the combat phase as well. Additionally this unit of Skinks may pile in to attack before any other unit after charges have been made (if any) in each combat phase. Regardless of which player goes first
    Meteoric Javelin: This unit loses “Wary Fighters” but gains “Steadfast Fighters”: This unit gains a +1 on Hit/Wound/Save rolls in the combat phase.
    Star-Buckler: This unit gains a +1 on save rolls in the shooting phase.

    Skinks units (the unit with that name, not those units with the Skink type) that are summoned, while the Troglodon from this army is alive, also gain these bonusses. Both the Cover, and the weapon bonusses.

    -Monster Skink units and Hunting Packs from this Starhost that are 8” near a Skink handler unit, and which roll wound rolls of 6 or higher, will deal mortal wounds instead and equal to it's regular damage. Additionally Bastiladon carrying an Ark of Sotek can reroll roll results that don’t have a matching number, and gain an second attempt to find a matching number.
    -The Troglodon in this army becomes a lvl 2 wizard who can choose two spells from the battlemage spell list in addition to Arcane bolt and Mystic shield. Skink units and Hunter Packs within 10" of the Troglodon receive +6" increased range during the shooting phase.
    The Troglodon gains access to the"blessed by Starlight"command: “During the shooting phase, substract 1 from hit rolls against friendly order units within 18" of your general. Skinks units (the battleline unit, not the type) receive this bonus in the
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
  7. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    Saurus Fireblood sounds awesome, if we add in some animated Stone Golem type dudes it'd make a really fun link in to a Dwarf hybrid army.
    Bowser likes this.
  8. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    @Bowser Some really interesting ideas! I don't know if it's affecting anyone else but the formatting seems a bit messed up, would it be easier to use a google doc or a pdf?

    Some critique on what you put forward so far-

    • The battle trait of a mortal wound on a 4+ is waaaay overpowered, it turns skinks into ridiculously powerful suicide attackers. Maybe limit it to Saurus, and on a 6+? Skinks could get a different trait maybe?
    • Having healing on a command trait could be dangerous, as you could pick the Phoenix stone from the Order artefacts to heal up to 2/D3+1 a turn. I'm not sure if that's op, but it may be a bit of a design conflict.
    • Weapons are fine, if a bit bland? Would be nice to see some weirder effects, maybe have a sacrificial blade that buffs all your friendly units after you kill something?
    • Love the totems and the arcane items, especially that egg lol
    • The Slann items are a super interesting idea, but I don't think anyone would ever not pick number 2. The first is largely covered by the battle trait, and the third seems uninteresting in comparison. I really like number 2 though, reinforces the idea of the Slann drawing concepts from other races- maybe have the other two options be inspired by Sylvaneth wizards or Stormcast Abilities or something?
    • Spells look prettty good, although that hand of glory is the most busted spell I have ever seen- dropping the improvement to 1 instead of D3 would balance this a lot better I feel.
    • The first three heroes look fun (although I can't wrap my head around lizards with pistols), I love the Wanderer, it could just be an official hero that already exists for all I knew, serious quality. The Slann chap is...monstrously overpowered. The ability to give your entire army +2 to hit is just a little bit too much I think. Some really cool ideas though, I like that he just has a mortal wound shooting attack too.
    • The starhosts are pretty cool, although skinks become insane with the second starhost, oh my god. Really like the use of warning cry though, very cool.
    • Love the Bloodclaw errata.
    • Where is the named Bastiladon hero?
    All in all, some really good stuff. I feel a lot of it synergises way too well- a cursory glance and you can stack like +4 to Slann casting, or +2 to hit on all units in your army, you can make a Stardrake pile in and attack twice a turn (you bad man) but it's a really solid start. I seriously think you knocked it out the park with the Wanderer, it's an awesome hero that has a unique identity and some cool rules to back it up.

    I am awful with fluff but I love me some game mechanics, so I would like to contribute to this at some point (I'll just leave the naming to other people lol)

    Great start!
    Bastiladon hero incoming
    Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  9. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    The Wanderer

    the-wanderer (1).jpg

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  10. Jason839

    Jason839 Well-Known Member

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    I would like to see the Blade of Realities added back in. Maybe something like

    One Saurus hero may be equipped with the blade of realities. If it does so, replace its melee attacks with the blade of realities profile listed below.

    5 attacks.
    3+ to hit
    3+ to wound
    1 damage

    Special rule: When a unit attacks with the blade of realities, all spells and abilities currently active on the target unit are negated for the duration of this combat phase. The target unit does not make saves of any kind against wounds made by the blade of realities.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
    Bowser and Ritual like this.
  11. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    Looks nice, could you put the units in an excel shee or something though? They're a pain to read like this.
    Bowser likes this.
  12. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    Thought I would contribute to possible new Heroes (Yes, there's a Bastiladon). Each one is designed to shore up a weakness we have.

    • The Seraphon Warmaster is solely responsible for making our Saurus Knights worth taking. We seriously lack speedy cavalry (with some of our infantry being faster than them...) so i thought i would place in a hero that would affect that, without having to be your general.
    • The Skink Starchaser on its magnificent winged beast is to shore up our lack of mortal wounds and aggressive spells, and is heavily inspired by someone in the orignal post saying something about Feathered Lizards.
    • The High Bloodpriest is primarily for recursion- our summoning ability got completely neutered with Matched play, so being able to have a recursion ability that fits within those constraints felt almost necessary. Yeah, he's also on a bastiladon. Because.
    I really had a task to work out if these were over/under powered at all, as I was kind of blinkered into cool concepts and fixing what we're missing. Let me know thoughts, criticisms, general insults or requests for Microsoft Paint Concept Art, fire away gents (and please excuse any typos!).

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    Last edited: Mar 14, 2017
    Bowser likes this.
  13. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Made a few changes based on your suggestions, and the wanderer is based off of a character, Nakai the Wanderer that did recieve stats in 7th as pointed out by @Crowsfoot we just never got a model.
    InfamousBeany likes this.
  14. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Added your suggestion for Heavenswatch, will have to go through your next post very carefully, but have enjoued it and would like to implement a few things.
    InfamousBeany likes this.
  15. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Yes, all typed in word, tables didn’t transfer as nicely as I had hoped. Will update later today.
    Canas likes this.
  16. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Blade of realities has replaced Sunstone blade.
  17. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I think I will have to steal your idea of making the template in paint! These are incredible.
    InfamousBeany likes this.
  18. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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  19. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    n810, Solabar, Bowser and 3 others like this.
  20. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    O that's nice.
    Bowser likes this.

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