Hi! I'm planning to enter a 1500 pts tournament this year, and have made the following list: Skink Chief - War Spear - Stegadon Ancient Skink Priest - Lv. 1 Wizard - Dispel scroll - Diadem of Power - EOTG 10x Skinks 10x Skinks 3x Terradon riders 6x Cold One Cavalry 3x Salamanders This leaves 120 pts (I think) for a Cold One - mounted Scar-Vet (don't have the book right now, so I'm unable make one within the points limit). Comments and critics, anyone?
I gather that your army is based around fast-moving units... Yes, the scar-vet will fit the 120 point niche. I suggest switching one of your CoR for the lvl 2 upgrade on the skink priest though, then he effectively is lvl 3 and can dominate magic in smaller games. Then, if you want to go REALLY big with the skink priest, switch the scroll for plaque of tepok.