AoS Seraphon Battletome WIP

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by Bowser, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Now I'm going to have a chat so please stay with me.

    When @Bowser rocked up onto the forum and showed his army I thought and still do "yep this guy is crackers" in a good way, since @Bowser joined the forum in Oct 2015 he has constantly posted with help and nice comments about everything he replies too and I think he is a really good guy and deserves GW to look at his work and hopefully take it on board. I like everyone on this forum from a forum nerdie point of view but @The Red Devil I think @Bowser would make a great addition to the staff team for Lustria on line.

    There we go chat over, carry on as usual.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
  2. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    By the way @Bowser what about a more extensive magic system like what I've been making? You have some new spells in your tome, which help, but they don't fix the underlying issues caused by the rule of 1 & the issues with summoning.
    Bowser likes this.
  3. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Thought up some ideas for Axtek and other mortals that worship Seraphon. Moat ideas for warscrolls.

    Poatin here tonight, as work is such a drag.
    Bowser likes this.
  4. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I am a little wary if messing with the main rules, and have been working on making it look like the stormcast and Tzeench battletomes. we will see what the GHB 2 has in store. And if you would like I can definitely pitch your ideas for magic.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I am excited to see what you come up with. This is a great idea.
  6. PurpleandGold
    Cold One

    PurpleandGold Well-Known Member

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    Cold ones secrete poison from their skin ala poison dart frog style. Dark Elves have to build up a resistance to them and usually lose all sense of touch. Prolonged exposure to bare skin would probably kill
    Carnikang and Bowser like this.
  7. InfamousBeany
    Cold One

    InfamousBeany Well-Known Member

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    I wholeheatedly agree. Not to derail this thread too much, but Bowser has consistently been a source of positivity and helpful advice for as long as I've been on these forums.

    I feel like the thriving nature of the AoS section here is largely due to Bowser's willingness to help new and veteran players alike, not to mention his ability to cultivate interesting discussion and initiate projects such as this one.

    I would absolutely second the notion of Bowser being given the option of becoming staff, as it would only help our little community develop even further.


    Back on track, I do feel we should probably have a single post (perhaps an edit of the first one in this thread?) that acts as a inventory of the ideas already submitted. It might also be useful to collectively agree upon concepts that we are lacking in currently (or that just sound cool lol) so that we have a checklist of new ideas that can be ticked off when someone submits something that fits the bill.

    Long term, it may be worth having a tag (something simple like [SBWiP]) that we could place at the start of new thread titles when we submit something new, so that we can declutter this thread a bit. Just to clarify what I mean, rather than continuing to post new ideas in this thread, we use this thread as a database to collate all the ideas, and we create a new thread for each submission titled something like "[SBWiP] New Bastiladon Hero".

    Just a suggestion.

    Also, I totally dig the idea of Aztec style worshippers. Maybe disillusioned ex followers of Sigmar? Interesting stuff.
  8. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I will be updating the first post here with some of the ideas, hopefully today! Busy week though! I love the idea of having a tag for this sort of thing to easily find ideas in other threads that want to be part of the project. For the Amaxons or worshippers I was thinking a civilization that was saved from Chaos by seraphon dropping in. But disillusioned Sigmar followers definitely makes it a bit more interesting. Would love some fluff on this one!
    PurpleandGold, Crowsfoot and Ritual like this.
  9. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    I agree it should probably be pitched seperatly. But yeah, pitching both seems like a good idea. How does that work anyway?

    As for the Aztec worshippers, what about instead of dissillusioned sigmarites, why not have it be a faction that actually recognizes the Slann for what they are? Thus allowing them to make an equal alliance, not just mere worshippers. The aztecs were very capable astronomists, the slann solely live in the stars now, and them going to battle literally causes constalations to appear or move in the skies, so it makes some sense. I've written up a basic backstory that could be used for it:

    Warning: incoming massive wall of text.
    A powerfull aztec empire is lead by a ruling class of wizards & astronomers. Thanks to their astronomy they managed to divine a tiny sliver of a fraction of a part of a piec of the great plan in the stars. Thus learning of the slann & seraphon. Learning who and what they are and what they stand for. Seeing the wisdom of the great plan, even while only knowing a fraction of it they start to work towards it themselfs, using their astronomy to divine the plan from the seraphon constalations. As they become more adapt at reading the stars and divining the great plan the Slann find themselfs more and more to be reinforced by these puny humans in dire times. Whereever the slann go to fight chaos they find these humans already there aiding their cause.

    Eventually during some particular catastrophic battle with chaos a slann finds himself not only fighting the same enemy as these weird humans, but finds himself cornered with them, about to be slaughtered. This particular band of aztecs turns out to be led by a particularly talented astronomer-wizard. As the humans & seraphon prepare themselfs for the final assault the wizard goes up towards the Slann. The saurus guard blocking his way. The wizard conjures up the image of a constalation, the slann's constalation. Surprised the Slann bids his guard to let the wizard through. The wizard & slann proceed to meditate together, communicating through arcane means while the remaining seraphon & humans fight a desperate last stand. Instintually realizing something greater then them is taking place the seraphon & humans push themselfs towards ever greater deeds of heroism. Knowing that above anything else, the Slann & wizard should not be interupted. For 3 days and 3 nights the humans and seraphon hold out. Fighting truly side by side for the first time, not as two seperate armies, but as one.

    The chaos daemons & marauders eventually prove too much for the humans and seraphon without their leaders magical support. Pushing back the defenders until only the personal guard of the wizard & the saurus guard remain. As the followers of chaos charge at the last remaining defendersthe wizard & Slann finally rouse. The slann has seen in this wizard and his people the first race, beside his own, that truly align with the great plan. They are not like the other younger races, who can both act in favor or against the plan. Not only that, but the young human's mind is exactly what the Slann needs to counteract the troubles they've Always had. The sharpness & freshness of such a young mind allows the Slann to see the great plan clearly for the first times in millenia. For the first time the slann feels like how he felt before chaos ransacked the seraphon's templecities, before the shattering of the old world, before even the taint of chaos was upon the old world. No longer having his mind clouded and realizing their importance the Slann combines his arcane might with the wizard, shattering the chaos army that moments before was so close to victory.

    Having wiped out the chaos army the wizard & Slann return towards the capital of the Aztecs. Here the Slann communes with its leaders forging the first Alliance the Slann have ever been a part off. The Slann informs his fellow slann about this peculiar turn of events. The various slann wizards proceed to help the Aztec empire to grow, guiding them, teaching them powerfull magic & together they work towards achieve the great plan. The combination of the slanns' arcane might, ancient knowledge & cold logic backed up by the humans' creativity, sharpness & freshness proving more effective at progressing the great plan than anything the Slann have done since the taint of chaos on the world first started clouding their minds.

    I think this sort of background might be better as it has the advantage of giving the slann a reason to activly work with the humans. As opposed to merely tolerating their presence. It's not like the seraphon have ever truly allied themselfs with anyone, even if they did help the younger races at times with their magic.
    Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.
  10. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    I definitely like this backstory. Really well thought out.
    Canas likes this.
  11. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Not much time atm, but ill give the backstory a look at lunch. Fluff was in the infant stages, and I ha some interesting ideas. But I'm going to make the units fairly analagous with the Arcanites, and Slaves to Darkness, with some Bloodbound equvilants thrown in.
    Crowsfoot and Bowser like this.
  12. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    O as for units for the human followers I'd say they should provide the following as this seems to be largely what we're missing currently:


    • medium-light melee infantry with a weak-ish ranged attack for the rank & file similar to kairic acolytes. Lighter then saurus warriors, but heavier than skinks. Mostly work as cannonfodder, but use poison which can allow them to be deadly if left unchecked.
    • Heavy elite infantry; an alternative for saurus guards when you need heavy troops, but also need the numbers. Something along the lines of chaos warriors, especialy good at holding a line regardless of the incoming damage being mortal wounds or normal wounds.
    • Heavy elite cavalry Something along the lines of Skullcrushers or the various stormforged on dracoths, your basic canopener.
    • Siegeweapons, crewed by both skinks & humans, skinks to power the arcane machinations & humans for their creativity & ability to actually make something new. Basicly using stuff like a solar engine as a cannon and not having it mounted on a bastilidon.
    • Behemoths mounted by skinks & humans, combining a stegadon with the afformentioned poison the light infantry has for example.
    • Ranged troops, longer range & more damaging than skinks, but nowhere near the level of say aelfs.
    The only one really missing seems to be light cavalry and I'd say we should use skinks for that.
    Bowser likes this.
  13. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    I had a little more in mind, though i was goin to leave warmachines and behemoths out for the most part. Aside from perhaps the odd Asotek Warleader on a Squallkin (make of that wh you will).

    EDIT - Ahah! Asotek shall be the name I dub them!

    Bowser likes this.
  14. Nielspeterdejong

    Nielspeterdejong Well-Known Member

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    A big shout out to Bowser for being an awesome forum member! :)

    Also, I've updated my idea for the Seraphon Allegiance a bit. Tell me what you guys think of this simpler version?


    Seraphon Allegiance

    Seraphon Allegiance traits:

    Champions of the Old ones:

    The Seraphon trace their heritage back to Lustria, where they were created by the Old ones to fulfill a granted purpose with impressive efficiency, Those Seraphon who are part of the Seraphon Allegiance are able to tap back into their ancient origins, and regain the gifts that the Old ones granted them.

    Scaly Skin: Whenever a Seraphon unit suffers a wound, it may roll a dice. On a roll of 5 or more the wound is ignored.

    Ancient Purpose: All Seraphon were created with a certain purpose by the Old ones, and as such they gain boons based on their type:

    · Saurus: Whenever a Saurus unit rolls a natural roll of 6 on a hit roll with any attack, he gains an additional attack (This additional attack may not generate more attacks, but it does stack with similar effects).

    · Skink: Whenever a Skink unit rolls a natural roll of 6 on a hit roll with any attack, that attack automatically wounds (there is no need to make a wound roll for that attack, but you may still roll to attempt to gain bonus effects).

    · Kroxigor: Kroxigor units gain a +1 on their “Scaly Skin” dice rolls.

    · Slann: Slann units gain a 10” ward Aura that allows all friendly Order units to ignore a mortal wound on a dice roll of 5 or more.

    · Other: All Seraphon units that don’t fall within the previous types instead gain +4” range on all attacks in the shooting phase, and +1” reach (up to 3” range maximum) on all attacks in the combat phase.

    Wrath of the Seraphon:

    Whenever you completely slay an enemy unit you may add 50 points to your summoning reserve pool. This amount is increased by an additional 50 points for each of the following types that the slain enemy unit had: Monster, Hero, named hero, Chaos and Demon (requires both). And also if you slay a unit that originally had more than 10 models. If you lose as many units equal to the number of units you started with, you lose the game.

    Celestine Ascension:

    The Spiritual leaders of the Seraphon gain greater Celestine might while under the Seraphon Allegiance:

    -Skink Wizards (Such as Starpriests and Starseers) may summon Seraphon units similar to how Slann summon them.

    -Skink Priests with Priestly Trappings gain a +1 on their “Celestial rites” ability roll. Skink Priests with the feathered cloak gain a +2 on that roll and can provide this buff to any target that is within line of sight and even those outside the board. This includes Chameleon Skinks and Ripperdactyl/Terradon riders who are “in the clouds” from the Shadowstrike Starhost.

    - Engines of the gods who make a roll of 14-17 they may choose to summon as they normally do or instead may choose two abilities they would have gained when rolling lower. They may also choose to perform the same ability twice.

    -The Slann Wizard’s their commands are enhanced. See below:

    Gift from the Heavens: The Slann Starmaster’s “gift from the heavens” additionally gives Seraphon units within 10” of the Slann Starmaster a +1 on all ward saves in the shooting phases. This includes the Scaly Skin trait and the Slann’s Ancient purpose trait.

    Impeccable Forsight: Lord Kroak’s “Impeccable Foresight” allows him to roll an additional dice, and add +1 on all his dice rolls. Thus meaning that he has 4 chances to gain a reroll until the beginning of his next hero phase, and he can gain those rerolls by rolling 3 or higher on those 4 chances.


    All Seraphon heroes within the Seraphon Allegiance have access to the “Wrath of the Old ones” command: Seraphon units within 10” of your general, and those blessed by your Skink Priests, receive a +1 on hit rolls.

    Old ones spell lore:

    Each Seraphon Wizard knows 1 additional spell from the Old ones Spell Lore. (4 spells)

    Vigilance of the Old ones: Spellcast roll 6 to cast. A target friendly Seraphon Unit within 18” heals for D6 wounds. If you roll a 10 or higher you may additionally pick a friendly Seraphon unit within 18” and resurrect 1 model from that unit, or D3 models if that unit is a battleline unit.

    Ancient knowledge: You may pick a Spell from an Order or Destruction Wizard (except other Seraphon), and be able to cast it at a +1 Spellcast difficulty. Slann Wizards do not suffer this +1 spellcast difficulty as long as the “The Sage’s Staff” Constellation is in effect. Additionally, Seraphon Wizards don’t suffer the penalty when they pick a spell from the Battlemage’s Spell list. If the spell only targets or affects certain types of allies, you may add Seraphon among those types. You may only pick this lore spell once for your army, however you may pick which kind of spell you can cast the first time you cast it. Once chosen, you cannot choose a different spell for the remainder of the battle.

    Iceshard Blizzard: Spellcast roll 6 to cast. You pick an enemy unit anywhere on the battlefield, you don’t have to have line of sight to it. The enemy unit receives a -1 on all hit rolls. If the enemy unit does not have to roll to hit, it instead must roll a dice and roll 4 or higher in order to make an attack in the shooting phase. When you successfully overcast this spell it instead gives the effect to enemy units within 8” of the target.

    Comet of Casandora: Spellcast roll 7 to cast. You place a marker anywhere on the table. At the start of each subsequent magic phase (both player’s phases, and you can’t roll in the same magic phase you cast it in) you roll a dice. On a 1-3, nothing happens and you place another marker on the pile. On a 4+ the Comet arrives. It strikes with a 2D6” radius, and deals D3 mortal wounds +1 per marker on the spell (so a minimum of D3+1 mortal wounds). It can’t be dispelled once in play, and each time you roll a 1-3 on the dice in each magic phase you can add another marker on the pile until you roll a 4+ and you will deal the total damage to all those in the area. Overcasting this spell will increase the radius by another D6”.

    All Slann Wizards know the following spells:

    Fiery Convocation: Spellcast roll 7 to cast. You may target an enemy unit within 18 inch. That unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. After the initial damage you may roll a dice. On a 4 or more the enemy unit will suffer an additional D3 mortal wounds. This effect will continue until you roll a 3 or less with one of the new dices.
    Walk between worlds: Spellcast rolll 8 to cast. You may choose a friendly Seraphon unit within 24". They gain ethereal (Immune to rend, and may try to ignore mortal wounds on a dice roll of 4 or higher) and immediately move up to 10 inches. They may also move over other units, as long as they end up more than 1/2" away from other models. This does not count as the unit’s move action. If the “The Hunter’s Steed” constellation is in effect, the unit may choose to pile in and attack instead of charging. When your general overcasts this spell the move distance increases by 2D6”, in addition to the range increase of the spell cast.


    -Battle harness of Grymloq: This may only be used on mounted Saurus heroes. If the hero unit deals at least 1 point of Damage to an enemy unit with the mount’s bite attack, he will heal for D3 wounds. Additionally, if the bite attack makes a wound roll of 6 or higher the attack will instead deal Mortal Wounds equal to the amount of damage it would have normally dealt. If you have effects that increase the bite’s damage, then you may additionally attempt to deal the bonus damage as normal damage (But this damage cannot become mortal wounds as well).

    -Oldblood’s helm of command: One charge only. Once per battle you may combine 2 or more units of the same type within 3” of each other into one big unit. This may only happen as long as you don’t exceed the maximum amount of models that can fit into that unit, and the units have the same type of items equipped. These units can then move up to 3” towards each other and combine. You do not retain the Alpha’s bonuses if any, but you will not lose bonusses due to loss of models later on in the battle. The new unit still has to meet the requirements for those bonuses when combined. If one of the units that was combined was part of a Starhost, the entire new unit may benefit from the buffs of that Starhost.

    -Sacred Stegadon helm of Itza: This item can only be equipped to a Stegadon or Engine of the gods unit. The unit does not have to be a hero unit. The unit wearing this artifact can run, shoot and charge in the same turn. And he can shoot and charge in the same turn even while retreating. Additionally when you charge into an enemy, and you make a wound roll of 6 or more for an melee attack, the attack will inflict mortal wounds instead of and equal to its regular damage.

    -Shield of Gor’rok: When you make save rolls for the Seraphon hero that carries this item, ignore the enemy’s Rend characteristic unless it is -2 or better. Additionally, the Seraphon hero may roll a dice whenever it suffers a mortal wound, which is then ignored on a roll of 4 or more.

    -Blade of the Serpent’s tongue: This item, blessed by Sotek, allows the wearer to summon Sotek’s serpentine tides in battle to attack the enemy. The Seraphon hero gains 4 attacks in the shooting phase with 8” range and 5+ to hit with 4+ to wound for one point of damage, as it summons forth tides of serpents. Additionally, if the Seraphon hero rolls 6 or more on hit rolls for their main weapon’s attacks (not attacks granted by mounts and similar) and these 4 bonus attacks, the attacks will deal mortal wounds equal to and instead of its regular damage.

    -Idol of Tetto’Eko: Once per phase you can increase or decrease the result of a single dice roll that affects this unit by 1. This effect does not stack with the spell “Curse of Fates”.

    Command traits:

    -Champion of the Astral Dragon: The points you get when killing an enemy unit, as well as the increase based on certain types and number of models, increases by 25 points.

    -Predatory Fighter: Saurus units in this army gain an additional attack with their “Powerful jaws and Stardrake/Aeon shield” attacks. These Saurus units gain a +1 on hit rolls with their “Powerful jaws and Stardrake/Aeon shield” attacks while charging.

    -Dreadful Saurian: Non-Seraphon units within 3” of the general receive a -1 on hit rolls. The general may inspire an friendly Seraphon monster Unit or Kroxigor unit within 20” to receive this effect as well.

    -Chosen of Sotek: This command trait may only be chosen by a Skink General. The general of this army can attempt to summon one unit with 2 models of Jungle Swarms in each of your hero phases without any point cost. The general does not have to be a Wizard, but he can benefit from boons as if he was one, and he has to succeed at a spellcasting roll of 9 or more to summon the Jungle Swarms (This counts as a spell, so it can be countered like any spell can). When summoned by your general, the model cannot move in the following movement phase. If there is an Engine of the gods in your army, which rolls a 14-17 on its “cosmic engine” ability, it can summon the Jungle Swarm unit for your general instead. The Engine of the gods does not have to roll for this summon, the Jungle Swarm unit can move in the following movement phase, and summoning it counts as an ability instead of a spell. You can set up the jungle swarm unit within 15” of your general or Engine of the gods, but it has to be more than 9” away from any enemy model. These Jungle Swarm models are described in the Lizardmen Warscrolls Compendium.

    If your General is wielding the “Blade of the Serpent’s Tongue” artifact, then he gains a +1 on this summoning roll. Additionally, he may not summon a Unit of Jungle Swarms in the first round of battle. Instead, he is joined by a two model unit of Jungle swarms in the set up phase. These two models may be no more than 3” removed from your Skink General, and your opponent first has to target and destroy these two models before he/she can target your general. These models function like normal Jungle Swarm models, and once destroyed you cannot attach another (summoned or otherwise) Jungle Swarm unit to your general.

    -Overcast: If the Seraphon general is a Slann Wizard it may gain access to the “Overcast” command trait. You may attempt to overcast any of your spells in your hero phase. When you do, roll a dice. On a roll of 2 or more the range of your spell will double and you gain a +1 on the casting roll (you still have to roll to succeed at the spell). If you roll a 1 you will instead be dealt 1 point of damage and you will automatically fail at casting the spell.

    -Eternal Plight: This command trait may only be chosen by a Saurus General. Whenever your general is slain, roll a dice in your next hero phase. On a result of 4 or more, it is reborn from the light of Azyr with all its wounds restored! Set up the model anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” from the enemy. However the general must reappear within 15” of any Seraphon hero. If none are in your army at the time, then the general can’t be reborn. Buffs on him that would benefit the roll to allow his rebirth (such as the Starseer’s “Curse of fates” or the “Idol of Tetto’Ekko) remain on him even in death.


    Me and my little brother hoping to see some of the Warscrolls of the Seraphon to be updated/changed, based on some more matches against the newer armies. We feel that with just a few changes we could keep most Warscrolls the same, yet make the Seraphon a lot more competitive and fun. Here is a list of the changes we put together:

    1) Kroxigor units their “Jaws like a steel trap” trait will deal D6 mortal wounds if you roll higher than your opponent with the dice, instead of the difference between your dice rolls. The amount of mortal wounds are equal to the amount you rolled with that dice. This amount of mortal wounds can be increased by effects such as the Starpriest’s “Serpent staff”. This makes succeeding at the mini game a lot more rewarding, as you only gain it’s effect if you succeed at rolling well through 2 stages.

    2) Skink Chiefs become part of the roster again, but their command “Skink War leader” becomes an ability instead, which is able to target any Seraphon unit (but does not stack with other “Skink War leader” abilities from other Skink Chiefs). Additionally Skink Chiefs can use both their blowpipe as well as their melee weapon (regardless of the weapon that the model carries). With their blowpipe dealing D3 damage instead: With the Skink chief still being relatively cheap, so that he can be used as a Supportive hero and "point dump" if you will.

    3) Bastiladons carrying the Ark of Sotek can reroll roll results that don’t have a matching number as long as they are within 10” of a Skink handler unit. They may only reroll once to attempt to find a matching number. Right now the Ark of Sotek is a bit underwhelming, and this small buff (provided you invested in Skink handlers) would help them a long way!

    Starvenom Starhost (120 points):

    1 Troglodon
    2 Skink priests, starpriests, or Starseers in any combination
    1-3 units of Kroxigor
    3-6 units of Skinks and/or Hunting Pack (each Hunting Pack consists of 1 unit of Skink Handlers and 1 unit of Razordons or Salamanders. It counts as 1 unit)
    0-4 Seraphon Monster and/or Order hero in any combination


    -The Troglodon in this army becomes a lvl 2 wizard who can choose two spells from the battlemage spell list in addition to Arcane bolt and Mystic shield.
    Skink units and Hunter Packs within 10" of the Troglodon receive +4" increased range during the shooting phase.
    The Troglodon gains access to the"blessed by Starlight"command: “During the shooting phase, substract 1 from hit rolls against friendly order units within 18" of your general. Skinks units (the battleline unit, not the type) receive this bonus in the combat phase as well”.

    -The Kroxigor ability Energy Transference now additionally gives them +1 on hit rolls and +1'' reach (up to a maximum of 3”) on all attacks. Monster units and Hunting Packs from this Starhost automatically wound on hit rolls of 6 or higher (there is no need to roll for wound rolls for those attacks, but they may still roll if it gives them a chance to gain bonus effects).

    -Order heroes in your army now count as being Seraphon units, even if they don't originally have that keyword. Their beneficial spells and abilities may also target and affect Seraphon units, in addition to their original type of targets.

    -Non-monster Skink units in this battalion that are 8'' near Kroxigor or monster units count as being in Cover. Skinks battleline units under this starhost gain bonusses based on their equipment:

    Boltspitters: A skinks battleline unit that carries Boltspitters gains a +1 on all wound rolls on all attacks.

    Moonstone club: A Skinks battleline unit that carries Moonstone blubs have its Celestial Cohort’s bonusses apply in the combat phase as well.

    Meteoric Javelin: Once per turn, if an enemy unit ends a charge move within 3” of a Skinks battleline unit carrying Meteoric Javelins, the Skinks unit may attack the charging unit with their Meteoric Javelin missile attacks as an interrupt attack.

    Star-Buckler: A Skinks battleline unit that carries Star-Bucklers gains a +1 on save rolls in the shooting phase.

    Skinks units (the unit with that name, not those units with the Skink type) that are summoned, while the Troglodon from this army is alive, also gain these bonusses. Both the Cover, and the weapon bonusses.


    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
    Qupakoco and Bowser like this.
  15. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    @Carnikang I'm merely giving what I think should definitly be in it, íf you take what I just listed you really only have half a roster :p Still need plenty more.

    Siegeweapons I feel fit nicely with how my backstory adds the humans for creativity and such, so them figuring out some other uses for things like solar engines makes sense.

    As for behemoths, I mostly just want a bit of variation. The variation so far comes mostly from what you mount on our bastilidon or stegadon, but the actual behemoths themselfs are fairly similar both in their what they do and in how they look.

    Also I feel that those two would be important to include to cement the humans and seraphon working together as these two are the only ones I can come easily come up with where they explicitly work together in 1 unit.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2017
    PurpleandGold, Bowser and Carnikang like this.
  16. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    @Nielspeterdejong your summoning point rule won't work that well. Wiping out a 40 man horde unit or a 5 man unit will result in the same amount of points. Similarly, certain special units will be worth far too little for the effort it takes to kill them. This effect will get even more pronounced if you compare different game sizes. Perhaps make it dynamic based on the worth in points of the stuff you just killed?

    Also, possibly make it trigger on every model you kill if you want to keep it based on kills. Not on a wiped out unit. Wiping out a unit is liable to end up being too little too late in a lot of cases. Especially against large horde units or particularly sturdy elite units. Killing 10 saurus warriors for the points to trigger is possible before the warriors can really retaliate. Killing a horde of 40 however requires far too much focusfire & is unlikely to succeed without the horde dealing considerable damage, making the ability a bit pointless.

    In general I'd say that binding it to killing enemies won't work well as the points you generate will vary far too much depending on what you face.

    Also, losing the game when you lose a number of units equal to your starting units basicly makes summoning of weaker stuff pointless as it might be quickly blown up.

    I like the allegiance abilities & bonusses for commanders though
    Bowser likes this.
  17. Nielspeterdejong

    Nielspeterdejong Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the reply :) Well I was thinking about that, but with the lower point costs that Azyr Order units might soon get I figured it would be better balanced. Also giving points for each model killed wouldn't work that well either, since you'd get more points out of killing say a unit of 30 skinks then a single Engine of the gods. As such I added the increase in points based on types: meaning that killing heroes, monsters, and chaos demons gives additional points.

    The idea behind the point system is that it's just a small extra. I wanted most of their power to come from the Scaly Skin and Ancient purpose traits. As well as the bonusses that their spellcasters/support units would gain. The summoning reserve pool points gained are just the cherry on top of the cake, as it is pretty powerfull. Even if you will lose the game when you lose as many units as you started with, you will be able to outnumber your enemy in a way. You will have to completely kill a unit, and you only get 50 points normally. But if you kill say an enemy hero you will get a wooping 100 points. This may not seem much, but it will allow you to summon say a Skink Priest or a Scar veteran on Cold one. Maybe for even less with the new reduced points system coming up.

    Yes, you still have to use a spell to actually summon the unit, but if you have say a Starpriest (who is able to summon as well under this Allegiance) who is out of harms way, you can spend say 200 points (from killing say a enemy hero and a enemy monster) for a unit of 20 Saurus warriors who will each gain an extra attack on a natural hit roll of 6, and who will be able to ignore wounds on a dice roll of 5 or more. Such you can suddenly summon a group of 20 warriors to flank your opponent. Or you will be able to summon a Starseer who can gain an spell from the Seraphon Allegiance lore of magic to summon down a comet of Cassandora.
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  18. Canas

    Canas Ninth Spawning

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    @Nielspeterdejong That's why I said make it dependent on the worth of the thing you slay. Preferably on the individual models. E.g. if you slay 5 saurus warriors you get 50 points, if you slay 10 you get a 100, if you slay a starpriest you get a 100 etc. That way you avoid the issue of having certain units be worth way less or way more than they should.

    For clarity, I just used the points they are currently worth, if you're going to do this obviously it'd be better to gain say 50% of what they're worth, not the full 100%.

    As for it being a "small" bonus. I'd like it as a small bonus, especially in combination with somthing like what I made up with my own rules for magic (might include it) but with that being the only real source of points it's insignificant. Yeah of course that small bonus can turn a fight in your favor, But so could having a good roll for a attack. It's too insignificant to be noticable outside of that 1 match where your summoned sunblood proceeded to slaughter half the opposing army cuz his dicerolls where amazing.

    Also, the extra lose-condition makes it too easy to lose to some bad-luck, especially with squishier troops or more damaging opponents. A better solution might be to make it so that losing your entire Original army causes you to lose. That'd allow you to summon cannonfodder for tarpit purposes, but without the risk of losing because of it. Also it'd add an extra strategic layer. If you just need to lose X troops your opponent will simply focus on killing whatever gets into range really. However, if he has to kill specific troops he actually has to work for it.
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  19. PhoenixTheCat

    PhoenixTheCat Well-Known Member

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    For champions riding cold ones, I was thinking that the cold ones would be granted as gifts to notable champions by the Slann. The Seraphon are made of celestial magic, so any Seraphon warbeast would also be made of magic. Creatures made of magic don't secrete poison, so the champions wouldn't need to build up a resistance.
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  20. Carnikang

    Carnikang Well-Known Member

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    Actually, Warbeast summoned by Slann tend to stick around even after the Seraphon leave, and are found to be fleah and blood. They are much more simple than recreatin a sentient being with a mind and other sapiant functions.

    Anywho, I read the fluff you posted @Canas and I do like most of the elements you bring forth. My only issue would be with the Slann.
    Theyre near omnipotent beinga who view most motals as little more than tools. I believe that they woul work more closely with the Asotek and other tribes like them, but they qould always be aloof and commanding. Especially if they find that the mortals can impact th Great Gams so haily now.
    Good work though. I like it.
    PurpleandGold and Bowser like this.

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