7th Ed. Magic Roundup Part 5 - Debuff Spells

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by Caneghem, Oct 1, 2009.

  1. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    These are things you can cast on the enemy to reduce their performance, but again I will exclude movement based spells. These tend to be some of the most situational spells, as you have to be able to be in position to hit the target unit with the spell AND you want to have another unit in position to exploit the weakness you've created.

    EDIT: Some of these were missing the target restriction "unengaged enemy", these have now been added.

    Law of Gold - 8+ - Unengaged enemy unit, opposing player chooses item - Item not usable for 1 turn on 1-3, 4-6 item is gone for the rest of the battle
    This really is a spell that won't see much usage. The opponent can always choose to just risk one of the lesser items in the unit. And even when you can narrow it down to the one "big item" in the unit, there is no guarantee of wiping it out for the rest of the game. If the enemy has a game-changing magic item (or maybe a very expensive magic banner in an otherwise plain unit), then it may be worth casting this to try to stop that big item. More often than not though, you will just get something not very valuable. Study your enemy's list and see what might be worth targeting before the game starts.

    Commandment of Brass - 6+ - 24" Unengaged warmachine or chariot - Cannot move or shoot until end of next turn
    A very good spell, especially if the enemy has a really nasty war machine like the Organ Gun or Volley gun that does big damage and tends to put up zones of control. The 24" range is ok, but warmachines tend to operate at longer ranges. But still a good spell to help ease the advance of your line. This also can stop chariots in their tracks, which could be useful from time to time. Like nearly every spell in the lore of metal, it depends heavily upon what your opponent brings to the table.

    The Rain Lord - 8+ - 24" Unengaged enemy unit, LOS - For rest of the game, normal shooting is at -1, armor piercing shooting is at -2, template warmachines must roll 4+ to attempt to fire.
    Yet another spell that makes Life the anti-gunline lore. Just think of dark elf repeater crossbow lines.. -2 to hit really destroys their effectiveness. Then you get the warmachine effect... if you manage to soak a war machine on turn 1, then on average it will not fire in 3 of its 6 shooting phases. Sure you can't count on the thing not firing, but your opponent can't count on it going off when he needs it! A great spell, but only against gunlines.

    Transmutation of Lead - 7+ - 24" enemy unit engaged in close combat - Enemy suffers -1 to hit, -1 to wound, -1 Armor Save for next close combat phase
    This one tips the scales a good bit in your favor. The 24" range gives you a great zone of control with this spell. I think it will work best casting against something your stegadon or saurus cav have just charged, as that -1 to armor save will make strength 5 feel like strength 6 to their armor. The attacks back won't be as bad either. If you've just made an important charge it is worth casting this spell on the combat. Don't forget to have your skink priest throw portent of far on the charging unit, just to help make sure you get the enemy to take more of those weakened armor saves.

    Dazzling Brightness - 6+ - 18" engaged enemy unit - Sets enemy WS to 1 for that turn.
    This spell really helps out us Lizardmen, as we tend to have fairly low troop weaponskill. This one guarantees that the LM unit hits on 3's and the enemy hits on 5's (barring skinks, who are hit on 4's). This really goes well with portent on a unit of TG who have charged into combat with some tough troops. Wield your halberds, those blinded fools won't be hitting back much anyway! Also not too expensive to cast, it's pretty reliable on 2 dice. A unit of spearmen fighting a dazzled unit of enemy troops should net you some great results. Throw portent of far on the spearmen if you just want it to be silly.

    Doom and Darkness - 9+ - 24" Enemy unit, not immune to psych - Ld -3 for duration of the turn. Enemy tests at start of turn at the -3 penalty, if failed they feel effects for their turn as well.
    Well now, here's a potentially game breaking spell. Remember those handy salamanders that can reliably force panic checks? Talk about ruining a Bretonnian player's day. Sadly it won't work for Daemons' crumble tests, since they are immune to psych. It is a very situational spell, but combines superbly with salamanders and their panic check, or a terror causing stegadon, etc. Have your terradons parked right behind the unit to ensure you kill it for good.

    Six more out of the way, bringing us to 40 spells done. Next I'll hit the Restorative spells really quick, before finishing up on Movement Spells.
  2. lupercal

    lupercal New Member

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    just wondering if you are going to do synergies with this list or if that was an intentional gap since these are situational
  3. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Yeah, since it has more to do with your opponent's list, these are a bit too situational. I have mentioned a couple in my reviews, but there weren't enough here to do a full section for each.
  4. JohnBoo
    Jungle Swarm

    JohnBoo New Member

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    Nice job!

    I'd like to point out that Law of Gold can often draw out a dispel scroll when cast on an enemy unit with a mage in it. Since the opponent must choose a magic item in the unit, theres a good chance something will either be better than the dispel scroll or is only carrying scrolls so your spell eats the scroll or he uses it to dispel the spell. One less scroll to worry about, and your opponent has used/lost it to cancel something much less damaging that it should have been used for.
  5. Caneghem

    Caneghem New Member

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    Very helpful tip, I will edit that into the description.

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